the golden fleece(署剪谷)-及21准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
Priests of the Moon ruled the city of Aea until King Aeetes came。
Aeetes had no need of their magic察for Helios察the bright Sun察was his
father察 as he thought。 Also察 Hephaestus察 the artisan of the gods察 was his
friend察 and Hephaestus made for him many wonderful things to be his
protection。 Medea察too察his wise daughter察knew the secrets taught by those
who could sway the moon。
But Aeetes once was made afraid by a dream that he had此he dreamt
that a ship had come up the Phasis察 and then察 sailing on a mist察 had
rammed his palace that was standing there in all its strength and beauty
until it had fallen down。 On the morning of the night that he had had this
dream Aeetes called Medea察his wise daughter察and he bade her go to the
temple of Hecate察the Moon察and search out spells that might destroy those
who came against his city。
That morning the Argonauts察 who had passed the night in the
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backwater of the river察 had two youths come to them。 They were in a
broken ship察 and they had one oar only。 When Jason察 after giving them
food and fresh garments察questioned them察he found out that these youths
were of the city of Aea察and that they were none others than the sons of
Phrixusof Phrixus who had come there with the Golden Ram。
And the youths察 Phrontis and Melas察 were as amazed as was Jason
when they found out whose ship they had come aboard。 For Jason was the
grandson of Cretheus察 and Cretheus was the brother of Athamas察 their
grandfather。 They had ventured from Aea察 where they had been reared察
thinking to reach the country of Athamas and lay claim to his possessions。
But they had been wrecked at a place not far from the mouth of the Phasis察
and with great pain and struggle they had made their way back。
They were fearful of Aea and of their uncle King Aeetes察 and they
would gladly go with Jason and the Argonauts back to Greece。 They
would help Jason察they said察to persuade Aeetes to give the Golden Fleece
peaceably to them。 Their mother was the daughter of AeetesChalciope察
whom the king had given in marriage to Phrixus察his guest。
A council of the Argonauts was held察 and it was agreed that Jason
should go with two comrades to King Aeetes察Phrontis and Melas going
also。 They were to ask the king to give them the Golden Fleece and to
offer him a recompense。 Jason took Peleus and Telamon with him。
As they came to the city a mist fell察and Jason and his comrades with
the sons of Phrixus went through the city without being seen。 They came
before the palace of King Aeetes。 Then Phrontis and Melas were some
way behind。 The mist lifted察and before the heroes was the wonder of the
palace in the bright light of the morning。
Vines with broad leaves and heavy clusters of fruit grew from column
to column察the columns holding a gallery up。 And under the vines were the
four fountains that Hephaestus had made for King Aeetes。 They gushed
out into golden察silver察bronze察and iron basins。 And one fountain gushed
out clear water察 and another gushed out milk察 another gushed out wine察
and another oil。 On each side of the courtyard were the palace buildings察
in one King Aeetes lived with Apsyrtus察 his son察 and in the other
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Chalciope and Medea lived with their handmaidens。
Medea was passing from her father's house。 The mist lifted suddenly
and she saw three strangers in the palace courtyard。 One had a crimson
mantle on察 his shoulders were such as to make him seem a man that a
whole world could not overthrow察and his eyes had all the sun's light in
Amazed察 Medea stood looking upon Jason察 wondering at his bright
hair and gleaming eyes and at the lightness and strength of the hand that
he had raised。 And then a dove flew toward her此it was being chased by a
hawk察and Medea saw the hawk's eyes and beak。 As the dove lighted upon
her shoulder she threw her veil around it察 and the hawk dashed itself
against a column。 And as Medea察trembling察leaned against the column she
heard a cry from her sister察who was within。
For now Phrontis and Melas had come up察 and Chalciope who was
spinning by the door saw them and cried out。 All the servants rushed out。
Seeing Chalciope's sons there they察too察uttered loud cries察and made such
commotion that Apsyrtus and then King Aeetes came out of the palace。
Jason saw King Aeetes。 He was old and white察but he had great green
eyes察 and the strength of a leopard was in all he did。 And Jason looked
upon Apsyrtus too察the son of Aeetes looked like a Phoenician merchant察
black of beard and with rings in his ears察with a hooked nose and a gleam
of copper in his face。
Phrontis and Melas went from their mother's embrace and made
reverence to King Aeetes。 Then they spoke of the heroes who were with
them察 of Jason and his two comrades。 Aeetes bade all enter the palace察
baths were made ready for them察and a banquet was prepared。
After the banquet察 when they all sat together察Aeetes addressing the
eldest of Chalciope's sons察said此
;Sons of Phrixus察 of that man whom I honored above all men who
came to my halls察 speak now and tell me how it is that you have come
back to Aea so soon察and who they are察these men who come with you拭─
Aeetes察as he spoke察looked sharply upon Phrontis and Melas察for he
suspected them of having returned to Aea察bringing these armed men with
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them察with an evil intent。 Phrontis looked at the King察and said此
;Aeetes察 our ship was driven upon the Island of Ares察 where it was
almost broken upon the rocks。 That was on a murky night察 and in the
morning the birds of Ares shot their sharp feathers upon us。 We pulled
away from that place察and thereafter we were driven by the winds back to
the mouth of the Phasis。 There we met with these heroes who were
friendly to us。 Who they are察what they have come to your city for察I shall
now tell you。
;A certain king察longing to drive one of these heroes from his
land察and hoping that the race of Cretheus might perish utterly察led him
to enter a most perilous adventure。 He came here upon a ship that was
made by the command of Hera察the wife of Zeus察a ship more wonderful
than mortals ever sailed in before。 With him there came the mightiest of
the heroes of Greece。 He is Jason察the grandson of Cretheus察and he has
come to beg that you will grant him freely the famous Fleece of Gold that
Phrixus brought to Aea。
;But not without recompense to you would he take the Fleece。 Already
he has heard of your bitter foes察 the Sauromatae。 He with his comrades
would subdue them for you。 And if you would ask of the names and the
lineage of the heroes who are with Jason I shall tell you。 This is Peleus and
this is Telamon察they are brothers察and they are sons of 。Eacus察who was
of the seed of Zeus。 And all the other heroes who have come with them are
of the seed of the gods。;
So Phrontis said察but the King was not placated by what he said。 He
thought that the sons of Chalciope had returned to Aea bringing these
warriors with them so that they might wrest the kingship from him察 or察
failing that察 plunder the city。 Aeetes's heart was filled with wrath as he
looked upon them察and his eyes shone as a leopard's eyes。
;Begone from my sight察─he cried察 robbers that ye are Tricksters If
you had not eaten at my table察assuredly I should have had your tongues
cut out for speaking falsehoods about the blessed gods察 saying that this
one and that of your companions was of their divine race。;
Telamon and Peleus strode forward with angry hearts察the