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11-the grateful beasts-第3节

小说: 11-the grateful beasts 字数: 每页4000字

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Then Ferko went straight to the palace and told the King that he

was ready to perform the third task if he would come to the hill

and see it done。  Ferko himself returned to the fields; and

mounting on the wolf's back he rode to the wood close by。

Quick as lightning the wolf flew round the wood; and in a minute

many hundred wolves rose up before him; increasing in number

every moment; till they could be counted by thousands。  He drove

them all before him on to the hill; where the King and his whole

Court and Ferko's two brothers were standing。  Only the lovely

Princess was not present; for she was shut up in her tower

weeping bitterly。

The wicked brothers stamped and foamed with rage when they saw

the failure of their wicked designs。  But the King was overcome

by a sudden terror when he saw the enormous pack of wolves

approaching nearer and nearer; and calling out to Ferko he said;

'Enough; enough; we don't want any more。'

But the wolf on whose back Ferko sat; said to its rider; 'Go on!

go on!' and at the same moment many more wolves ran up the hill;

howling horribly and showing their white teeth。

The King in his terror called out; 'Stop a moment; I will give

you half my kingdom if you will drive all the wolves away。'  But

Ferko pretended not to hear; and drove some more thousands before

him; so that everyone quaked with horror and fear。 

Then the King raised his voice again and called out; 'Stop!  you

shall have my whole kingdom; if you will only drive these wolves

back to the places they came from。'

But the wolf kept on encouraging Ferko; and said; 'Go on!  go

on!' So he led the wolves on; till at last they fell on the King

and on the wicked brothers; and ate them and the whole Court up

in a moment。

Then Ferko went straight to the palace and set the Princess free;

and on the same day he married her and was crowned King of the

country。  And the wolves all went peacefully back to their own

homes; and Ferko and his bride lived for many years in peace and

happiness together; and were much beloved by great and small in

the land。

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