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single fruit grew on that tree察a bright pomegranate fruit。 Persephone stood 

up in the chariot and plucked the fruit from the tree。 Then did Aidoneus 

prevail upon her to divide the fruit察and察having divided it察Persephone ate 

seven of the pomegranate seeds。 

     It   was   Hermes   who   took   the   whip   and   the   reins   of   the   chariot。   He 

drove on察and neither the sea nor the water´courses察nor the glens nor the 

mountain   peaks   stayed   the   deathless   horses   of   Aidoneus察  and   soon   the 

chariot   was   brought   near   to   where   Demeter   awaited   the   coming   of   her 


     And when察from a hilltop察Demeter saw the chariot approaching察she 

flew   like   a   wild   bird   to   clasp   her   child。   Persephone察  when   she   saw   her 

mother's dear eyes察sprang out of the chariot and fell upon her neck and 

embraced   her。   Long   and   long   Demeter   held   her   dear   child   in   her   arms察

gazing察gazing upon her。 Suddenly her mind misgave her。 With a great fear 

at her heart she cried out此 Dearest察has any food passed your lips in all the 


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time you have been in the Underworld拭─

     She had not tasted food in all the time she was there察Persephone said。 

And then察suddenly察she remembered the pomegranate that Aidoneus had 

asked her to divide。 When she told that she had eaten seven seeds from it 

Demeter wept察and her tears fell upon Persephone's face。 

     ;Ah察  my   dearest察─  she   cried察   if   you   had   not   eaten   the   pomegranate 

seeds   you   could   have   stayed   with   me察 and   always   we   should have   been 

together。   But   now   that   you   have   eaten   food   in   it察  the   Underworld   has   a 

claim upon you。 You may not stay always with me here。 Again you will 

have to go back and dwell in the dark places under the earth and sit upon 

Aidoneus's   throne。   But   not   always   you   will   be   there。   When   the   flowers 

bloom upon the earth you shall come up from the realm of darkness察and 

in   great    joy   we   shall   go   through     the  world     together察  Demeter      and 


     And   so   it   has   been   since   Persephone   came   back   to   her   mother   after 

having eaten of   the pomegranate seeds。  For two seasons of the year   she 

stays with Demeter察and for one season she stays in the Underworld with 

her dark lord。 While she is with her mother there is springtime upon the 

earth。    Demeter     blesses    the  furrows察   her   heart   being   glad   because     her 

daughter   is   with   her   once   more。  The   furrows   become   heavy   with   grain察

and   soon   the   whole   wide   earth   has   grain   and   fruit察  leaves   and   flowers。 

When the furrows are reaped察when the grain has been gathered察when the 

dark   season   comes察  Persephone   goes   from   her   mother察  and   going   down 

into the dark places察she sits beside her mighty lord Aidoneus and upon his 

throne。   Not   sorrowful   is   she   there察  she   sits   with   head   unbowed察  for   she 

knows   herself   to   be   a   mighty   queen。   She   has   joy察  too察  knowing   of   the 

seasons when she may walk with Demeter察her mother察on the wide places 

of the earth察through fields of flowers and fruit and ripening grain。 

     Such was the story that Orpheus toldOrpheus who knew the histories 

of the gods。 

     A day came when the heroes察on their way back from a journey they 

had made with the Lemnian maidens察called out to Heracles upon the Argo。 

Then Heracles察standing on the prow of the ship察shouted angrily to them。 


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Terrible did he seem to the Lemnian maidens察and they ran off察drawing 

the heroes with them。 Heracles shouted to his comrades again察saying that 

if they did not come aboard the Argo and make ready for the voyage to 

Colchis察he would go ashore and carry them to the ship察and force them 

again to take the oars in their hands。 

     Not all of what Heracles said did the Argonauts hear。 

     That    evening    the  men    were   silent  in  Hypsipyle's     hall察 and   it  was 

Atalanta察the maiden察who told the evening's story。 

                                   Atalanta's Race 

     There    are   two   Atalantas察   she  said察  she  herself察  the  Huntress察    and 

another who is noted for her speed of foot and her delight in the racethe 

daughter of Schceneus察King of Boeotia察Atalanta of the Swift Foot。 

     So proud was she of her swiftness that she made a vow to the gods that 

none would be her husband except the youth who won past her in the race。 

Youth   after   youth   came   and   raced   against   her察  but   Atalanta察  who   grew 

fleeter and fleeter of foot察left each one of them far behind her。 The youths 

who came to the race were so many and the clamor they made after defeat 

was so great察that her father made a law that察as he thought察would lessen 

their number。 The law that he made was that the youth who came to race 

against Atalanta and who lost the race should lose his life into the bargain。 

After    that  the  youths    who    had   care  for  their  lives   stayed   away    from 


     Once   there   came   a   youth   from  a   far   part   of   Greece   into   the   country 

that Atalanta's   father   ruled   over。   Hippomenes   was   his   name。   He   did   not 

know of the race察but having come into the city and seeing the crowd of 

people察he went with them to the course。 He looked upon the youths who 

were girded for the race察and he heard the folk say amongst themselves察

;Poor youths察as mighty and as highspirited as they look察by sunset the life 

will be out of each of them察for Atalanta will run past them as she ran past 

the others。; Then Hippomenes spoke to the folk in wonder察and they told 


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him   of   Atalanta's   race   and   of   what   would   befall   the   youths   who   were 

defeated in it。 ;Unlucky youths察─cried Hippomenes察 how foolish they are 

to try to win a bride at the price of their lives。; 

     Then察with pity in his heart察he watched the youths prepare for the race。 

Atalanta had not yet taken her place察and he was fearful of looking upon 

her。 ;She is a witch察─he said to himself察 she must be a witch to draw so 

many youths to their deaths察and she察no doubt察will show in her face and 

figure the witch's spirit。; 

     But even as he said this察Hippomenes saw Atalanta。 She stood with the 

youths before they crouched for the first dart in the race。 He saw that she 

was a girl of a light and a lovely form。 Then they crouched for the race察

then   the   trumpets   rang   out察  and   the   youths   and   the   maiden   darted   like 

swallows over the sand of the course。 

     On came Atalanta察far察 far ahead of the   youths who had started   with 

her。   Over   her   bare   shoulders   her   hair   streamed察  blown   backward   by   the 

wind that met her flight。 Her fair neck shone察and her little feet were like 

flying doves。 It seemed to Hippomenes as he watched her that there was 

fire in her lovely body。 On and on she went as swift as the arrow that the 

Scythian   shoots   from   his   bow。 And   as   he   watched   the   race   he   was   not 

sorry that the youths were being left behind。 Rather would he have been 

enraged if one came near overtaking her察for now his heart was set upon 

winning her for his bride察and he cursed himself for not having entered the 


     She passed the last goal mark and she was given the victor's wreath of 

flowers。 Hippomenes stood and watched her and he did not see the youths 

who had started   with   herthey  had   thrown   themselves on the   ground   in 

their despair。 

     Then wild察as though he were one of the doomed youths察Hippomenes 

made his way through the throng and came before the black´bearded King 

of Boeotia。 The king's brows were knit察for even then he was pronouncing 

doom upon   the   youths   who   had   been   left   behind in the   race。   He   looked 

upon Hippomenes察another youth who would make the trial察and the frown 

became heavier upon his face。 


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     But   Hippomenes   saw   only Atalanta。   She   came   beside her   father察  the 

wreath was upon her head of gold察and her eyes were wide and tender。 She 

turned her face to him察and then she knew by the wildness that was in his 

look that h

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