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dream days-及13准

弌傍 dream days 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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But it was time to get on察for clearly the interest was only just

beginning。  Over went the next page察and there we were察the whole

crowd of us察assembled in a noble church。  It was not easy to

make out exactly what was going on察but in the throng I was

delighted to recognize my angels at last察happy and very much at

home。  They had managed to get leave off察evidently察and must

have run up the hill and scampered breathlessly through the gate

and perhaps they cried a little when they found the square empty

and thought the fun must be all over。  Two of them had got hold

of a great wax candle apiece察as much as they could stagger

under察and were tittering sideways at each other as the

grease ran bountifully over their clothes。  A third had strolled

in among the company察and was chatting to a young gentleman察with

whom she appeared to be on the best of terms。  Decidedly察this

was the right breed of angel for us。  None of your sick´bed or

night nursery business for them

Well察no doubt they were now being married察He and She察just as

always happened。  And then察of course察they were going to live

happily ever after察and THAT was the part I wanted to get to。 

Story´books were so stupid察always stopping at the point where

they became really nice察but this picture´story was only in its

first chapters察and at last I was to have a chance of knowing

HOW people lived happily ever after。  We would all go home

together察He and She察and the angels察and I察and the armour´man

would be invited to come and stay。  And then the story would

really begin察at the point where those other ones always

left off。  I turned the page察and found myself free of the dim

and splendid church and once more in the open country。

This was all right察this was just as it should be。  The sky was a

fleckless blue察the flags danced in the breeze察and our merry

bridal party察with jest and laughter察jogged down to the water´

side。  I was through the town by this time察and out on the other

side of the hill察where I had always wanted to be察and察sure

enough察there was the harbour察all thick with curly ships。  Most

of them were piled high with wedding´presentsbales of silk察and

gold and silver plate察and comfortable´looking bags suggesting

bullion察and the gayest ship of all lay close up to the carpeted

landing´stage。  Already the bride was stepping daintily down the

gangway察her ladies following primly察one by one察a few minutes

more and we should all be aboard察the hawsers would splash

in the water察the sails would fill and strain。  From the deck I

should see the little walled town recede and sink and grow dim

while every plunge of our bows brought us nearer to the happy

islandit was an island we were bound for察I knew well  Already

I could see the island´people waving hands on the crowded quay

whence the little houses ran up the hill to the castle察crowning

all with its towers and battlements。  Once more we should ride

together察a merry procession察clattering up the steep street and

through the grim gateway察and then we should have arrived察then

we should all dine together察then we should have reached home 

And then


Bitter it is to stumble out of an opalescent dream into the cold

daylight察cruel to lose in a second a sea´voyage察an island察and

a castle that was to be practically your own察but cruellest

and bitterest of all to know察in addition to your loss察that the

fingers of an angry aunt have you tight by the scruff of your

neck。  My beautiful book was gone tooravished from my grasp by

the dressy lady察who joined in the outburst of denunciation as

heartily as if she had been a relativeand naught was left me

but to blubber dismally察awakened of a sudden to the harshness of

real things and the unnumbered hostilities of the actual world。 

I cared little for their reproaches察their abuse察but I sorrowed

heartily for my lost ship察my vanished island察my uneaten dinner

and for the knowledge that察if I wanted any angels to play with

I must henceforth put up with the anaemic察night´gowned

nonentities that hovered over the bed of the Sunday´school child

in the pages of the Sabbath Improver。

I was led ignominiously out of the house察in a pulpy察watery

state察while the butler handled his swing doors with a

stony察impassive countenance察intended for the deception of the

very elect察though it did not deceive me。  I knew well enough

that next time he was off duty察and strolled around our way察we

should meet in our kitchen as man to man察and I would punch him

and ask him riddles察and he would teach me tricks with corks and

bits of string。  So his unsympathetic manner did not add to my


I maintained a diplomatic blubber long after we had been packed

into our pony´carriage and the lodge´gate had clicked behind us

because it served as a sort of armour´plating against heckling

and argument and abuse察and I was thinking hard and wanted to be

let alone。  And the thoughts that I was thinking were two。

First I thought察 I've got ahead of Charlotte THIS time 

And next I thought察 When I've grown up big察and have money

of my own察and a full´sized walking´stick察I will set out early

one morning察and never stop till I get to that little walled

town。;  There ought to be no real difficulty in the task。  It

only meant asking here and asking there察and people were very

obliging察and I could describe every stick and stone of it。

As for the island which I had never even seen察that was not so

easy。  Yet I felt confident that somehow察at some time察sooner or

later察I was destined to arrive。


It happened one day that some ladies came to call察who were not

at all the sort I was used to。  They suffered from a grievance

so far as I could gather察and the burden of their plaint was

ManMen in general and Man in particular。  Though the words

were but spoken察I could clearly discern the capital M in their

acid utterance。

Of course I was not present officially察so to speak。  Down below

in my sub´world of chair´legs and hearthrugs and the undersides

of sofas察I was working out my own floor´problems察while they

babbled on far above my head察considering me as but a chair´leg

or even something lower in the scale。  Yet I was listening hard

all the time察with that respectful consideration one gives to

all grown´up people's remarks察so long as one knows no better。

It seemed a serious indictment enough察as they rolled it out。  In

tact察considerateness察and right appreciation察as well as in

taste and aesthetic sensibilitieswe failed at every point察we

breeched and bearded prentice´jobs of Nature察and I began to feel

like collapsing on the carpet from sheer spiritual anaemia。  But

when one of them察with a swing of her skirt察prostrated a whole

regiment of my brave tin soldiers察and never apologized nor even

offered her aid toward revivifying the battle´line察I could not

help feeling that in tactfulness and consideration for others she

was still a little to seek。  And I said as much察with some

directness of language。

That was the end of me察from a society point of view。  Rudeness

to visitors was the unpardonable sin察and in two seconds I

had my marching orders察and was sullenly wending my way to the

St。 Elelena of the nursery。  As I climbed the stair察my thoughts

reverted somehow to a game we had been playing that very morning。

It was the good old game of Raftsa game that will be played

till all the oceans are dry and all the trees in the world are

felledand after。  And we were all crowded together on the

precarious little platform察and Selina occupied every bit as much

room as I did察and Charlotte's legs didn't dangle over any more

than Harold's。  The pitiless sun overhead beat on us all with

tropic impartiality察and the hungry sharks察whose fins scored the

limitless Pacific stretching out on every side察were impelled by

an appetite that made no exceptions as to sex。  When we shared

the ultimate biscuit and circulated the last water´keg察the girls

got an absolute fourth apiece察and neither more nor less察and

the only partiality shown was entirely in favour of

Charlotte察who was allowed to perceive and to hail the saviour´

sail on the horizon。  And this was only because it was her turn

to do so察not because she happened to be this or that。  Surely

the rules of the raft were the rules of life察and in what察then

did these visitor´ladies' grievance consist

Puzzled and a little sulky察I pushed open the door of the

deserted nursery察where the raft that had rocked beneath so many

hopes and fears still occupied the ocean´floor。  To the dull eye

that merely tarries upon the outsides of things察it might have

appeared unromantic and even unraftlike察consisting only as it

did of a round sponge´bath on a bald deal towel´horse placed flat

on the floor。  Even to myself much of the recent 

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