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Medea about Chiron察the ancient centaur察and about the days of his youth 

in the forests of Pelion。 

     The Argo   went   on察  the   sun   sank察  and   darkness   came   on。   Never   was 

there   darkness   such   as   there   was   on   that   night。   They   called   that   night 

afterward the Pall of Darkness。 To the heroes upon the Argo it seemed as if 

black chaos had come over the world again察they knew not whether they 


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were adrift upon the sea or upon the River of Hades。 No star pierced the 

darkness nor no beam from the moon。 

     After a night that seemed many nights the dawn came。 In the sunrise 

they saw the land of Thessaly with its mountain察its forests察and its fields。 

They hailed each other as if they had met after a long parting。 They raised 

the mast and unfurled the sail。 

     But not toward Pagasae did they go。 For now the voice of Argo came 

to them察shaking their hearts此Jason and Orpheus察Castor and Polydeuces察

Zetes   and   Calais察  Peleus   and   Telamon察  Theseus察  Admetus察  Nestor察  and 

Atalanta察heard the cry of their ship。 And the voice of Argo warned them 

not to go into the harbor of Pagasae。 

     As they stood upon the ship察looking toward Iolcus察sorrow came over 

all   the   heroes察  such   sorrow   as   made   their   hearts   nearly   break。   For   long 

they stood there in utter numbness。 

     Then Admetus spokeAdmetus who was the happiest of all those who 

went   in   quest   of   the   Golden   Fleece。   ;Although   we   may   not   go   into   the 

harbor   of   Pagasae察  nor   into   the   city   of   Iolcus察─Admetus   said察   still   we 

have come to the land of Greece。 There are other harbors and other cities 

that we may go into。 And in all the places that we go to we will be honored察

for   we   have   gone   through   toils   and   dangers察  and   we   have   brought   to 

Greece the famous Fleece of Gold。; 

     So Admetus   said察  and   their   spirits   came   back   again   to   the   heroes    

came back to all of them save Jason。 The rest had other cities to go to察and 

fathers and mothers and friends to greet them in other places察but for Jason 

there was only Iolcus。 

     Medea   took   his   hand察 and   sorrow   for him  overcame   her。  For   Medea 

could divine what had happened in Iolcus and why it was that the heroes 

might not go there。 

     It   was   to   Corinth   that   the   Argo   went。   Creon察  the   king   of   Corinth察

welcomed them and gave great honor to the heroes who had faced such 

labors and such dangers to bring the world's wonder to Greece。 

     The Argonauts stayed together until they went to Calydon察to hunt the 

boar   that   ravaged   Prince   Meleagrus's   country。 After   that   they   separated察


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each one going to his own land。 Jason came back to Corinth where Medea 

stayed。 And in Corinth he had tidings of the happenings in Iolcus。 

    King Pelias now ruled more fearfully in Iolcus察having brought down 

from the mountains more and fiercer soldiers。 And Aeson察Jason's father察

and   Alcimide察  his   mother察  were   now   dead察  having   been   slain   by   King 


     This Jason heard from men who came into Corinth from Thessaly。 And 

because of the great army that Pelias had gathered there察Jason might not 

yet go into Iolcus察either to exact a vengeance察or to show the people THE 

GOLDEN FLEECE that he had gone so far to gain。 


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                                     Part III。 

                           The Heroes of the Quest 

                            I。 ATALANTA THE HUNTRESS 


     They came once more together察the heroes of the quest察to hunt a boar 

in CalydonJason and Peleus came察Telamon察Theseus察and rough Arcas察

Nestor and Helen's brothers Polydeuces and Castor。 And察most noted of all察

there came the Arcadian huntress maid察Atalanta。 

     Beautiful   they  all   thought   her   when they  knew   her   aboard   the Argo。 

But   even   more   beautiful Atalanta   seemed   to   the   heroes   when   she   came 

amongst   them   in   her   hunting   gear。   Her   lovely   hair   hung   in   two   bands 

across her shoulders察and over her breast hung an ivory quiver filled with 

arrows。     They    said  that  her   face   with   its  wide   and   steady   eyes   was 

maidenly for a boy's察and boyish for a maiden's face。 Swiftly she moved 

with her head held high察and there was not one amongst the heroes who 

did not say察 Oh察happy would that man be whom Atalanta the unwedded 

would take for her husband ─

     All the heroes said it察but the one who said it most feelingly was the 

prince of Calydon察young Meleagrus。 He more than the other heroes felt 

the wonder of Atalanta's beauty。 

     Now the boar they had come to hunt was a monster boar。 It had come 

into    Calydon     and   it  was   laying   waste    the   fields  and   orchards     and 

destroying   the   people's   cattle   and   horses。   That   boar   had   been   sent   into 

Calydon by an angry divinity。 For when Oeneus察the king of the country察

was making sacrifice to the gods in thanksgiving for a bounteous harvest察

he   had   neglected   to   make   sacrifice   to   the   goddess   of   the   wild   things察

Artemis。   In   her   anger   Artemis   had   sent   the   monster   boar   to   lay   waste 

Oeneus's realm。 


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     It was a monster boar indeedone as huge as a bull察with tusks as great 

as an elephant's察the bristles on its back stood up like spear points察and the 

hot   breath   of   the   creature   withered   the   growth   on   the   ground。   The   boar 

tore   up   the   corn   in   the   fields   and   trampled   down   the   vines   with   their 

clusters and heavy bunches of grapes察also it rushed against the cattle and 

destroyed   them  in   the   fields。 And   no hounds  the   huntsmen   were   able   to 

bring could stand before it。 And so it came to pass that men had to leave 

their   farms   and   take   refuge   behind   the   walls   of   the   city   because   of   the 

ravages   of   the   boar。   It   was   then   that   the   rulers   of   Calydon   sent   for   the 

heroes of the quest to join with them in hunting the monster。 

     Calydon   itself   sent   Prince   Meleagrus   and   his   two   uncles察  Plexippus 

and   Toxeus。   They   were   brothers   to   Meleagrus's   mother察  Althaea。   Now 

Althaea。 was a woman who had sight to see mysterious things察but who 

had also a wayward and passionate heart。 Once察after her son Meleagrus 

was     born察  she   saw    the   three   Fates   sitting   by   her   hearth。   They     were 

spinning the threads of her son's life察and as they spun they sang to each 

other察 An equal span of life we give to the newborn child察and to the billet 

of wood that now rests above the blaze of the fire。; Hearing what the Fates 

sang and understanding it Althaea had sprung up from her bed察had seized 

the billet of wood察and had taken it out of the fire before the flames had 

burnt into it。 

     That billet of wood lay in her chest察hidden away。 And Meleagrus nor 

any one else save Althaea。 knew of it察nor knew that the prince's life would 

last only for the space it would be kept from the burning。 On the day of the 

hunting he appeared as the strongest and bravest of the youths of Calydon。 

And   he   knew   not察  poor   Meleagrus察  that   the   love   for   Atalanta   that   had 

sprung into his heart was to bring to the fire the billet of wood on which 

his life depended。 


     As   Atalanta   went察  the   bow   in   her   hands察  Prince   Meleagrus   pressed 

behind her。 Then   came   Jason   and   Peleus察Telamon察Theseus   and   Nestor。 

Behind them came Meleagrus's darkbrowed uncles察Plexippus and Toxeus。 

They came to a forest that covered the side of a mountain。 Huntsmen had 


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assembled   here   with   hounds   held   in   leashes   and   with   nets   to   hold   the 

rushing     quarry。    And    when    they    had   all  gathered     together    they   went 

through the forest on the track of the monster boar。 

     It was easy to track the boar察for it had left a 

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