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would let the boy see him kill with a single arrow the bear察the boar察or the 

deer。 And soon Jason察running beside him察hunted too。 

     No   heroes   were   ever   better   trained   than   those   whose   childhood   and 

youth had been spent with Chiron the king´centaur。 He made them more 

swift of foot than any other of the children of men。 He made them stronger 

and more ready with the spear and bow。 Jason was trained by Chiron as 

Heracles   just   before   him   had   been   trained察  and   as   Achilles   was   to   be 

trained afterward。 

     Moreover察     Chiron    taught   him    the  knowledge      of  the   stars  and   the 

wisdom that had to do with the ways of the gods。 

     Once察when they were hunting together察Jason saw a form at the end of 

an alley of treesthe form of a woman it wasof a woman who had on her 

head    a  shining    crown。    Never    had   Jason    dreamt    of  seeing    a  form   so 

wondrous。   Not   very  near  did   he   come察  but   he   thought   he   knew   that   the 


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woman smiled upon him。 She was seen no more察and Jason knew that he 

had looked upon one of the immortal goddesses。 

     All   day  Jason   was   filled   with   thought   of   her   whom  he   had   seen。 At 

night察when the stars were out察and when they were seated outside the cave察

Chiron and Jason talked together察and Chiron told the youth that she whom 

he had seen was none other than Hera察the wife of Zeus察who had for his 

father Aeson and for himself an especial friendliness。 

     So   Jason   grew   up   upon   the   mountain   and   in   the   forest   fastnesses。 

When he had reached his full height and had shown himself swift in the 

hunt and strong with the spear and bow察Chiron told him that the time had 

come   when   he   should   go   back   to   the  world   of   men   and   make   his   name 

famous by the doing of great deeds。 

     And when Chiron told him about his father Aesonabout how he had 

been thrust out of the kingship by Pelias察his uncle a great longing came 

upon Jason to see his father and a fierce anger grew up in his heart against 


     Then     the  time    came    when    he   bade   good´by     to   Chiron    his  great 

instructor察the time came when he went from the centaur's cave for the last 

time察   and   went    through    the  wooded      ways    and   down    the   side  of   the 

Mountain Pelion。 He came to the river察to the swift Anaurus察and he found 

it   high   in   flood。   The   stones   by   which   one   might   cross   were   almost   all 

washed over察far apart did they seem in the flood。 

     Now as he stood there pondering on what he might do there came up 

to him an old woman who had on her back a load of brushwood。 ;Wouldst 

thou cross拭─asked the old woman。 ;Wouldst thou cross and get thee to the 

city of Iolcus察Jason察where so many things await thee拭─

     Greatly was the youth astonished to hear his name spoken by this old 

woman察  and   to   hear   her   give   the   name   of   the   city   he   was   bound   for。 

;Wouldst   thou   cross   the Anaurus拭─  she   asked   again。   ;Then   mount   upon 

my   back察  holding   on   to   the   wood   I   carry察  and   I   will   bear   thee   over   the 


     Jason smiled。 How foolish this old woman was to think that she could 

bear him across the flooded river She came near him and she took him in 


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her arms and lifted him up on her shoulders。 Then察before he knew what 

she was about to do察she had stepped into the water。 

     〃From stone to stepping´stone she went察Jason holding on to the wood 

that she had drawn to her shoulders。 She left him down upon the bank。 As 

she   was   lifting   him   down   one   of   his   feet   touched   the   water察  the   swift 

current swept away a sandal。 

     He stood on the bank knowing that she who had carried him across the 

flooded river had strength from the gods。 He looked upon her察and behold 

she was transformed。 Instead of an old woman there stood before him one 

who     had   on   a  golden    robe   and   a  shining   crown。     Around     her  was   a 

wondrous lightthe light of the sun when it is most golden。 Then   Jason 

knew   that   she   who   had   carried   him   across   the   broad   Anaurus   was   the 

goddess whom he had seen in the ways of the forestHera察great Zeus's 


     ;Go into Iolcus察Jason察─said great Hera to him察 go into Iolcus察and in 

whatever   chance   doth   befall   thee   act   as   one   who   has   the   eyes   of   the 

immortals upon him。; 

     She spoke and she was seen no more。 Then Jason went on his way to 

the   city   that   Cretheus察  his   grandfather察  had   founded   and   that   his   father 

Aeson   had   once   ruled   over。   He   came   into   that   city察  a   tall察  great´limbed察

unknown youth察dressed in a strange fashion察and having but one sandal 


                                    II。 KING PELIAS 

     That   day   King   Pelias察  walking   through   the   streets   of   his   city察  saw 

coming toward him a youth who was half shod。 He remembered the words 

of the oracle that bade him beware of a half´shod man察and straightway he 

gave orders to his guards to lay hands upon the youth。 

     But   the   guards   wavered   when   they   went   toward   him察  for   there   was 

something about the youth that put them in awe of him。 He came with the 

guards察however察and he stood before the king's judgment seat。 

     Fearfully   did   Pelias   look   upon   him。   But   not   fearfully   did   the   youth 

look upon the king。 With head lifted high he cried out察 Thou art Pelias察


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but I do not salute thee as king。 Know that I am Jason察the son of Aeson 

from   whom   thou   hast   taken   the   throne   and   scepter   that   were   rightfully 


     King Pelias looked to his guards。 He would have given them a sign to 

destroy the youth's life with their spears察but behind his guards he saw a 

threatening   multitudethe   dwellers   of   the   city   of   Iolcus察  they   gathered 

around察and Pelias knew that he had become more and more hated by them。 

And from the multitude a cry went up察 Aeson察Aeson May Aeson come 

back   to   us   Jason察  son   of   Aeson   May   nothing   evil   befall   thee察  brave 

youth ─

     Then Pelias knew that the youth might not be slain。 He bent his head 

while   he   plotted   against   him   in   his   heart。   Then   he   raised   his   eyes察  and 

looking upon Jason he said察 O goodly youth察it well may be that thou art 

the son of Aeson察my brother。 I am well pleased to see thee here。 I have 

had hopes that I might be friends with Aeson察and thy coming here may be 

the   means   to   the   renewal   of   our   friendship。 We   two   brothers   may  come 

together again。 I will send for thy father now察and he will be brought to 

meet thee in my royal palace。 Go with my guards and with this rejoicing 

people察and in a little while thou and I and thy father Aeson will sit at a 

feast of friends。; 

     So   Pelias   said察  and   Jason   went   with   the   guards   and   the   crowd   of 

people察and he came to the palace of the king and he was brought within。 

The maids led him to the bath and gave him new robes to wear。 Dressed in 

these Jason looked a prince indeed。 

     But all that while King Pelias remained on his judgment seat with his 

crowned head bent down。 When he raised his head his dark brows were 

gathered   together   and   his   thin   lips   were   very   close。   He   looked   to   the 

swords and spears of his guards察and he made a sign to the men to stand 

close to him。 Then he left the judgment seat and he went to the palace。 

                             III。 THE GOLDEN FLEECE 

     They brought Jason into a hall where Aeson察his father察waited。 Very 

strange   did   this   old  and   grave´looking   man      appear   to   him。   But   when 


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Aeson spoke察Jason remembered even without the sight of the ruby ring 

the tone of his   father's voice   and   he   clasped him  to   him。 And   his   father 

knew him even without the sight of the ruby ring which Jason had upon 

his finger。 

     Then the young man began to tell of the centaur and of his life upon 

the Mountain Pelion。 As they were speaking together Pelias came to where 

they stood察Pelias in the 

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