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dream days-及15准

弌傍 dream days 忖方 耽匈4000忖

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

had reached the quarter´deck and cut down the pirate chiefa

fine black´bearded fellow in his way察but hardly up to date in

his parry´and´thrust business。  Those whom our cutlasses had

spared were marched out along their own plank察in the

approved old fashion察and in time the scuppers relieved the decks

of the blood that made traffic temporarily impossible。  And all

the time the British´man´of´war admired and applauded in the


As soon as we had got through with the necessary throat´cutting

and swabbing´up all hands set to work to discover treasure察and

soon the deck shone bravely with ingots and Mexican dollars and

church plate。  There were ropes of pearls察too察and big stacks of

nougat察and rubies察and gold watches察and Turkish Delight in

tubs。  But I left these trifles to my crew察and continued the

search alone。  For by this time I had determined that there

should be a Princess on board察carried off to be sold in

captivity to the bold bad Moors察and now with beating heart

awaiting her rescue by me察the Perseus of her dreams。

I came upon her at last in the big state´cabin in the stern察and

she wore a holland pinafore over her Princess´clothes察and

she had brown wavy hair察hanging down her back察just likewell

never mind察she had brown wavy hair。  When gentle´folk meet

courtesies pass察and I will not weary other people with relating

all the compliments and counter´compliments that we exchanged

all in the most approved manner。  Occasions like this察when

tongues wagged smoothly and speech flowed free察were always

especially pleasing to me察who am naturally inclined to be

tongue´tied with women。  But at last ceremony was over察and we

sat on the table and swung our legs and agreed to be fast

friends。  And I showed her my latest knifeone´bladed察horn´

handled察terrific察hung round my neck with string察and she showed

me the chiefest treasures the ship contained察hidden away in a

most private and particular lockera musical box with a glass

top that let you see the works察and a railway train with

real lines and a real tunnel察and a tin iron´clad that followed a

magnet察and was ever so much handier in many respects than the

real full´sized thing that still lay and applauded in the offing。

There was high feasting that night in my cabin。  We invited the

captain of the man´of´warone could hardly do less察it seemed to

meand the Princess took one end of the table and I took the

other察and the captain was very kind and nice察and told us fairy´

stories察and asked us both to come and stay with him next

Christmas察and promised we should have some hunting察on real

ponies。  When he left I gave him some ingots and things察and saw

him into his boat察and then I went round the ship and addressed

the crew in several set speeches察which moved them deeply察and

with my own hands loaded up the carronade with grape´shot till it

ran over at the mouth。  This done察I retired into the cabin

with the Princess察and locked the door。  And first we started the

musical box察taking turns to wind it up察and then we made toffee

in the cabin´stove察and then we ran the train round and round the

room察and through and through the tunnel察and lastly we swam the

tin ironclad in the bath察with the soap´dish for a pirate。

Next morning the air was rich with spices察porpoises rolled and

gambolled round the bows察and the South Sea Islands lay full in

view they were the REAL South Sea Islands察of coursenot the

badly furnished journeymen´islands that are to be perceived on

the map。  As for the pirate brigantine and the man´of´war察I

don't really know what became of them。  They had played their

part very well察for the time察but I wasn't going to bother to

account for them察so I just let them evaporate quietly。  The

islands provided plenty of fresh occupation。  For here were

little bays of silvery sand察dotted with land´crabs察groves

of palm´trees wherein monkeys frisked and pelted each other with

cocoanuts察and caves察and sites for stockades察and hidden

treasures significantly indicated by skulls察in riotous plenty

while birds and beasts of every colour and all latitudes made

pleasing noises which excited the sporting instinct。

The islands lay conveniently close together察which necessitated

careful steering as we threaded the devious and intricate

channels that separated them。  Of course no one else could be

trusted at the wheel察so it is not surprising that for some time

I quite forgot that there was such a thing as a Princess on

board。  This is too much the masculine way察whenever there's any

real business doing。  However察I remembered her as soon as the

anchor was dropped察and I went below and consoled her察and we had

breakfast together察and she was allowed to ;pour out察─which

quite made up for everything。  When breakfast was over we ordered

out the captain's gig察and rowed all about the islands察and

paddled察and explored察and hunted bisons and beetles and

butterflies察and found everything we wanted。  And I gave her pink

shells and tortoises and great milky pearls and little green

lizards察and she gave me guinea´pigs察and coral to make into

waistcoat´buttons察and tame sea´otters察and a real pirate's

powder´horn。  It was a prolific day and a long´lasting one察and

weary were we with all our hunting and our getting and our

gathering察when at last we clambered into the captain's gig and

rowed back to a late tea。

The following day my conscience rose up and accused me。  This was

not what I had come out to do。  These triflings with pearls and

parrakeets察these al fresco luncheons off yams and bananas

there was no ;making of history; about them察I resolved that

without further dallying I would turn to and capture the French

frigate察according to the original programme。  So we upped anchor

with the morning tide察and set all sail for San Salvador。

Of course I had no idea where San Salvador really was。  I haven't

now察for that matter。  But it seemed a right´sounding sort of

name for a place that was to have a bay that was to hold a French

frigate that was to be cut out察so察as I said察we sailed for San

Salvador察and made the bay about eight bells that evening察and

saw the topmasts of the frigate over the headland that sheltered

her。  And forthwith there was summoned a Council of War。

It is a very serious matter察a Council of War。  We had not held

one hitherto察pirates and truck of that sort not calling for such

solemn treatment。  But in an affair that might almost be

called international察it seemed well to proceed gravely and by

regular steps。  So we met in my cabinthe Princess察and the

bo'sun察and a boy from the real´life lot察and a man from among

the book´men察and a fellow from No´man's´land察and myself in the


The bo'sun had taken part in so many cuttings´out during his past

career that practically he did all the talking察and was the

Council of War himself。  It was to be an affair of boats察he

explained。  A boat's´crew would be told off to cut the cables

and two boats'´crews to climb stealthily on board and overpower

the sleeping Frenchmen察and two more boats' crews to haul the

doomed vessel out of the bay。  This made rather a demand on my

limited resources as to crews察but I was prepared to stretch a

point in a case like this察and I speedily brought my numbers up

to the requisite efficiency。

The night was both moonless and star´lessI had arranged all

thatwhen the boats pushed off from the side of our vessel察and

made their way toward the ship that察unfortunately for itself

had been singled out by Fate to carry me home in triumph。  I was

in excellent spirits察and察indeed察as I stepped over the side察a

lawless idea crossed my mind察of discovering another Princess on

board the frigatea French one this time察I had heard that that

sort was rather nice。  But I abandoned the notion at once

recollecting that the heroes of all history had always been noted

for their unswerving constancy。

The French captain was snug in bed when I clambered in through

his cabin window and held a naked cutlass to his throat。 

Naturally he was surprised and considerably alarmed察till I

discharged one of my set speeches at him察pointing out that my

men already had his crew under hatchways察that his vessel

was even then being towed out of harbour察and that察on his

accepting the situation with a good grace察his person and private

property would be treated with all the respect due to the

representative of a great nation for which I entertained feelings

of the profoundest admiration and regard and all that sort of

thing。  It was a beautiful speech。  The Frenchman at once

presented me with his parole察in the usual way察and察in a reply

of some power and pathos察only begged that I would retire a

moment while he put on his trousers。  This I gracefully consented

to do察and the incident ended。

Two of my boats were sunk by the fire from the fo

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