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dream days-及22准

弌傍 dream days 忖方 耽匈4000忖

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

warily round him察keeping his eye on the spare place察while the

dragon察adopting similar tactics察paced with caution round the

same circle察occasionally feinting with his head。  So the two

sparred for an opening察while the spectators maintained a

breathless silence。

Though the round lasted for some minutes察the end was so swift

that all the Boy saw was a lightning movement of the Saint's arm

and then a whirl and a confusion of spines察claws察tail察and

flying bits of turf。  The dust cleared away察the spectators

whooped and ran in cheering察and the Boy made out that the dragon

was down察pinned to the earth by the spear察while St。 George had

dismounted察and stood astride of him。

It all seemed so genuine that the Boy ran in breathlessly

hoping the dear old dragon wasn't really hurt。  As he approached

the dragon lifted one large eyelid察winked solemnly察and

collapsed again。  He was held fast to earth by the neck察but the

Saint had hit him in the spare place agreed upon察and it didn't

even seem to tickle。

;Bain't you goin' to cut 'is 'ed orf察master拭─asked one of the

applauding crowd。  He had backed the dragon察and naturally felt a

trifle sore。

;Well察not TO´DAY察I think察─replied St。 George察pleasantly。 

;You see察that can be done at ANY time。  There's no hurry at

all。  I think we'll all go down to the village first察and have

some refreshment察and then I'll give him a good talking´to察and

you'll find he'll be a very different dragon 

At that magic word REFRESHMENT the whole crowd formed up in

procession and silently awaited the signal to start。  The

time for talking and cheering and betting was past察the hour for

action had arrived。  St。 George察hauling on his spear with both

hands察released the dragon察who rose and shook himself and ran

his eye over his spikes and scales and things察to see that they

were all in order。  Then the Saint mounted and led off the

procession察the dragon following meekly in the company of the

Boy察while the thirsty spectators kept at a respectful interval


There were great doings when they got down to the village again

and had formed up in front of the inn。  After refreshment St。

George made a speech察in which he informed his audience that he

had removed their direful scourge察at a great deal of trouble and

inconvenience to him´self察and now they weren't to go about

grumbling and fancying they'd got grievances察because they

hadn't。  And they shouldn't be so fond of fights察because next

time they might have to do the fighting themselves察which would

not be the same thing at all。  And there was a certain badger in

the inn stables which had got to be released at once察and he'd

come and see it done himself。  Then he told them that the dragon

had been thinking over things察and saw that there were two sides

to every question察and he wasn't going to do it any more察and if

they were good perhaps he'd stay and settle down there。  So they

must make friends察and not be prejudiced and go about fancying

they knew everything there was to be known察because they didn't

not by a long way。  And he warned them against the sin of

romancing察and making up stories and fancying other people would

believe them just because they were plausible and highly´

coloured。  Then he sat down察amidst much repentant cheering

and the dragon nudged the Boy in the ribs and whispered that he

couldn't have done it better himself。  Then every one went off to

get ready for the banquet。

Banquets are always pleasant things察consisting mostly察as they

do察of eating and drinking察but the specially nice thing about a

banquet is察that it comes when something's over察and there's

nothing more to worry about察and to´morrow seems a long way off。 

St George was happy because there had been a fight and he hadn't

had to kill anybody察for he didn't really like killing察though he

generally had to do it。  The dragon was happy because there had

been a fight察and so far from being hurt in it he had won

popularity and a sure footing in society。  The Boy was happy

because there had been a fight察and in spite of it all his two

friends were on the best of terms。  And all the others were

happy because there had been a fight察andwell察they didn't

require any other reasons for their happiness。  The dragon

exerted himself to say the right thing to everybody察and proved

the life and soul of the evening察while the Saint and the Boy察as

they looked on察felt that they were only assisting at a feast of

which the honour and the glory were entirely the dragon's。  But

they didn't mind that察being good fellows察and the dragon was not

in the least proud or forgetful。  On the contrary察every ten

minutes or so he leant over towards the Boy and said

impressively此  Look here you WILL see me home afterwards

won't you拭─ And the Boy always nodded察though he had promised

his mother not to be out late。

At last the banquet was over察the guests had dropped away with

many good´nights and congratulations and invitations察and

the dragon察who had seen the last of them off the premises

emerged into the street followed by the Boy察wiped his brow

sighed察sat down in the road and gazed at the stars。  ;Jolly

night it's been ─he murmured。  ;Jolly stars  Jolly little place

this  Think I shall just stop here。  Don't feel like climbing up

any beastly hill。  Boy's promised to see me home。  Boy had better

do it then  No responsibility on my part。  Responsibility all

Boy's ─ And his chin sank on his broad chest and he slumbered


;Oh察GET up察dragon察─cried the Boy察piteously。  ;You KNEW

my mother's sitting up察and I'm so tired察and you made me promise

to see you home察and I never knew what it meant or I wouldn't

have done it ─ And the Boy sat down in the road by the side of

the sleeping dragon察and cried。

The door behind them opened察a stream of light illumined the

road察and St。 George察who had come out for a stroll in the cool

night´air察caught sight of the two figures sitting therethe

great motionless dragon and the tearful little Boy。

;What's the matter察Boy拭─he inquired kindly察stepping to his


;Oh察it's this great lumbering PIG of a dragon ─sobbed the

Boy。  ;First he makes me promise to see him home察and then he

says I'd better do it察and goes to sleep  Might as well try to

see a HAYSTACK home  And I'm so tired察and mother's; here

he broke down again。

;Now don't take on察─said St。 George。  ;I'll stand by you察and

we'll BOTH see him home。  Wake up察dragon ─he said sharply

shaking the beast by the elbow。

The dragon looked up sleepily。  ;What a night察George ─he

murmured察 what a;

;Now look here察dragon察─said the Saint察firmly。  ;Here's

this little fellow waiting to see you home察and you KNOW he

ought to have been in bed these two hours察and what his mother'll

say _I_ don't know察and anybody but a selfish pig would have

MADE him go to bed long ago;

;And he SHALL go to bed ─cried the dragon察starting up。 

;Poor little chap察only fancy his being up at this hour  It's a

shame察that's what it is察and I don't think察St。 George察you've

been very consideratebut come along at once察and don't let us

have any more arguing or shilly´shallying。  You give me hold of

your hand察Boythank you察George察an arm up the hill is just

what I wanted 

So they set off up the hill arm´in´arm察the Saint察the Dragon

and the Boy。  The lights in the little village began to go out

but there were stars察and a late moon察as they climbed to the

Downs together。  And察as they turned the last corner and

disappeared from view察snatches of an old song were borne

back on the night´breeze。  I can't be certain which of them was

singing察but I THINK it was the Dragon

;Here we are at your gate察─said the man察abruptly察laying his

hand on it。  ;Good´night。  Cut along in sharp察or you'll catch


Could it really be our own gate拭 Yes察there it was察sure enough

with the familiar marks on its bottom bar made by our feet when

we swung on it。

;Oh察but wait a minute ─cried Charlotte。  ;I want to know a heap

of things。  Did the dragon really settle down拭 And did;

;There isn't any more of that story察─said the man察kindly but

firmly。  ;At least察not to´night。  Now be off  Good´bye 

;Wonder if it's all true拭─said Charlotte察as we hurried up the

path。  ;Sounded dreadfully like nonsense察in parts 

;P'raps its true for all that察─I replied encouragingly。

Charlotte bolted in like a rabbit察out of the cold and the dark

but I lingered a moment in the still察frosty air察for a backward

glance at the silent white world without察ere I changed it for

the land of firelight and cushions and laughter。  It was the day

for choir´practice察and carol´time was at hand察and a belated

member was passing homewards down the road察singing as he went

;Then St。 George此ee made rev

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