the choir invisible-第33节
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; and her greater tenderness toward him in their talk of his departure; her dependence on his friendship; her coming loneliness; the sense of a tragedy in her lifeall these sweet half…mute appeals to sympathy and affection had rioted in his memory every moment since。
Therefore it befell that the parson's sermon of the morning had dropped like living coals on his conscience。 It had sounded that familiar; lifelong; best…loved; trumpet call of dutythe old note of joy in his strength rightly and valiantly to be put forthwhich had always kindled him and had always been his boast。 All the afternoon those living coals of divine remonstrance had been burning into him deeper and deeper but in vain: they could only torture; not persuade。 For the first time in his life he had met face to face the fully aroused worst passions of his own stubborn; defiant; intractable nature: they too loved victory and were saying they would have it。
One by one the cabins disappeared in the darkness。 One by one the stars bloomed out yellow in their still meadows。 Over the vast green sea of the eastern wilderness the moon swung her silvery lamp; and up the valley floated a wide veil of mist bedashed with silvery light。
The parson climbed the crest of the hill; sat down; laid his hat on the grass; and slipped his long sensitive fingers backward over his shining hair。 Neither man spoke at first; their friendship put them at ease。 Nor did the one notice the shrinking and dread which was the other's only welcome。
〃Did you see the Falconers this morning?〃
The parson's tone was searching and troubled and gentler than it had been earlier that day。
〃They were looking for you。 They thought you'd gone home and said they'd go by for you。 They expected you to go out with them to dinner。 Haven't you been there to…day?〃
〃I certainly supposed you'd go。 I know they looked for you and must have been disappointed。 Isn't this your last Sunday?〃
He answered absently。 He was thinking that if she was looking for him; then she had not understood and their relation still rested on the old innocent footing。 Whatever explanation of his conduct and leave…taking the day before she had devised; it had not been in his disfavour。 In all probability; she had referred it; as she had referred everything else; to his affair with Amy。 His conscience smote him at the thought of her indestructible trust in him。
〃If this is your last Sunday;〃 resumed the parson in a voice rather plaintive; 〃then this is our last Sunday night together。 And that was my last sermon。 Well; it's not a bad one to take with you。 By the time you get back; you'll thank me more for it than you did this morningif you heed it。〃
There was another silence before he continued; musingly:
〃What an expression a sermon will sometimes bring out on a man's face! While I was preaching; I saw many a thing that no man knew I saw。 It was as though I were crossing actual wilderness…es; I met the wild beasts of different souls; I crept up on the lurking savages of the passions。 I believe some of those men would have liked to confess to me。 I wish they had。〃
He forbore to speak of John's black look; though it was of this that he was most grievously thinking and would have led the way to have explained。 But no answer came。〃
There was one face with no hidden guilt in it; no shame。 I read into the depths of that clear mind。 It said: 'I have conquered my wilderness。' I have never known another such woman as Mrs。 Falconer。 She never speaks of herself; but when I am with her; I feel that the struggles of my life have been nothing。〃
〃Yes;〃 he continued; out of kindness trying to take no notice of his companion's silence; 〃she holds in quietness her land of the spirit; but there are battle…fields in her nature that fill me with awe by their silence。 I'd dread to be the person to cause her any further trouble in this world。〃
The schoolmaster started up; went into the cabin; and quickly came out again。 The parson; absorbed in his reflections; had not noticed:
〃You've thought I've not sympathized with you in your affair with Amy。 It's true。 But if you'd ever loved this woman and failed; I could have sympathized。〃
〃Why don't you raise the money to build a better church by getting up a lottery?〃 asked John; breaking in harshly upon the parson's gentleness。
The question brought on a short discussion of this method of aiding schools and churches; then much in vogue。 The parson rather favoured the plan (and it is known that afterwards a better church was built for him through this device); but his companion bore but a listless part in the talk: he was balancing the chances; the honour and the dishonour; in a lottery of life。
〃You are not like yourself to…day;〃 said the parson reproachfully after silence had come on again。
I know it;〃 replied John freely; as if awaking at last。
〃Well; each of us has his troubles。 Sometimes I have likened the human race to a caravan of camels crossing a deserteach with sore on his hump and each with his load so placed as to rub that sore。 It is all right for the back to bear its burden; but I don't think there should have been any sore!〃
〃Let me ask you a question;〃 said John; suddenly and earnestly。 〃Have there ever been days in your life when; if you'd been the camel; you'd have thrown the load and driver off?〃
〃Ah!〃 said the parson keenly; but gave no answer。
〃Have there ever been days when you'd rather have done wrong than right?〃
〃Yes; there have been such dayswhen I was young and wild。〃 The confession was reluctant。
〃Have you ever had a trouble; and everybody around you fell upon you in the belief that it was something else?〃
〃That has happened to meI suppose to all of us。〃
〃Were you greatly helped by their misunderstanding you?〃
〃I can't say that I was。〃
〃You would have been glad for them to know the truth; but you didn't choose to tell them?〃
〃Yes; I have gone through such an experience。〃
〃So that their sympathy was in effect ridiculous?〃
〃That is true also。〃
〃If you have been through all this;〃 said John conclusively; 〃then without knowing anything more; you can understand why I am not like myself; as you say; and haven't been lately。〃
The parson moved his chair over beside the school…master's and took one of his hands in both of his own; drawing it into his lap。
〃John;〃 he said with affection; 〃I've been wrong: forgive me! And I can respect your silence。 But don't let anything come between us and keep it from me。 One question now on this our last Sunday night together: Have you anything against me in this world?〃
〃Not one thing! Have you anything against me?〃
〃Not one thing!〃
Neither spoke for a while。 Then the parson resumed:
〃I not only have nothing against you; but I've something to say; we might never meet hereafter。 You remember the woman who broke the alabaster box for the feet of the Saviour while he was livingthat most beautiful of all the appreciations? And you know what we do? Let our fellow…beings carry their crosses to their Calvarys; and after each has suffered his agony and entered into his peace; we go out to him and break our alabaster boxes above his stiff cold feet。 I have always hoped that my religion might enable me to break my alabaster box for the living who alone can need itand who always do need it。 Here is mine for your feet; John: Of all the men I have ever known; you are the most sincere; of them all I would soonest pick upon you to do what is right; of them all you have the cleanest face; because you have the most innocent heart; of them all you have the highest notions of what a man may do and be in this life。 I have drawn upon your strength ever since I knew you。 You have a great deal。 It is fortunate; you will need a great deal; for the world will always be a battle…field to you; but the victory will be worth the fighting。 And my last words to you are: fight it out to the end; don't compromise with evil; don't lower your ideals or your aims。 If it can be any help to you to know it; I shall always be near you in spirit when you are in trouble; if you ever need me; I will come; and if my poor prayers can ever bring you a blessing; you shall have that。〃
The parson turned his calm face up toward the firmament and tears glistened in his eyes。 Then perhaps from the old habit and need of following a sermon with a hymn; he said quite simply:
〃Would you like a little music? It is the Good…bye of the Flute to you and a pleasant journey。〃
The school…master's head had dropped quickly upon his arms; which were crossed over the back of his chair。 While the parson was praising him; he had put out his hand two or three times with wretched; imploring gestures。 Keeping his face still hidden; he moved his head now in token of assent; and out upon the stillness of the night floated the Farewell of the Flute。
But no sermon; nor friendship; nor music; nor voice of conscience; nor voice of praise; nor ideals; nor any other earthly thing could stand this day against the evil that was in him。 The parson had scarce gone away through the misty beams before he sprang up and seized his hat。
There was no fog out on the clearing。 He could not have said why he h