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the flying u ranch-第15节

小说: the flying u ranch 字数: 每页4000字

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in Weary's face。 〃All they can do is gobble all the range around

hereand I guess there's a few of us that will have a word or

two to say about that。〃

〃What makes me sore;〃 Weary confided; 〃is knowing that Dunk isn't

thinking altogether of the dollar end of it。 He's tickled to

death to get a whack at the outfit。 And I hate to see him get

away with it; but I guess we'll have to stand for it。〃

That sentiment did not please Pink; nor; when Weary repeated it

later that evening in the bunk…house; did it please the Happy

Family。 The less pleasing it was because it was perfectly true

and every man of them knew it。 Beyond keeping the sheep off

Flying U land; there was nothing they could do without stepping

over the line into lawlessnessand; while they were not in any

sense a meek Happy Family; they were far more law…abiding than

their conversation that night made them appear。

CHAPTER IX。 More Sheep

The next week was a time of harassment for the Flying U; a week

filled to overflowing with petty irritations; traceable; directly

or indirectly; to their new neighbors; the Dot sheepmen。 The band

in charge of the bug…chaser and that other unlovable man from

Wyoming fed just as close to the Flying U boundary as their

guardians dared let them feed; a great deal closer than was good

for the tempers of the Happy Family; who rode fretfully here and

there upon their own business and at the same time tried to keep

an eye upon their unsavory neighborsa proceeding as

nerve…racking as it was futile。

The Native Son; riding home in jingling haste from Dry Lake;

whither he had hurried one afternoon in the hope of cheering news

from Chicago; reported another trainload of Dots on the wide

level beyond Antelope coulee。 There were; he said; four men in

charge of the band; and he believed they carried guns; though he

was not positive of that。 They were moving slowly; and he thought

they would not attempt to cross Flying U coulee before the next

day; though; from the course they were taking; he was sure they

meant to cross。

Coupled with that bit of ill…tidings; the brief note from Chip;

saying very little about the Old Man; but implying a good deal by

its very omissions; would have been enough to send the Happy

Family to sleepless beds that night if they had been the kind to

endure with silent fortitude their troubles。

〃If you fellers would back me up;〃 brooded Big Medicine down by

the corral after supper; 〃I'd see to it them sheep never gits

across the coulee; by cripes! I'd send 'em so far the other way

they'd git plumb turned around and forgit they ever wanted to go


〃It's all Dunk's devilishness;〃 Jack Bates declared。 〃He could

take them in the other way; even if the feed ain't so good along

the trail。 It's most all prairie…dog townsbut that's good

enough for sheep。〃 Jack; in his intense partisanship; spoke as if

sheep were not entitled to decent grass at any time or under any


〃Them herders packin' guns looks to me like they're goin' to make

trouble if they kin;〃 gloomed Happy Jack。 〃I betche they'll kill

somebody before they're through。 When sheepmen gits mean〃

Pink picked up his rope and started for the large corral; where a

few saddle horses had been driven in just before supper and had

not yet been turned out。

〃You fellows can stand around and chew the rag; if you want to;〃

he said caustically; 〃and wait for Weary to make a war…talk。 But

I'm going to keep cases on them Dots; if I have to stand an

all…night guard on 'em。 I don't blame Weary; he's looking out for

the law…and…order businessand that's all right。 But I'm not in

charge of the outfit。 I'm going to do as I darn please; and; if

they don't like my style; they can give me my time。〃

〃Good for you; Little One!〃 Big Medicine hurried to overtake him

so that he might slap him on the shoulder with his favorite;

sledge…hammer method of signifying his approval of a man's

sentiments。 〃Honest to grandma; I was just b'ginnin' to think

this bunch was gitting all streaked up with yeller。 'Course; we

ain't goin' to wait for no official orders; by cripes! I'd ruther

lock Weary up in the blacksmith shop than let him tell us to go

ahead。 Go awn and tell him a good; stiff lie; Andyjust to keep

him interested while us fellers make a gitaway。 He ain't in on

this; we don't want him in on it。〃

〃What yuh goin' to do?〃 Happy Jack inquired suspiciously。 〃Yuh

can't go and monkey with them sheep; er them herders。 They ain't

on our land。 And; if you don't git killed; old Dunk'll fix yuh

like he fixed the Gordon boysI know himto a fare…you…well。

It'd tickle him to death to git something on us fellers。 I betche

that's what he's aiming t'do。 Git us to fightin' his outfit


〃Oh; go off and lie down!〃 Andy implored him contemptuously。

〃We're going to hang those herders; and drive the sheep all over

a cut…back somewhere; like Jesus done to the hogs; and then we're

going over and murder old Dunk; if he's at home; and burn the

house to hide the guilty deed。 And; if the sheriff comes snooping

around; asking disagreeable questions; we'll all swear you done

it。 So now you know our plans; shut your face and go on to bed。

And be sure;〃 he added witheringly; 〃you pull the soogans over

your head; so you won't hear the dying shriek of our victims。

We're liable to get kinda excited and torture 'em a while before

we kill 'em。〃

〃Aw; gwan!〃 gulped Happy Jack mechanically。 〃You make me sick! If

yuh think I'm goin' to swaller all that; you're away off! You

wouldn't dast do nothing of the kind; and; if yuh did; you'd sure

have a sweet time layin' it onto me!〃

〃Oh; I don't know;〃 drawled the Native Son; with a slow;

velvet…eyed glance; 〃any jury in the country would hang you on

your looks; Happy。 I knew a man down in the lower part of

California; who was arrested; tried and hanged for murder。 And

all the evidence there was against him was the fact that he was

seen within five miles of the place on the same day the murder

was committed; and his face。 They had an expert physiognomist

there; and he swore that the fellow had the face of a murderer;

the poor devil looked like a criminaland; though he had one of

the best lawyers on the Coast; it was adios for him。〃

〃I s'pose you mean I got the face of a criminal!〃 sputtered Happy

Jack。 〃It ain't always the purty fellers that wins out like you

'n' Pink。 I never seen the purty man yit that was worth the

powder it'd take to blow him up! Aw; you fellers make me sick!〃

He went off; muttering his opinion of them all; and particularly

of the Native Son; who smiled while he listened。 〃You go awn and

start somethingand you'll wisht you hadn't;〃 they heard him

croak from the big gate; and chuckled over his wrath。

As a matter of fact; the Happy Family; as a whole; or as

individuals; had no intention of committing any great violence

that evening。 Pink wanted to see just where this new band of

sheep was spending the night; and to find out; if possible; what

were the herders' intentions。 Since the boys were all restless

under their worry; and; since there is a contagious element in

seeking a trouble…zone; none save Happy Jack; who was 〃sore〃 at

them; and Weary stayed behind in the coulee with old Patsy while

the others rode away up the grade and out toward Antelope coulee


They meant only to reconnoiter; and to warn the herders against

attempting to cross Flying U coulee; though they were not exactly

sure that they would be perfectly polite; or that they would

confine themselves rigidly to the language they were wont to

employ at dances。 Andy Green; in particular; seemed rather to

look forward with pleasure to the meeting。 Andy; by the way; had

remained heartbrokenly passive during that whole week; because

Weary had extracted from him a promise which Andy; mendacious

though he had the name of being; felt constrained to keep intact。

Though of a truth it irked him much to think of two sheepherders

walking abroad unpunished for their outrage upon his person。

Weary; as he had made plain to them all; wanted to avoid trouble

if it were possible to do so。 And; though they grinned together

in secret over his own affair with Dunkwhich was not; in their

opinion; exactly pacificthey meant to respect his wishes as far

as human nature was able to do so。 So that the Happy Family;

galloping toward the red sunset and the great; gray blot on the

prairie; just where the glory of the west tinged the grass blades

with red; were not one…half as blood…thirsty as they had

proclaimed themselves to be。

While they were yet afar off they could see two men walking

slowly in the immediate vicinity of the huddled band。 A hundred

yards away was a small tent; with a couple of horses picketed

near by and feeding placidly。 The men turned; gazed long at their

approach; and walked to the tent; which th

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