the golden fleece(署剪谷)-及12准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
attended her。
In the evening they would gather in the hall of the palace察 the
Argonauts and the Lemnian maidens who were their comrades。 There
were dances察 and always Jason and Hypsipyle danced together。 All the
Lemnian maidens sang beautifully察 but none of them had any stories to
And when the Argonauts would have stories told察 the Lemnian
maidens would forbid any tale that was about a god or a hero察only stories
that were about the goddesses or about some maiden would they let be
Orpheus察 who knew the histories of the gods察 would have told them
many stories察 but the only story of his that they would come from the
dance to listen to was a story of the goddesses察 of Demeter and her
daughter Persephone。
Demeter And Persephone
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Once when Demeter was going through the world察giving men grain to
be sown in their fields察she heard a cry that came to her from across high
mountains and that mounted up to her from the sea。 Demeter's heart shook
when she heard that cry察 for she knew that it came to her from her
daughter察from her only child察young Persephone。
She stayed not to bless the fields in which the grain was being sown察
but she hurried察hurried away察to Sicily and to the fields of Enna察where
she had left Persephone。 All Enna she searched察 and all Sicily察 but she
found no trace of Persephone察nor of the maidens whom Persephone had
been playing with。 From all whom she met she begged for tidings察 but
although some had seen maidens gathering flowers and playing together察
no one could tell Demeter why her child had cried out nor where she had
since gone to。
There were some who could have told her。 One was Cyane察 a water
nymph。 But Cyane察before Demeter came to her察had been changed into a
spring of water。 And now察not being able to speak and tell Demeter where
her child had gone to and who had carried her away察she showed in the
water the girdle of Persephone that she had caught in her hands。 And
Demeter察finding the girdle of her child in the spring察knew that she had
been carried off by violence。She lighted a torch at Etna's burning mountain察
and for nine days and nine nights she went searching for her through the
darkened places of the earth。
Then察upon a high and a dark hill察the Goddess Demeter came face to
face with Hecate察the Moon。 Hecate察too察had heard the cry of Persephone察
she had sorrow for Demeter's sorrow此she spoke to her as the two stood
upon that dark察 high hill察 and told her that she should go to Helios for
tidingsto bright Helios察the watcher for the gods察and beg Helios to tell
her who it was who had carried off by violence her child Persephone。
Demeter came to Helios。 He was standing before his shining steeds察
before the impatient steeds that draw the sun through the course of the
heavens。 Demeter stood in the way of those impatient steeds察she begged
of Helios who sees all things upon the earth to tell her who it was had
carried off by violence察Persephone察her child。
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And Helios察who may make no concealment察said此 Queenly Demeter察
know that the king of the Underworld察 dark Aidoneus察 has carried off
Persephone to make her his queen in the realm that I never shine upon。;
He spoke察and as he did察his horses shook their manes and breathed out
fire察impatient to be gone。 Helios sprang into his chariot and went flashing
Demeter察 knowing that one of the gods had carried off Persephone
against her will察and knowing that what was done had been done by the
will of Zeus察 would go no more into the assemblies of the gods。 She
quenched the torch that she had held in her hands for nine days and nine
nights察she put off her robe of goddess察and she went wandering over the
earth察uncomforted for the loss of her child。 And no longer did she appear
as a gracious goddess to men察no longer did she give them grain察no longer
did she bless their fields。 None of the things that it had pleased her once to
do would Demeter do any longer。
Persephone had been playing with the nymphs who are the daughters
of OceanPhaeno察 Ianthe察 Melita察 Ianeira察Acastin the lovely fields of
Enna。 They went to gather flowersirises and crocuses察 lilies察 narcissus察
hyacinths and rosebloomsthat grow in those fields。 As they went察
gathering flowers in their baskets察they had sight of Pergus察the pool that
the white swans come to sing in。
Beside a deep chasm that had been made in the earth a wonder flower
was growingin color it was like the crocus察but it sent forth a perfume
that was like the perfume of a hundred flowers。 And Persephone thought
as she went toward it that having gathered that flower she would have
something much more wonderful than her companions had。
She did not know that Aidoneus察 the lord of the Underworld察 had
caused that flower to grow there so that she might be drawn by it to the
chasm that he had made。
As Persephone stooped to pluck the wonder flower察Aidoneus察in his
chariot of iron察dashed up through the chasm察and grasping the maiden by
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the waist察 set her beside him。 Only Cyane察 the nymph察 tried to save
Persephone察and it was then that she caught the girdle in her hands。
The maiden cried out察first because her flowers had been spilled察and
then because she was being reft away。 She cried out to her mother察and her
cry went over high mountains and sounded up from the sea。 The daughters
of Ocean察affrighted察fled and sank down into the depths of the sea。
In his great chariot of iron that was drawn by black steeds Aidoneus
rushed down through the chasm he had made。 Into the Underworld he
went察and he dashed across the River Styx察and he brought his chariot up
beside his throne。 And on his dark throne he seated Persephone察 the
fainting daughter of Demeter。
No more did the Goddess Demeter give grain to men察no more did she
bless their fields此 weeds grew where grain had been growing察 and men
feared that in a while they would famish for lack of bread。
She wandered through the world察 her thought all upon her child察
Persephone察 who had been taken from her。 Once she sat by a well by a
wayside察 thinking upon the child that she might not come to and who
might not come to her。
She saw four maidens come near察their grace and their youth reminded
her of her child。 They stepped lightly along察 carrying bronze pitchers in
their hands察for they were coming to the Well of the Maiden beside which
Demeter sat。
The maidens thought when they looked upon her that the goddess was
some ancient woman who had a sorrow in her heart。 Seeing that she was
so noble and so sorrowful´looking察 the maidens察 as they drew the clear
water into their pitchers察spoke kindly to her。
;Why do you stay away from the town察 old mother拭─ one of the
maidens said。 ;Why do you not come to the houses拭We think that you
look as if you were shelterless and alone察and we should like to tell you
that there are many houses in the town where you would be welcomed。;
Demeter's heart went out to the maidens察 because they looked so
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young and fair and simple and spoke out of such kind hearts。 She said to
them此 Where can I go察dear children拭My people are far away察and there
are none in all the world who would care