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and received them as his guests。 Then the Colchians knew that they might 

not make war upon the heroes。 They drew off。 The next day they marched 


     It was a rich land that they had come to。 Once Aristaeus dwelt there察

the king who discovered how to make bees store up their honey for men 

and    how    to  make    the   good   olive   grow。    Macris察   his  daughter察   tended 

Dionysus察the son of Zeus察when Hermes brought him of the flame察and 

moistened his lips with honey。 She tended him in a cave in the Phaeacian 

land察and ever afterward the Phaeacians were blessed with all good things。 


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    Now as the heroes marched to the palace of King Alcinous the people 

came to meet them察bringing them sheep and calves and jars of wine and 

honey。 The women brought them fresh garments察to Medea they gave fine 

linen and golden ornaments。 

     Amongst the Phaeacians who loved music and games and the telling of 

stories    the  heroes    stayed    for  long。   There    were    dances察   and   to  the 

Phaeacians who honored him as a god察Orpheus played upon his lyre。 And 

every     day察 for   the  seven    days   that   they   stayed   amongst      them察  the 

Phaeacians brought rich presents to the heroes。 

     And Medea察looking into the clear eyes of Queen Arete察knew that she 

was   the   woman   of   whom   Circe   had   prophesied察  the   woman   who   knew 

nothing of enchantments察but who had much human wisdom。 She was to 

ask of her what she was to do in her life and what she was to leave undone。 

And what this woman told her Medea was t* regard。 Arete told her that 

she was to forget all the witcheries and enchantments that she knew察and 

that   she   was   never  to   practice   against   the   life  of   any  one。 This   she   told 

Medea upon the shore察before Jason lifted her aboard the Argo。 

                         VII。 They Come to the Desert Land 

     And now with sail spread wide the Argo went on察and the heroes rested 

at the oars。 The wind grew stronger。 It became a great blast察and for nine 

days and nine nights the ship was driven fearfully along。 

     The blast drove them into the Gulf of Libya察from whence there is no 

return for ships。 On each side of the gulf there are rocks and shoals察and 

the sea runs toward the limitless sand。 On the top of a mighty tide the Argo 

was lifted察and she was flung high up on the desert sands。 

     A flood tide such as might not come again for long left the Argonauts 

on the empty  Libyan land。 And when they came forth and saw that vast 

level of sand stretching like a mist away into the distance察a deadly fear 

came over each of them。 No spring of water could they descry察no path察no 

herdsman's cabin察over all that vast land there was silence and dead calm。 

And   one   said   to   the   other此   What   land   is   this拭Whither   have   we   come拭

Would that the tempest had overwhelmed us察or would that we had lost the 


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ship and our lives between the Clashing Rocks at the time when we were 

making our way into the Sea of Pontus。; 

     And   the   helmsman察  looking   before   him察  said   with   a   breaking   heart此

;Out of this we may not come察even should the breeze blow from the land察

for all around us are shoals and sharp rocksrocks that we can see fretting 

the water察line upon line。 Our ship would have been shattered far from the 

shore if the tide had not borne her far up on the sand。 But now the tide 

rushes back toward the sea察leaving only foam on which no ship can sail to 

cover the sand。 And so all hope of our return is cut off。; 

     He    spoke    with   tears   flowing    upon    his  cheeks察   and   all  who    had 

knowledge of ships agreed with what the helmsman had said。 No dangers 

that they had been through were as terrible as this。 Hopelessly察like lifeless 

specters察the heroes strayed about the endless strand。 

     They  embraced   each   other   and   they  said   farewell   as   they   laid   down 

upon   the   sand   that   might   blow   upon   them   and   overwhelm   them   in   the 

night。   They   wrapped   their   heads   in   their   cloaks察  and察  fasting察  they   laid 

themselves down。 

     Jason   crouched   beside   the   ship察 so   troubled   that his   life   nearly  went 

from     him。   He   saw   Medea     huddled     against   a  rock   and   with   her   hair 

streaming on the sand。 He saw the men who察with all the bravery of their 

lives察had come with him察stretched on the desert sand察weary and without 

hope。 He thought that they察the best of men察might die in this desert with 

their deeds all unknown察he thought that he might never win home with 

Medea察to make her his queen in Iolcus。 

     He lay against the side of the ship察his cloak wrapped around his head。 

And there death would have come to him and to the others if the nymphs 

of the desert had been unmindful of these brave men。 They came to Jason。 

It was midday then察and the fierce rays of the sun were scorching all Libya。 

They drew off the cloak that wrapped his head察they stood near him察three 

nymphs girded around with goatskins。 

     ;Why   art   thou   so   smitten   with   despair拭─  the   nymphs   said   to   Jason。 

;Why art thou smitten with despair察thou who hast wrought so much and 

hast won so much拭Up Arouse thy comrades We are the solitary nymphs察


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the   warders   of   the   land   of   Libya察  and   we   have   come   to   show   a   way   of 

escape to you察the Argonauts。 

     ;Look   around   and   watch   for   the   time   when   Poseidon's   great   horse 

shall be unloosed。 Then make ready to pay recompense to the mother that 

bore   you   all。 What   she did   for   you   all察  that   you   all   must   do   for   her察  by 

doing it you will win back to the land of Greece。; Jason heard them say 

these words and then he saw them no more察the nymphs vanished amongst 

the desert mounds。 

     Then Jason rose up。 He did not know what to make out of what had 

been   told   him察  but   there   was   courage   now   and   hope   in   his   heart。   He 

shouted察his voice was like  the roar of a lion  calling to his mate。 At   his 

shout   his   comrades   roused   themselves察  all   squalid   with   the   dust   of   the 

desert the Argonauts stood around him。 

     ;Listen察comrades察to me察─Jason said察 while I speak of a strange thing 

that   has   befallen   me。   While   I   lay   by   the   side   of   our   ship   three   nymphs 

came before me。 With light hands they drew away the cloak that wrapped 

my head。 They declared themselves to be the solitary nymphs察the warders察

of Libya。 Very strange were the words they said to me。 When Poseidon's 

great horse shall be unloosed察they said察we were to make the mother of us 

all   a   recompense察  doing   for   her   what   she   had   done   for   us   all。   This   the 

nymphs   told   me   to   say察  but   I   cannot   understand   the   meaning   of   their 


     There   were   some   there   who   would   not   have   given   heed   to   Jason's 

words察  deeming   them   words   without   meaning。   But   even   as   he   spoke   a 

wonder came before their eyes。 Out of the far´off sea a great horse leaped。 

Vast he was of size and he had a golden mane。 He shook the spray of the 

sea off his sides and mane。 Past them he trampled and away toward   the 

horizon察leaving great tracks in the sand。 

     Then Nestor spoke rejoicingly。 ;Behold the great horse It is the horse 

that the desert nymphs spoke of察Poseidon's horse。 Even now has the horse 

been unloosed察and now is the time to do what the nymphs bade us do。 

     ;Who but Argo is the mother of us all拭She has carried us。 Now we 

must make her a recompense and carry her even as she carried us。 With 


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untiring shoulders we must bear Argo across this great desert。 

     ;And   whither   shall   we   bear   her拭  Whither   but   along   the   tracks   that 

Poseidon's horse has left in the sand Poseidon's horse will not go under 

the earthonce again he will plunge into the sea  ─

     So Nestor said and the Argonauts saw truth in his saying。 Hope came 

to   them   againthe   hope   of   leaving   that   desert   and   coming   to   the   sea。 

Surely when they came to the sea again察and spread the sail and held the 

oars   in   their   hands察  their   sacred   s

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