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that the Gorgon's head appeared before me察and that I was then and there 

turned into stone。 

     ;The day of the wedding feast came。 I came and I brought no gift。 I 

stood   with   my   head   hanging   for   shame。   Then   the   princes   and   the   lords 

came   forward察  and   they   showed   the   great   gifts   of   horses   that   they   had 

brought。 I thought that the king would forget about me and about my boast。 

And   then   I   heard   him   call   my   name。   'Perseus'   he   said察  'Perseus察  bring 

before us now the Gorgon's head that察as you told us察you would bring for 

the wedding gift。' 

     ;The princes and lords and people looked toward me察and I was fiIled 

with a deeper shame。 I had to say that I had failed to bring a present。 Then 

that harsh and overbearing king shouted at me。 'Go forth' he said察'go forth 

and   fetch   the   present   that   you   spoke   of。   If   you   do   not   bring   it   remain 

forever     out   of   my   country察    for  in   Seriphus     we   will   have    no   empty 

boasters。'   The   lords   and   the   princes   applauded   what   the   king   said察  the 

people   were   sad   for   me   and   sad   for   my   mother察  but   they   might   not   do 

anything to help me察so just and so due to me did the words of the king 

seem。   There   was   no   help   for   it察  and   I   had   to   go   from   the   country   of 

Seriphus察leaving my mother at the mercy of Polydectes。 

     ;I bade good´by to my sorrowful mother and I went from Seriphus 

from   that   land   that   I   might   not   return   to   without   the   Gorgon's   head。   I 

traveled far from that country。 One day I sat down in a lonely place and 


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prayed to the gods that my strength might be equal to the will that now 

moved in methe will to take the Gorgon's head察and take from my name 

the   shame   of   a   broken   promise察  and   win   back   to   Seriphus   to   save   my 

mother from the harshness of the king。 

     ;When I looked up I saw one standing before me。 He was a youth察too察

but I knew by the way he moved察and I knew by the brightness of his face 

and eyes察that he was of the immortals。 I raised my hands in homage to 

him察and he came near me。 'Perseus' he said察'if you have the courage to 

strive察the way to win the Gorgon's head will be shown you。' I said that I 

had the courage to strive察and he knew that I was making no boast。 

     ;He gave me this bright sickle´sword that I carry。 He told me by what 

ways I might come near enough to the Gorgons without being turned into 

stone   by   their   gaze。   He   told   me   how   I   might   slay   the   one   of   the   three 

Gorgons who was not immortal察and how察having slain her察I might take 

her head and flee without being torn to pieces by her sister Gorgons。 

     ;Then I knew that I should have to come on the Gorgons from the air。 I 

knew that having slain the one that could be slain I should have to fly with 

the speed of the wind。 And I knew that that speed even would not save me´ 

´I should have to be hidden in my flight。 To win the head and save myself 

I would need three magic thingsthe shoes of flight and the magic pouch察

and the dogskin cap of Hades that makes its wearer invisible。 

     ;The   youth   said此  'The   magic   pouch   and   the   shoes   of   flight   and   the 

dogskin cap of Hades are in the keeping of the nymphs whose dwelling 

place no mortal knows。 I may not tell you where their dwelling place is。 

But from the Gray Ones察from the ancient daughters of Phorcys who live 

in   a   cave   near   where Atlas   stands察  you   may   learn   where   their   dwelling 

place is。' 

     ;Thereupon   he   told   me   how   I   might   come   to   the   Graiai察  and   how   I 

might get them to tell me where you察the nymphs察had your dwelling。 The 

one who spoke to me was Hermes察whose dwelling is on Olympus。 By this 

sickle´sword that he gave me you will know that I speak the truth。; 

     Perseus ceased speaking察and she who was the youngest and fairest of 

the nymphs   came   nearer   to   him。  She   knew   that   he   spoke truthfully察  and 


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besides she had pity for the youth。 ;But we are the keepers of the magic 

treasures察─she said察 and some one whose need is greater even than yours 

may  some   time   require   them  from   us。   But   will   you   swear   that   you   will 

bring the magic treasures back to us when you have slain the Gorgon and 

have taken her head拭─

     Perseus declared that he would bring the magic treasures back to the 

nymphs and leave them once more in their keeping。 Then the nymph who 

had compassion   for him  called   to   the others。 They  spoke   together   while 

Perseus stayed far away from them察polishing his shield of bronze。 At last 

the nymph who had listened to him came back察the others following her。 

They brought to Perseus and they put into his hands the things they had 

guardedthe   cap   made   from   dogskin   that   had   been   brought   up   out   of 

Hades察a pair of winged shoes察and a long pouch that he could hang across 

his shoulder。 

     And so with the shoes of flight and the cap of darkness and the magic 

pouch察Perseus went to seek the Gorgons。 The sickle´sword that Hermes 

gave him was at his side察and on his arm he held the bronze shield that was 

now well polished。 

     He went through the air察taking a way that the nymphs had shown him。 

He came to Oceanus that was the rim around the world。 He saw forms that 

were   of   living   creatures   all   in   stone察  and   he   knew   that   he   was   near   the 

place where the Gorgons had their lair。 

     Then察  looking   upon   the   surface   of   his   polished   shield察  he   saw   the 

Gorgons below him。 Two were covered with hard serpent scales察they had 

tusks that were long and were like the tusks of boars察and they had hands 

of   gleaming     brass   and   wings    of  shining   gold。   Still  looking   upon    the 

shining   surface   of   his   shield   Perseus   went   down   and   down。   He   saw   the 

third sistershe who was not immortal。 She had a woman's face and form察

and her countenance was beautiful察although there was something deadly 

in its fairness。 The two scaled and winged sisters were asleep察but the third察

Medusa察was awake察and she was tearing with her hands a lizard that had 

come near her。 

     Upon her head was a tangle of serpents all with heads raised as though 


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they were hissing。 Still looking into the mirror of his shield Perseus came 

down and over Medusa。 He turned his head away from her。 Then察with a 

sweep of the sicklesword he took her head off。 There was no scream from 

the Gorgon察but the serpents upon her head hissed loudly。 

     Still with his face turned from it he lifted up the head by its tangle of 

serpents。 He put it into the magic pouch。 He rose up in the air。 But now the 

Gorgon sisters were awake。 They had heard the hiss of Medusa's serpents察

and now they looked upon her headless body。 They rose up on their golden 

wings察and their brazen hands were stretched out to tear the one who had 

slain Medusa。 As they flew after him they screamed aloud。 

     Although      he   flew   like   the  wind    the   Gorgon     sisters  would     have 

overtaken him if he had been plain to their eyes。 But the dogskin cap of 

Hades   saved   him察  for   the   Gorgon   sisters   did   not   know   whether   he   was 

above   or   below   them察  behind   or   before   them。   On   Perseus   went察  flying 

toward where Atlas stood。 He flew over this place察over Libya。 Drops of 

blood from Medusa's head fell down upon the desert。 They were changed 

and became the deadly serpents that are on these sands and around these 

rocks。 On and on Perseus flew toward Atlas and toward the hidden valley 

where the nymphs who were again to guard the magic treasures had their 

dwelling   place。   But   before   he   came   to   the   nymphs   Perseus   had   another 


     In   Ethopia察  which   is   at   the   other   side   of   Libya察  there   ruled   a   king 

whose name was Cepheus。 This king had permitted his queen to boast that 

she was more beautiful than the nymphs of the sea。 In punishment for the 

queen's impiety and for the king's folly Poseidon sent a monster out of the 

sea to waste that country。 Every year the monster came察destroying more 

and more of the country of Ethopia。 Then the king asked of an oracle what 

he   should   do   to   save   h

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