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小说: the+critique+of+pure+reason_纯粹理性批判 字数: 每页4000字

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to them; nor intuition without conceptions; can afford us a cognition。
Both are either pure or empirical。 They are。 empirical; when sensation
(which presupposes the actual presence of the object) is contained
in them; and pure; when no sensation is mixed with the representation。
Sensations we may call the matter of sensuous cognition。 Pure
intuition consequently contains merely the form under which
something is intuited; and pure conception only the form of the
thought of an object。 Only pure intuitions and pure conceptions are
possible a priori; the empirical only a posteriori。
  We apply the term sensibility to the receptivity of the mind for
impressions; in so far as it is in some way affected; and; on the
other hand; we call the faculty of spontaneously producing
representations; or the spontaneity of cognition; understanding。 Our
nature is so constituted that intuition with us never can be other
than sensuous; that is; it contains only the mode in which we are
affected by objects。 On the other hand; the faculty of thinking the
object of sensuous intuition is the understanding。 Neither of these
faculties has a preference over the other。 Without the sensuous
faculty no object would be given to us; and without the
understanding no object would be thought。 Thoughts without content are
void; intuitions without conceptions; blind。 Hence it is as
necessary for the mind to make its conceptions sensuous (that is; to
join to them the object in intuition); as to make its intuitions
intelligible (that is; to bring them under conceptions)。 Neither of
these faculties can exchange its proper function。 Understanding cannot
intuite; and the sensuous faculty cannot think。 in no other way than
from the united operation of both; can knowledge arise。 But no one
ought; on this account; to overlook the difference of the elements
contributed by each; we have rather great reason carefully to separate
and distinguish them。 We therefore distinguish the science of the laws
of sensibility; that is; aesthetic; from the science of the laws of
the understanding; that is; logic。
  Now; logic in its turn may be considered as twofold… namely; as
logic of the general; or of the particular use of the understanding。
The first contains the absolutely necessary laws of thought; without
which no use whatsoever of the understanding is possible; and gives
laws therefore to the understanding; without regard to the
difference of objects on which it may be employed。 The logic of the
particular use of the understanding contains the laws of correct
thinking upon a particular class of objects。 The former may be
called elemental logic… the latter; the organon of this or that
particular science。 The latter is for the most part employed in the
schools; as a propaedeutic to the sciences; although; indeed;
according to the course of human reason; it is the last thing we
arrive at; when the science has been already matured; and needs only
the finishing touches towards its correction and pletion; for our
knowledge of the objects of our attempted science must be tolerably
extensive and plete before we can indicate the laws by which a
science of these objects can be established。
  General logic is again either pure or applied。 In the former; we
abstract all the empirical conditions under which the understanding is
exercised; for example; the influence of the senses; the play of the
fantasy or imagination; the laws of the memory; the force of habit; of
inclination; etc。; consequently also; the sources of prejudice… in a
word; we abstract all causes from which particular cognitions arise;
because these causes regard the understanding under certain
circumstances of its application; and; to the knowledge of them
experience is required。 Pure general logic has to do; therefore;
merely with pure a priori principles; and is a canon of
understanding and reason; but only in respect of the formal part of
their use; be the content what it may; empirical or transcendental。
General logic is called applied; when it is directed to the laws of
the use of the understanding; under the subjective empirical
conditions which psychology teaches us。 It has therefore empirical
principles; although; at the same time; it is in so far general;
that it applies to the exercise of the understanding; without regard
to the difference of objects。 On this account; moreover; it is neither
a canon of the understanding in general; nor an organon of a
particular science; but merely a cathartic of the human understanding。
  In general logic; therefore; that part which constitutes pure
logic must be carefully distinguished from that which constitutes
applied (though still general) logic。 The former alone is properly
science; although short and dry; as the methodical exposition of an
elemental doctrine of the understanding ought to be。 In this;
therefore; logicians must always bear in mind two rules:
  1。 As general logic; it makes abstraction of all content of the
cognition of the understanding; and of the difference of objects;
and has to do with nothing but the mere form of thought。
  2。 As pure logic; it has no empirical principles; and consequently
draws nothing (contrary to the mon persuasion) from psychology;
which therefore has no influence on the canon of the understanding。 It
is a demonstrated doctrine; and everything in it must be certain
pletely a priori。
  What I called applied logic (contrary to the mon acceptation of
this term; according to which it should contain certain exercises
for the scholar; for which pure logic gives the rules); is a
representation of the understanding; and of the rules of its necessary
employment in concreto; that is to say; under the accidental
conditions of the subject; which may either hinder or promote this
employment; and which are all given only empirically。 Thus applied
logic treats of attention; its impediments and consequences; of the
origin of error; of the state of doubt; hesitation; conviction;
etc。; and to it is related pure general logic in the same way that
pure morality; which contains only the necessary moral laws of a
free will; is related to practical ethics; which considers these
laws under all the impediments of feelings; inclinations; and passions
to which men are more or less subjected; and which never can furnish
us with a true and demonstrated science; because it; as well as
applied logic; requires empirical and psychological principles。

               II。 Of Transcendental Logic。

  General logic; as we have seen; makes abstraction of all content
of cognition; that is; of all relation of cognition to its object; and
regards only the logical form in the relation of cognitions to each
other; that is; the form of thought in general。 But as we have both
pure and empirical intuitions (as transcendental aesthetic proves); in
like manner a distinction might be drawn between pure and empirical
thought (of objects)。 In this case; there would exist a kind of logic;
in which we should not make abstraction of all content of cognition;
for or logic which should prise merely the laws of pure thought (of
an object); would of course exclude all those cognitions which were of
empirical content。 This kind of logic would also examine the origin of
our cognitions of objects; so far as that origin cannot be ascribed to
the objects themselves; while; on the contrary; general logic has
nothing to do with the origin of our cognitions; but contemplates
our representations; be they given primitively a priori in
ourselves; or be they only of empirical origin; solely according to
the laws which the understanding observes in employing them in the
process of thought; in relation to each other。 Consequently; general
logic treats of the form of the understanding only; which can be
applied to representations; from whatever source they may have arisen。
  And here I shall make a remark; which the reader must bear well in
mind in the course of the following considerations; to wit; that not
every cognition a priori; but only those through which we cognize that
and how certain representations (intuitions or conceptions) are
applied or are possible only a priori; that is to say; the a priori
possibility of cognition and the a priori use of it are
transcendental。 Therefore neither is space; nor any a priori
geometrical determination of space; a transcendental Representation;
but only the knowledge that such a representation is not of
empirical origin; and the possibility of its relating to objects of
experience; although itself a priori; can be called transcendental。 So
also; the application of space to objects in general would be
transcendental; but if it be limited to objects of sense it is
empirical。 Thus; the distinction of the transcendental and empirical
belongs only to the critique of cognitions; and does not concern the
relation of these to their object。
  Accordingly; in the expectation that there may perhaps be
conceptions which relate a priori to objects; not as pure or
sensuous intuitions; but merely as acts of pure thought (which are
therefore conceptions; but neither of empirical nor aesthetical
origin)… in this expectation; I say; we form to ourselve

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