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the flying u ranch-第9节

小说: the flying u ranch 字数: 每页4000字

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They were seven against one; therefore; after making some caustic

remarks; which produced as little effect as had Weary's command

upon the first man; the seven were constrained to ride here and

there along the wavering; gray line; and; with shouts and

swinging ropes; themselves drive the sheep from the coulee。

There was much clamor and dust and riding to and fro。 There was

language which would have made the mothers of then weep; and

there were faces grown crimson from wrath。 Eventually; however;

the Happy Family faced the north fence of the Flying U boundary;

and saw the last woolly back scrape under the lower wire; leaving

a toll of greasy wool hanging from the barbs。

The herders had drawn together; and were looking on from a

distance; and the four dogs were yelping uneasily over their

enforced inaction。 The Happy Family went back and rounded up the

herders; and by sheer weight of numbers forced them to the fence

without laying so much as a finger upon then。 The one who had

been killing black bugs gave then an ugly look as he crawled

through; but even he did not say anything。

〃Snap them wires down where they belong;〃 Weary commanded


The man hesitated a minute; then sullenly unhooked the barbs of

the two lower strands; so that the wires; which had thus been

lifted to permit the passing of the sheep; twanged apart and once

more stretched straight from post to post。

〃Now; just keep in mind the fact that fences are built for use。

This is a private ranch; and sheep are just about as welcome as

smallpox。 Haze them stinking things as far north as they'll

travel before dark; and at daylight start 'em going again。

Where's your camp; anyhow?〃

〃None of your business;〃 mumbled the bugkiller sourly。

Weary scanned the undulating slope beyond the fence; saw no sign

of a camp; and glanced uncertainly at his fellows。 〃Well; it

don't matter much where it is; you see to it you don't sleep

within five miles of here; or you're liable to have bad dreams。

Hit the trail; now!〃

They waited inside the fence until the retreating sheep lost

their individuality as blatting animals; ambling erratically here

and there; while they moved toward the brow of the hill; and

merged into a great; gray blotch against the faint green of the

new grassa blotch from which rose again that vibrant; sing…song

humming of many voices mingled。 Then they rode back down the

coulee to their own work; taking it for granted that the

trespassing was an incident which would not be repeatedby those

particular sheep; at any rate。

It was; therefore; with something of a shock that the Happy

Family awoke the next morning to hear Pink's melodious treble

shouting in the bunk…house at sunrise next morning:

〃'G'wa…a…y round' 'em; Shep! Seven black ones in the coulee!〃 Men

who know well the West are familiar with that facetious call。

〃Ah; what's the matter with yuh?〃 Irish raised a rumpled; brown

head from his pillow; and blinked sleepily at him。 〃I've been

dreaming I was a sheepherder; all night。〃

〃Well; you've got the swellest chance in the world to 'make every

dream cone true; dearie;'〃 Pink retorted。 〃The whole blamed

coulee's full uh sheep。 I woke up a while ago and thought I just

imagined I heard 'en again; so I went out to take a lookor a

smell; it wasand they're sure enough there!〃

Weary swung one long leg out from under his blankets and reached

for his clothes。 He did not say anything; but his face portended

trouble for the invaders。

〃Say!〃 cried Big Medicine; coming out of his bunk as if it were

afire; 〃I tell yuh right now then blattin' human apes wouldn't

git gay around here if I was runnin' this outfit。 The way I'd

have of puttin' them sheep on the run wouldn't be slow; by

cripes! I'll guarantee〃

By then the bunk…house was buzzing with voices; and there was

none to give heed to Big Medicine s blatant boasting。 Others

there were who seemed rather inclined to give Weary good advice

while they pulled on their boots and sought for their gloves and

rolled early…morning cigarettes; and otherwise prepared

themselves for what Fate might have waiting for then outside the


〃Are you sure they're in the coulee; Cadwalloper?〃 Weary asked;

during a brief lull。 〃They could be up on the hill〃

〃Hell; yes!〃 was Pink's forceful answer。 〃They could be on the

hill; but they ain't。 Why; darn it; they're straggling into the

little pasture! I could see 'em from the stable。 They〃

〃Come and eat your breakfast first; boys; anyway。〃 Weary had his

hand upon the door…knob。 〃A few minutes more won't make any

difference; one way or the other。〃 He went out and over to the

mess…house to see if Patsy had the coffee ready; for this was a

good three…quarters of an hour earlier than the Flying U outfit

usually bestirred themselves on these days of preparation for

roundup and waiting for good grass。

〃I'll be darned if I'd be as calm as he is;〃 Cal Emmett muttered

while the door was being closed。 〃Good thing the Old Man ain't

here; now。 He'd go straight up in the air。 He wouldn't wait for

no breakfast。〃

〃I betche there'll be a killin' yet; before we're through with

them sheep;〃 gloomed Happy Jack。 〃When sheepherders starts in

once to be ornery; there ain't no way uh stoppin' 'em except by

killin' 'em off。 And that'll mean the pen for a lot of us


〃Well; by golly; it won't be me;〃 Slim declared loudly。 〃Yuh

wouldn't ketch me goin' t' jail for no doggone sheepherder。 They

oughta be a bounty on 'en by rights。〃

〃Seems queer they'd be right back here this morning; after being

hazed out yesterday afternoon;〃 said Andy Green thoughtfully。

〃Looks like they're plumb anxious to build a lot of trouble for


Patsy; thumping energetically the bottom of a tin pan; sent them

trooping to the mess…house。 There it was evident that the

breakfast had been unduly hurried; there were no biscuits in

sight; for one thing; though Patsy was lumbering about the stove

frying hot…cakes。 They were in too great a hurry to wait for

them; however。 They swallowed their coffee hurriedly; bolted a

few mouthfuls of meat and fried eggs; and let it go at that。

Weary looked at then with a faint smile。 〃I'm going to give a few

of you fellows a chance to herd sheep to…day;〃 he announced;

cooling his coffee so that it would not actually scald his

palate。 〃That's why I wanted you to get some grub into you。 Some

of you fellows will have to take the trail up on the hill; and

meet us outside the fence; so when we chase 'em through you can

make a good job of it this time。 I wonder〃

〃You don't need to call out the troops for that job; one man is

enough to put the fear uh the Lord into then herders;〃 Andy

remarked slightingly。 〃Once they're on the move〃

〃All right; my boy; we'll let you be the man;〃 Weary told him

promptly。 〃I was going to have a bunch of you take a packadero

outfit down toward Boiler Bottom and comb the breaks along there

for horsesand I sure do hate to spend the whole day chasing

sheepherders around over the country。 So we'll haze 'em through

the fence again; and; seeing you feel that way about it; I'll let

you go around and keep 'em going。 And; if you locate their camp;

kinda impress it on the tender; if you can round him up; that the

Flying U ain't pasturing sheep this spring。 No matter what kinda

talk he puts up; you put the run on 'em till you see 'em across

One…Man coulee。 Better have Patsy put you up a lunchunless

you're fond of mutton。〃

Andy twisted his mouth disgustedly。 〃Say; I'm going to quit

handing out any valuable advice to you; Weary;〃 he expostulated。

〃Haw…haw…haw…w…w!〃 laughed Big Medicine; and slapped Andy on the

shoulder so that his face almost came in contact with his plate。

〃Yuh will try to work some innercent man into sheepherdin'; will

yuh? Haw…haw…haw…w! You'll come in tonight blattin'if yuh don't

stay out on the range tryin' t' eat grass; by cripes! Andy had a

little lamb that follered him around〃

〃Better let Bud take that herdin' job; Weary;〃 Andy suggested。

〃It won't hurt himhe's blattin' already。〃

〃If you think you're liable to need somebody along;〃 Weary began;

soft…heartedly relenting; 〃why; I guess〃

〃If I can't handle two crazy sheepherders without any help; by

gracious; I'll get me a job holdin' yarn in an old ladies' hone;〃

Andy cut in hastily; and got up from the table。 〃Being a truthful

man; I can't say I'm stuck on the job; but I'm game for it。 And

I'll promise you there won't be no more sheep of that brand

lickin' our doorsteps。 What darned outfit is it; anyway? I never

bumped into any Dot sheep before; to my knowledge。〃

〃It's a new one on me;〃 Weary testified; heading the procession

down to the stable。 〃If they belonged anywhere in this part of

the country; though; they wouldn't be acting the way they are。

They'd be wis

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