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     It was easy to track the boar察for it had left a broad trail through the 

forest。 The heroes and the huntsmen pressed on。 They came to a marshy 

covert   where   the   boar   had   its   lair。   There   was   a   thickness   of   osiers   and 

willows and tall bullrushes察making a place that it was hard for the hunters 

to go through。 

     They roused the boar with the blare of horns and it came rushing out。 

Foam was on its tusks察and its eyes had in them the blaze of fire。 On the 

boar   came察  breaking   down   the   thicket   in   its   rush。   But   the   heroes   stood 

steadily with the points of their spears toward the monster。 

     The hounds were loosed from their leashes and they dashed toward the 

boar。   The   boar   slashed   them   with   its   tusks   and   trampled   them   into   the 

ground。 Jason flung his spear。 The spear went wide of the mark。 Another察

Arcas察cast his察but the wood察not the point of the spear察struck the boar察

rousing it further。 Then its eyes flamed察and like a great stone shot from a 

catapult the boar rushed on the huntsmen who were stationed to the right。 

In that rush it flung two youths prone upon the ground。 

     Then might Nestor have missed his going to Troy and his part in that 

story察for the boar swerved around and was upon him in an instant。 Using 

his spear as a leaping pole he vaulted upward and caught the branches of a 

tree as the monster dashed the spear down in its rush。 In rage the beast tore 

at   the   trunk   of   the   tree。   The   heroes   might   have   been   scattered   at   this 

moment察for Telamon had fallen察tripped by the roots of a tree察and Peleus 

had had to throw himself upon him to pull him out of the way of danger察if 

Polydeuces and Castor had not dashed up to their aid。 They came riding 

upon   high   white   horses察  spears   in   their   hands。   The   brothers   cast   their 

spears察but neither spear struck the monster boar。 

     Then the boar turned and was for drawing back into the thicket。 They 

might have lost it then察for its retreat was impenetrable。 But before it got 

clear   away   Atalanta   put   an   arrow      to   the  string察  drew   the   bow   to   her 

shoulder察and let the arrow fly。 It struck the boar察and a patch of blood was 


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seen upon its bristles。 Prince Meleagrus shouted out察 O first to strike the 

monster Honor indeed shall you receive for this察Arcadian maid。; 

     His    uncles   were    made    wroth    by   this  speech察   as  was    another察  the 

Arcadian察rough Arcas。 Arcas dashed forward察holding in his hands a two´ 

headed axe。 ;Heroes and huntsmen察─he cried察 you shall see how a man's 

strokes surpass a girl's。; He faced the boar察standing on tiptoe with his axe 

raised   for   the   stroke。   Meleagrus's   uncles   shouted   to   encourage   him。   But 

the   boar's   tusks   tore   him   before Arcas's   axe   fell察  and   the Arcadian   was 

trampled upon the ground。 

     The   boar察  roused   again   by   Atalanta's   arrow察  turned   on   the   hunters。 

Jason hurled a spear again。 It swerved and struck a hound and pinned it to 

the ground。 Then察speaking the name of Atalanta察Meleagrus sprang before 

the   heroes   and   the   huntsmen。   He   had   two   spears   in   his   hands。 The   first 

missed   and   stuck   quivering   in   the   ground。   But   the   second   went   right 

through the back of the monster boar。 It whirled round and round察spouting 

out   blood   and   foam。   Meleagrus   pressed   on察 and   drove his   hunting   knife 

through the shoulders of the monster。 

     His uncles察Plexippus and Toxeus察were the first to come to where the 

monster boar was lying outstretched。 ;It is well察the deed you have done察

boy察─said one察 it is well that none of the strangers to our country slew the 

boar。 Now will the head and tusks of the monster adorn our hall察and men 

will know that the arms of our house can well protect this land。; 

     But one   word   only  did   Meleagrus   say察 and   that   word   was   the   name察

;Atalanta。; The maiden came and Meleagrus察his spear upon the head察said察

;Take察O fair Arcadian察the spoil of the chase。 All know that it was   you 

who inflicted the first wound upon the boar。; 

     Plexippus and Toxeus tried to push him away察as if Meleagrus was still 

a boy under their tutoring。 He shouted to them to stand off察and then he 

hacked out the terrible tusks and held them toward Atalanta。 

     She would have taken them察for she察who had never looked lovingly 

upon   a   youth察  was   moved   by   the   beauty   and   the   generosity   of   Prince 

Meleagrus。 She would have taken from him the spoil of the chase。 But as 

she   held   out   her   arms   Meleagrus's   uncles   struck   them   with   the   poles   of 


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their    spears。   Heavy     marks    were    made    on   the   maiden's    white    arms。 

Madness then possessed Meleagrus察and he took up his spear and thrust it察

first   into   the   body   of   Plexippus   and   then   into   the   body   of   Toxeus。   His 

thrusts were terrible察for he was filled with the fierceness of the hunt察and 

his uncles fell down in death。 

     Then a great horror came over all the heroes。 They raised up the bodies 

of Plexippus and Toxeus and carried them on their spears away from the 

place    of  the   hunting    and   toward    the   temple    of  the   gods。   Meleagrus 

crouched down upon the ground in horror of what he had done。 Atalanta 

stood beside him察her hand upon his head。 


     Althaea was in the temple making sacrifice to the gods。 She saw men 

come in   carrying   across   their   spears   the bodies   of two   men。   She   looked 

and   she   saw   that   the   dead   men   were   her   two   brothers察  Plexippus   and 


     Then she beat her breast and she filled the temple with the cries of her 

lamentation。   ;Who   has   slain   my   brothers拭Who   has   slain   my   brothers拭─

she kept crying out。 

     Then she was told that her son Meleagrus had slain her brothers。 She 

had no tears to shed then察and in a hard voice she asked察 Why did my son 

slay Plexippus and Toxeus察his uncles拭─

     The   one   who   was   wroth   with Atalanta察Arcas   the Arcadian察  came   to 

her and told her that her brothers had been slain because of a quarrel about 

the girl Atalanta。 

     ;My brothers have been slain because a girl bewitched my son察then 

accursed be that son of mine察─Althaea cried。 She took off the gold´fringed 

robe of a priestess察and she put on a black robe of mourning。 

     Her brothers察the only sons of her father察had been slain察and for the 

sake   of   a   girl。   The   image   of Atalanta   came   before   her察  and   she   felt   she 

could punish dreadfully her son。 But her son was not there to punish察he 

was   far   away察  and   the   girl   for   whose   sake   he   had   killed   Plexippus   and 

Toxeus was with him。 

     The rage she had went back into her heart and made her truly mad。 ;I 


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gave Meleagrus life when I might have let it go from him with the burning 

billet   of  wood察─    she   cried察  and    now    he  has   taken    the  lives   of  my 

brothers。; And then her thought went to the billet of wood that was hidden 

in the chest。 

     Back to her house she went察and when she went within she saw a fire 

of pine knots burning upon the hearth。 As she looked upon their burning a 

scorching      pain    went    through     her。  But    she   went    from    the   hearth察

nevertheless察and into the inner room。 There stood the chest that she had 

not opened for years。 She opened it now察and out of it she took the billet of 

wood that had on it the mark of the burning。 

     She brought it to the hearth fire。 Four times she went to throw it into 

the fire察and four times she stayed her hand。 The fire was before her察but it 

was in her too。 She saw the images of her brothers lying dead察and察saying 

that   he   who   had   slain   them   should   lose   his   life察  she   threw   the   billet   of 

wood into the fire of pine knots。 

     Straightway it caught fire and began to burn。 And Althaea cried察 Let 

him die察my son察and let naught remain察let all perish with my brothers察

even the kingdom that Oeneus察my husband察founded。; 

     Then she turned away and remained stiffly standing by the hearth察the 

life   withered   up   within   her。   Her   daughters   came   and   tried   to   draw

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