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     As   for   Pandora察  the   Golden   Maid察  she   played   on察  knowing   only   the 

brightness of the sunshine and the lovely shapes of things。 Beautiful would 

she have seemed to any being who saw her察but now she had strayed away 

from the houses of men and Epimetheus was not there to look upon her。 

Then   Hephaestus察  the   lame   artisan   of   the   gods察  left   down   his   tools   and 

went to seek   her。  He   found   Pandora察  and he   took her   back   to   Olympus。 

And in his brazen house she stays察though sometimes at the will of Zeus 

she goes down into the world of men。 

     When Polydeuces had ended the story that Castor had begun察Heracles 

cried out此 For the Argonauts察too察there has been a Golden Maidnay察not 

one察but a Golden Maid for each。 Out of the jar that has been with her ye 

have taken forgetfulness of your honor。 As for me察I go back to the Argo 

lest one of these Golden Maids should hold me back from the labors that 

make great a man。; 

     So    Heracles    said察  and   he   went   from   Hypsipyle's      hall。  The   heroes 

looked at each other察and they stood up察and shame that they had stayed so 


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long away from the quest came over each of them。 The maidens took their 

hands察the heroes unloosed those soft hands and turned away from them。 

     Hypsipyle left the throne of King Thoas and stood before Jason。 There 

was   a   storm   in   all   her   body察  her   mouth   was   shaken察  and   a   whole   life's 

trouble   was   in   her   great   eyes。   Before   she   spoke   Jason   cried   out此   What 

Heracles said is true察0 Argonauts On the Quest of the Golden Fleece our 

lives and our honors depend。 To Colchisto Colchis must we go ─

     He stood upright in the hall察and his comrades gathered around him。 

The   Lemnian   maidens   would   have   held   out   their   arms   and   would   have 

made   their   partings   long   delayed察  but   that   a   strange   cry   came   to   them 

through the night。 Well did the Argonauts know that cryit was the cry of 

the ship察of Argo herself。 They knew that they must go to her now or stay 

from the voyage for ever。 And the maidens knew that there was something 

in the cry of the ship that might not be gainsaid察and they put their hands 

before their faces察and they said no other word。 

     Then said Hypsipyle察the queen察 I察too察am a ruler察Jason察and I know 

that there are great commands that we have to obey。 Go察then察to the Argo。 

Ah察neither I nor the women of Lemnos will stay your going now。 But to´ 

morrow speak to us from the deck of the ship and bid us farewell。 Do not 

go from us in the night察Jason。; 

     Jason and the Argonauts went from Hypsipyle's hall。 The maidens who 

were left behind wept together。 All but Hypsipyle。 She sat on the throne of 

King Thoas and she had Polyxo察her nurse察tell her of the ways of Jason's 

voyage   as   he   had   told   of   them察  and   of   all   that   he   would   have   to   pass 

through。 When the other Lemnian women slept she put her head upon her 

nurse's察knees and wept察bitterly Hypsipyle wept察but softly察for she would 

not have the others hear her weeping。 

     By the coming of the morning's light the Argonauts had made all ready 

for their sailing。 They were standing on the deck when the light came察and 

they saw the Lemnian women come to the shore。 Each looked at her friend 

aboard   the   Argo察  and   spoke察  and   went   away。   And   last察  Hypsipyle察  the 

queen察  came。   ;Farewell察  Hypsipyle察─  Jason   said   to   her察  and   she察  in   her 

strange way of speaking察said此


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     ;What   you   told   us   I   have   rememberedhow   you   will   come   to   the 

dangerous passage that leads into the Sea of Pontus察and how by the flight 

of a pigeon you will know whether or not you may go that way。 0 Jason察

let   the   dove    you   fly   when    you    come    to   that  dangerous      place   be 


     She showed a pigeon held in her hands。 She loosed it察and the pigeon 

alighted   on   the   ship察  and   stayed   there   on   pink   feet察  a   white´feathered 

pigeon。 Jason took up the pigeon and held it in his hands察and the Argo 

drew swiftly away from the Lemnian land。 

                        XI。 The Passage Of The Symplegades 

     They   came   near   Salmydessus察  where   Phineus察  the   wise   king察  ruled察

and they sailed past it察they sighted the pile of stones察with the oar upright 

upon it that they had raised on the seashore over the body of Tiphys察the 

skillful steersman   whom they  had lost察  they sailed   on until   they heard   a 

sound that grew more  and more thunderous察and   then the heroes said to 

each other察 Now we come to the Symplegades and the dread passage into 

the Sea of Pontus。; 

     It was then that Jason cried out此 Ah察when Pelias spoke of this quest 

to me察why did I not turn my head away and refuse to be drawn into it拭

Since we came near the dread passage that is before us I have passed every 

night in groans。 As for you who have come with me察you may take your 

ease察for you need care only for your own lives。 But I have to care for you 

all察and to strive to win for you all a safe return to Greece。 Ah察greatly am I 

afflicted now察knowing to what a great peril I have brought you ─

     So Jason said察thinking to make trial of the heroes。 They察on their part察

were not dismayed察but shouted back cheerful words to him。 Then he said此

;O friends of mine察by your spirit my spirit is quickened。 Now if I knew 

that I was being borne down into the black gulfs of Hades察I should fear 

nothing察knowing that you are constant and faithful of heart。; 

     As he said this they came into water that seethed all around the ship。 

Then into the hands of Euphemus察a youth of Iolcus察who was the keenest´ 

eyed   amongst   the   Argonauts察  Jason   put   the   pigeon   that   Hypsipyle   had 


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given him。 He bade him stand by the prow of the Argo察ready to loose the 

pigeon as the ship came nigh that dreadful gate of rock。 

     They saw the spray being dashed around in showers察they saw the sea 

spread   itself   out   in   foam察  they   saw   the   high察  black   rocks   rush   together察

sounding thunderously as they met。 The caves in the high rocks rumbled 

as the sea surged   into them察and   the foam  of   the dashing   waves spurted 

high up the rocks。 

     Jason shouted to each man to grip hard on the oars。 The Argo dashed 

on as the rocks rushed toward each other again。 Then there was such noise 

that no man's voice could be heard above it。 

     As the rocks met察Euphemus loosed the pigeon。 With his keen eyes he 

watched her fly through the spray。 Would she察not finding an opening to 

fly through察turn back拭He watched察and meanwhile the Argonauts gripped 

hard   on   the   oars   to   save   the   ship   from   being   dashed   on   the   rocks。   The 

pigeon fluttered as though she would sink down and let the spray drown 

her。 And then Euphemus saw her raise herself and fly forward。 Toward the 

place where she   had flown   he pointed。 The rowers gave a   loud cry察 and 

Jason called upon them to pull with might and main。 

     The rocks were parting asunder察and to the right and left broad Pontus 

was seen by the heroes。 Then suddenly a huge wave rose before them察and 

at the sight of it they all uttered a cry and bent their heads。 It seemed to 

them that it would dash down on the whole ship's length and overwhelm 

them   all。   But   Nauplius   was   quick   to   ease   the   ship察  and   the   wave   rolled 

away beneath the keel察and at the stern it raised the Argo and dashed her 

away from the rocks。 

     They felt the sun as it streamed upon them through the sundered rocks。 

They strained at the oars until the oars bent like bows in their hands。 The 

ship sprang forward。 Surely they were now in the wide Sea of Pontus 

     The Argonauts shouted。 They saw the rocks behind them with the sea 

fowl screaming upon them。 Surely they were in the Sea of Pontusthe sea 

that   had   never   been   entered   before   through   the   Rocks   Wandering。   The 

rocks no longer dashed   together察  each   remained fixed in its   place察  for it 

was   the   will of   the gods that   these   rocks   should no   more   clash   together 


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after a mortal's ship had passed between th

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