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Argonauts察and they agreed that they should leave Medea on the island of 


     But grief and wrath took hold of Medea when she heard of this resolve。 

Almost she would burn the Argo。 She went to where Jason stood察and she 

spoke again of all she had done to save his life and win the Golden Fleece 

for the Argonauts。 Jason made her look on the ships and the soldiers that 

were     around    them察   he   showed     her   how    these   could   overwhelm       the 


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Argonauts   and   slay   them   all。   With   all   the   heroes   slain察  he   said察  Medea 

would come into the hands of Apsyrtus察who then could leave her on the 

island of Artemis or take her back to the wrath of her father。 

     But Medea would not consent to go nor could Jason's heart consent to 

let her go。 Then these two made a plot to deceive Apsyrtus。 

     ;I   have   not   been   of   the   council   that   agreed   to   give   you   up   to   him察─

Jason said。 ;After you have been left there I will take you off the island of 

Artemis   secretly。   The   Colchians   and   the   kings   who   support   them察  not 

knowing that you have been taken off and hidden on the Argo察will let us 

pass。; This Medea and Jason planned to do察and it was an ill thing察for it 

was breaking the covenant that the chiefs had entered with Apsyrtus。 

     Medea then was left by the Argonauts on the island of Artemis。 Now 

Apsyrtus had been commanded by his father to bring her back to Aea察he 

thought that when she had been left by the Argonauts he could force her to 

come with him。 So he went over to the island。 Jason察secretly leaving his 

companions察went to the island from the other side。 

     Before the   temple of Artemis Jason   and Apsyrtus   came face   to   face。 

Both   men察  thinking   they   had   been   betrayed   to   their   deaths察  drew   their 

swords。   Then察  before   the   vestibule   of   the   temple   and   under   the   eyes   of 

Medea察     Jason    and   Apsyrtus     fought。   Jason's    sword    pierced    the  son   of 

Aeetes   as   he   fell Apsyrtus   cried   out   bitter   words   against   Medea察  saying 

that it was on her account that he had come on his death。 And as he fell the 

blood of her brother splashed Medea's silver veil。 

     Jason   lifted    Medea     up  and   carried    her  to  the   Argo。   They   hid    the 

maiden   under   the   Fleece   of   Gold   and   they   sailed   past   the   ships   of   the 

Colchians。 When darkness came they were far from the island of Artemis。 

It   was   then   that   they   heard    a  loud   wailing察   and   they   knew     that  the 

Colchians had discovered that their prince had been slain。 

     The Colchians did not pursue them。 Fearing the wrath of Aeetes they 

made settlements in the lands of the kings who had supported A Apsyrtus察

they     never    went    back     to  Aea察    they   called    themselves      Apsyrtians 

henceforward察naming themselves after the prince they had come with。 

     They     had   escaped     the  danger    that   had   hemmed      them    in察 but   the 


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Argonauts察as they sailed on察were not content察covenants had been broken察

and blood had been shed in a bad cause。 And as they went on through the 

darkness the voice of the ship was heard察at the sound of that voice fear 

and sorrow came upon the voyagers察for they felt that it had a prophecy of 


     Castor and Polydeuces went to the front of the ship察holding up their 

hands察they prayed。 Then they heard the words that the voice uttered此in 

the   night   as   they   went   on   the   voice   proclaimed   the   wrath   of   Zeus   on 

account of the slaying of Apsyrtus。 

     What was their doom to be拭It was that the Argonauts would have to 

wander forever over the gulfs of the sea unless Medea had herself cleansed 

of   her   brother's   blood。  There   was   one   who   could   cleanse   MedeaCirce察

the daughter of Helios and Perse。 The voice urged the heroes to pray to the 

immortal gods that the way to the island of Circe be shown to them。 

                           V。 MEDEA COMES TO CIRCE 

     They   sailed   up   the   River   Ister   until   they   came   to   the   Eridanus察  that 

river across which no bird can fly。 Leaving the Eridanus they entered the 

Rhodanus察a river that rises in the extreme north察where Night herself has 

her habitation。 And voyaging up this river they came to the Stormy Lakes。 

A   mist   lay   upon   the   lakes   night   and   day察  voyaging   through   them   the 

Argonauts at last brought out their ship upon the Sea of Ausonia。 

     It was Zetes and Calais察the sons of the North Wind察who brought the 

Argo safely along this dangerous course。 And to Zetes and Calais Iris察the 

messenger of the gods察appeared and revealed to them where Circe's island 


     Deep blue water was all around that island察and on its height a marble 

house was to be seen。 But a strange haze covered everything as with a veil。 

As   the   Argonauts   came   near   they   saw   what   looked   to   them   like   great 

dragonflies察  they  came   down   to   the  shore察  and   then   the   heroes   saw   that 

they were maidens in gleaming dresses。 

     The maidens waved their hands to the voyagers察calling them to come 

on   the   island。   Strange   beasts   came   up   to   where   the   maidens   were   and 


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made whimpering cries。 

     The    Argonauts     would     have   drawn    the  ship   close   and   would    have 

sprung   upon   the   island   only   that   Medea   cried   out   to   them。   She   showed 

them   the   beasts   that   whimpered   around   the   maidens察  and   then察  as   the 

Argonauts looked upon them察they saw that these were not beasts of the 

wild。   There   was   something   strange   and   fearful   about   them察  the   heroes 

gazed upon them with troubled eyes。 They brought the ship near察but they 

stayed upon their benches察holding the oars in their hands。 

     Medea   sprang   to   the   island察  she   spoke   to   the   maidens   so   that   they 

shrank away察then the beasts came and whimpered around her。 ;Forbear to 

land here察O Argonauts察─Medea cried察 for this is the island where men 

are changed into beasts。; She called to Jason to come察only Jason would 

she have come upon the island。 

     They went swiftly toward the marble house察and the beasts followed 

them察looking up at Jason and Medea with pitiful human eyes。 They went 

into the marble house of Circe察and as suppliants they seated themselves at 

the hearth。 

     Circe   stood   at   her   loom察  weaving   her   many´colored   threads。   Swiftly 

she turned to the suppliants察she looked for something strange in them察for 

just before they came the walls of her house dripped with blood and the 

flame ran over and into her pot察burning up all the magic herbs she was 

brewing。 She went toward where they sat察Medea with her face hidden by 

her   hands察  and   Jason察  with   his   head   bentholding   with   its   point   in   the 

ground the sword with which he had slain the son of Aeetes When Medea 

took her hands away from before her face察Circe knew that察like herself察

this maiden was of the race of Helios。 Medea spoke to her察telling her first 

of the voyage of the heroes and of their toils察telling her then of how she 

had given help to Jason against the will of Aeetes her father察telling her 

then察fearfully察of the slaying of Apsyrtus。 She covered her face with her 

robe as she spoke of it。 And then she told Circe she had come察warned by 

the judgment of Zeus察to ask of Circe察the daughter of Helios察to purify her 

from the stain of her brother's blood。 

     Like all the children of Helios察Circe had eyes that were wide and full 


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of life察but she had stony lipslips that were heavy and moveless。 Bright 

golden hair hung smoothly along each of her sides。 First she held a cup to 

them that was filled with pure water察and Jason and Medea drank from that 


     Then Circe stayed by the hearth察she burnt cakes in the flame察and all 

the   while   she   prayed    to   Zeus   to   be   gentle   with   these   suppliants。   She 

brought   both   to   the   seashore。   There   she   washed   Medea's   body   and   her 

garments with the spray of the sea。 

     Medea pleaded with Circe to tell her of the life she fore

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