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life   withered   up   within   her。   Her   daughters   came   and   tried   to   draw   her 

away察but they could nother two daughters察Gorge and Deianira。 

     Meleagrus   was   crouching   upon   the   ground   with   Atalanta   watching 

beside   him。   Now   he   stood   up察  and   taking   her   hand he   said察   Let   me   go 

with you to the temple of the gods where I shall strive to make atonement 

for the deed I have done to´day。; 

     She went with him。 But even as they came to the street of the city a 

sharp and a burning pain seized upon Meleagrus。 More and more burning 

it   grew察  and   weaker   and   weaker   he   became。   He   could   not   have   moved 

further if it had not been for the aid of Atalanta。 Jason and Peleus lifted 

him across the threshold and carried him into the temple of the gods。 

     They laid him down with his head upon Atalanta's lap。 The pain within 

him grew fiercer and fiercer察but at last it died down as the burning billet 

of wood sank down into the ashes。 The heroes of the quest stood around察


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all   overcome     with   woe。    In  the  street  they   heard   the  lamentations     for 

Plexippus   and   Toxeus察  for   Prince   Meleagrus察  and   for   the   passing   of   the 

kingdom founded by Oeneus。 Atalanta left the temple察and attended by the 

two brothers on the white horses察Polydeuces and Castor察she went back to 




     Prince Peleus came on his ship to a bay on the coast of Thessaly。 His 

painted ship lay between two great rocks察and from its poop he saw a sight 

that enchanted him。 Out from the sea察riding on a dolphin察came a lovely 

maiden。 And by  the radiance   of her   face and limbs Peleus knew her   for 

one of the immortal goddesses。 

     Now Peleus had borne himself so nobly in all things that he had won 

the favor of the gods themselves。 Zeus察who is highest amongst the gods察

had made this promise to Peleus he would honor him as no one amongst 

the   sons   of   men   had   been   honored   before察  for   he   would   give   him   an 

immortal goddess to be his bride。 

     She who came out of the sea went into a cave that was overgrown with 

vines and roses。 Peleus looked into the cave and he saw her sleeping upon 

skins of the beasts of the sea。 His heart was enchanted by the sight察and he 

knew that his life would be broken if he did not see this goddess day after 

day。 So he went back to his ship and he prayed此 O Zeus察now I claim the 

promise that you once made to me。 Let it be that this goddess come with 

me察or else plunge my ship and me beneath the waves of the sea。; 

     And when Peleus said this he looked over the land and the water for a 

sign from Zeus。 

     Even   then   the   goddess   sleeping   in   the   cave   had   dreams   such   as   had 

never before entered that peaceful resting place of hers。 She dreamt that 

she was drawn away from the deep and the wide sea。 She dreamt that she 

was brought to a place that was strange and unfree to her。 And as she lay 

in   the   cave察  sleeping察  tears   that   might   never   come   into   the   eyes   of   an 

immortal lay around her heart。 


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     But Peleus察standing on his painted ship察saw a rainbow touch upon the 

sea。 He knew by that sign that Iris察the messenger of Zeus察had come down 

through the air。 Then a strange sight came before his eyes。 Out of the sea 

rose the head of a man察wrinkled and bearded it was察and the eyes were 

very old。 Peleus knew that he who was there before him was Nereus察the 

ancient one of the sea。 

     Said old Nereus此 Thou hast prayed to Zeus察and I am here to speak an 

answer   to   thy   prayer。   She   whom   you   have   looked   upon   is   Thetis察  the 

goddess   of   the   sea。   Very   loath   will   she   be   to   take   Zeus's   command   and 

wed with thee。 It is her desire to remain in the sea察unwedded察and she has 

refused marriage even with one of the immortal gods。; 

     Then said Peleus察 Zeus promised me an immortal bride。 If Thetis may 

not be mine I cannot wed any other察goddess or mortal maiden。; 

     ;Then thou thyself wilt have to master Thetis察─said Nereus察the wise 

one of the sea。 ;If she is mastered by thee察she cannot go back to the sea。 

She will strive with all her strength and all her wit to escape from thee察but 

thou must hold her no matter what she does察and no matter how she shows 

herself。 When thou hast seen her again as thou didst see her at first察thou 

wilt   know   that   thou   hast   mastered   her。;   And   when   he   had   said   this   to 

Peleus察Nereus察the ancient one of the sea察went under the waves。 


       With his hero's heart beating more than ever it had beaten yet察Peleus 

went into the cave。 Kneeling beside her he looked down upon the goddess。 

The   dress   she   wore   was   like   green   and   silver   mail。   Her   face   and   limbs 

were    pearly察  but   through    them   came    the  radiance    that  belongs    to  the 


     He touched the hair of the goddess of the sea察the yellow hair that was 

so long that it might cover her all over。 As he touched her hair she started 

up察wakening suddenly out of her sleep。 His hands touched her hands and 

held them。 Now he          knew that if he should loose his hold upon her she 

would escape from him into the depths of the sea察and that thereafter no 

command from the immortals would bring her to him。 

     She changed into a white bird   that strove to bear itself away。   Peleus 


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held to its wings and struggled with the bird。 She changed and became a 

tree。 Around the trunk of the tree Peleus clung。 She changed once more察

and   this   time   her   form   became   terrible此  a   spotted   leopard   she   was   now察

with   burning   eyes察  but   Peleus   held   to   the   neck   of   the   fierce´appearing 

leopard and was not affrighted by the burning eyes。 Then she changed and 

became   as   he   had   seen   her   firsta   lovely   maiden察  with   the   brow   of   a 

goddess察and with long yellow hair。 

     But now there was no radiance in her face or in her limbs。 She looked 

past Peleus察who held her察and out to the wide sea。 ;Who is he察─she cried察

;who has been given this mastery over me拭 ─

     Then said the hero此 I am Peleus察and Zeus has given me the mastery 

over thee。 Wilt thou come with me察Thetis拭Thou art my bride察given me 

by him who is highest amongst the gods察and if thou wilt come with me察

thou wilt always be loved and reverenced by me。; 

     ;Unwillingly I leave the sea察─she cried察 unwillingly I go with thee察


     But life in the sea was not for her any more now that she was mastered。 

She went to Peleus's ship and she went to Phthia察his country。 And when 

the    hero   and   the   sea  goddess     were    wedded     the   immortal     gods   and 

goddesses   came   to   their   hall   and   brought   the   bride   and   the   bridegroom 

wondrous   gifts。   The   three   sisters   who   are   called   the   Fates   came   also。 

These wise and ancient women said that the son born of the marriage of 

Peleus and Thetis would be a man greater than Peleus himself。 


       Now   although   a   son   was   born   to   her察  and   although   this   son   had 

something   of   the   radiance   of   the   immortals   about   him察  Thetis   remained 

forlorn and estranged。 Nothing that her husband did was pleasing to her。 

Prince Peleus was in fear that the wildness of the sea would break out in 

her察and that some great harm would be wrought in his house。 

     One night he wakened suddenly。 He saw the fire upon his hearth and 

he saw a figure standing by the fire。 It was Thetis察his wife。 The fire was 

blazing around something that she held in her hands。 And while she stood 

there she was singing to herself a strange´sounding song。 


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     And then he saw what Thetis held in her hands and what the fire was 

blazing around察it was the child察Achilles。 

     Prince Peleus sprang from the bed and caught Thetis around the waist 

and lifted her and the child away from the blazing fire。 He put them both 

upon the bed察and he took from her the child that she held by the heel。 His 

heart wa

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