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that she would now have to wed the harsh and overbearing king。 Then she 

saw her son察and hope came into her face。 

     The   king   seeing   Perseus察  said此   Step   forward察  O   youngling察  and   see 

your   mother   wed   to   a   mighty   man。   Step   forward   to   witness   a   marriage察

and then depart察for it is not right that a youth that makes promises   and 

does not keep them should stay in a land that I rule over。 Step forward now察

you with the empty hands。; 

     But not with empty hands did Perseus step forward。 He shouted out此 I 

have brought something to you at last察O kinga present to you and your 

mocking   friends。   But   you察  O   my   mother察  and   you察  O   my   friends察  avert 

your faces from what I have brought。; Saying this Perseus drew out   the 

Gorgon's head。 Holding it by the snaky locks he stood before the company。 

His   mother   and   his   friends   averted   their   faces。   But   Polydectes   and   his 

insolent friends looked full upon what Perseus showed。 ;This youth would 

strive to frighten us with some conjuror's trick察─they said。 They said no 

more察for they became as stones察and   as stone images they still stand in 

that hall in Seriphus。 

     He   went   to   the   shepherd's   hut察  and   he   brought   Dictys   from   it   with 

Andromeda。 Dictys he made king in Polydectes's stead。 Then with Danae 

and Andromeda察his mother and his wife察he went from Seriphus。 

     He did not go to Argos察the country that his grandfather had ruled over察

although the  people  there  wanted   Perseus   to come   to   them察 and   be king 

over them。 He took the kingdom of Tiryns in exchange for that of Argos察

and there he lived with Andromeda察his lovely wife out of Ethopia。 They 


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had a son named Perses who became the parent of the Persian people。 

     The sickle´sword that had slain the Gorgon went back to Hermes察and 

Hermes   took   Medusa's   head   also。   That   head   Hermes's   divine   sister   set 

upon her shield´Medusa's head upon the shield of Pallas Athene。 O  may 

Pallas Athene guard us all察and bring us out of this land of sands and stone 

where are the deadly serpents that have come from the drops of blood that 

fell from the Gorgon's head 

     They turned away from the Garden of the Daughters of the   Evening 

Land。   The Argonauts   turned   from   where   the   giant   shape   of Atlas   stood 

against   the  sky  and   they  went   toward   the Tritonian   Lake。  But   not   all   of 

them     reached    the   Argo。   On    his  way    back   to  the   ship察 Nauplius察    the 

helmsman察met his death。 

     A  sluggish   serpent   was   in   his   wayit   was   not   a   serpent   that   would 

strike   at   one   who   turned   from  it。  Nauplius   trod   upon it察  and   the   serpent 

lifted its head up and bit his foot。 They raised him on their shoulders and 

they hurried back with him。 But his limbs became numb察and when they 

laid him down on the shore of the lake he stayed moveless。 Soon he grew 

cold。 They dug a grave for Nauplius beside the lake察and in that desert land 

they set up his helmsman's oar in the middle of his tomb of heaped stones。 

     And now  like   a   snake   that   goes   writhing this   way  and that   way  and 

that cannot find the cleft in the rock that leads to its lair察the Argo went 

hither and thither striving to find an outlet from that lake。 No outlet could 

they find and the way of their homegoing seemed lost to them again。 Then 

Orpheus prayed to the son of Nereus察to Triton察whose name was on that 

lake察to aid them。 

     Then Triton appeared。 He stretched out his hand and showed them the 

outlet to the sea。 And Triton spoke in friendly wise to the heroes察bidding 

them go upon their way in joy。 ;And as for labor察─he said察 let there be no 

grieving   because   of   that察  for   limbs   that   have   youthful   vigor   should   still 


     They took up the oars and they pulled toward the sea察and Triton察the 

friendly immortal察helped them on。 He laid hold upon Argo's keel and he 

guided her through the water。 The Argonauts saw him beneath the water察


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his body察from his head down to his waist察was fair and great and like to 

the  body   of   one   of   the   other   immortals。   But   below   his   body   was   like   a 

great fish's察forking this way and that。 He moved with fins that were like 

the horns of the new moon。 Triton helped Argo along until they came into 

the open sea。 Then he plunged down into the abyss。 The heroes shouted 

their   thanks   to   him。 Then   they   looked   at   each   other   and   embraced   each 

other with joy察for the sea that touched upon the land of Greece was open 

before them。 

                                IX。 Near to Iolcus Again 

     The sun sank察then that star came that bids the shepherd bring his flock 

to the fold察that brings the wearied plowman to his rest。  But no rest did 

that star bring to the Argonauts。 The breeze that filled the sail died down察

they furled the sail and lowered the mast察then察once again察they pulled at 

the oars。 All night they rowed察and all day察and again when the next day 

came on。 Then they saw the island that is halfway to Greece the great and 

fair island of Crete。 

     It   was   Theseus   who   first   saw   CreteTheseus   who   was   to   come   to 

Crete upon another ship。 They drew the Argo near the great island察they 

wanted water察and they were fain to rest there。 

     Minos察  the   great   king察  ruled   over   Crete。   He   left   the   guarding   of   the 

island to one of the race of bronze察to Talos察who had lived on after the rest 

of   the   bronze   men   had   been   destroyed。 Thrice   a   day   would Talos   stride 

around the island察his brazen feet were tireless。 

     Now Talos saw the Argo drawing near。 He took up great rocks and he 

hurled them at the heroes察and very quickly they had to draw their ship out 

of range。 

     They were wearied and their thirst was consuming them。 But still that 

bronze man stood there ready to sink their ship with the great rocks that he 

took up in his hands。 Medea stood forward upon the ship察ready to use her 

spells against the man of bronze。 

     In   body    and   limbs   he   was   made    of   bronze    and   in  these   he  was 

invulnerable。 But beneath a sinew in his ankle there was a vein that ran up 


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to his neck and that was covered by a thin skin。 If that vein were broken 

Talos would perish。 

     Medea did not know about this vein when she stood forward upon the 

ship   to   use   her   spells   against   him。   Upon   a   cliff   of   Crete察  all   gleaming察

stood that huge man of bronze。 Then察as she was ready to fling her spells 

against   him察  Medea   thought   upon   the   words   that Arete察  the   wise   queen察

had given her that she was not to use spells and not to practice against the 

life of any one。 

     But she knew that there was no impiety in using spells and practicing 

against Talos察for Zeus had already doomed all his race。 She stood upon 

the ship察and with her Magic Song she enchanted him。 He whirled round 

and round。 He struck his ankle against a jutting stone。 The vein broke察and 

that which was the blood of the bronze man flowed out of him like molten 

lead。  He  stood towering   upon   the  cliff。  Like   a  pine  upon   a   mountaintop 

that   the   woodman   had   left   half   hewn   through   and   that   a   mighty   wind 

pitches against察Talos stood upon his tireless feet察swaying to and fro。 Then察

emptied of all his strength察Minos's man of bronze fell into the Cretan Sea。 

     The   heroes   landed。   That   night   they   lay   upon   the   land   of   Crete   and 

rested and refreshed themselves。 When dawn came they drew water from a 

spring察and once more they went on board the Argo。 

     A  day   came   when   the   helmsman   said察   To´morrow   we   shall   see   the 

shore   of   Thessaly察  and   by   sunset   we   shall   be   in   the   harbor   of   Pagasae。 

Soon察  O   voyagers察  we   shall   be   back   in   the   city  from   which   we   went   to 

gain the Golden Fleece。; 

     Then Jason brought Medea to the front of the ship so that they might 

watch   together   for   Thessaly察  the   homeland。   The   Mountain   Pelion   came 

into sight。 Jason exulted as he looked upon that mountain察again he told 

Medea about Chiron察the ancient centaur察and about the days of his youth 

in the forests of Pelio

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