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the wallet of kai lung-第43节

小说: the wallet of kai lung 字数: 每页4000字

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seized the most select and engaging of the unsuspecting prey in its

hungry jaws。 With the expiring cry of the innocent victim the entire

box was immediately; and in the most unexpected manner; involved in a

profound darkness; which cleared away as suddenly and revealed the

forms of the despoiler and the victim lying dead by each other's side。

Tung Fel came forward to receive the well…selected compliments of all

who had witnessed the entertainment。

〃It may be objected;〃 he remarked; 〃that the play is; in a manner of

expressing one's self; incomplete; for it is unrevealed by whose hand

the act of justice was accomplished。 Yet in this detail is the

accuracy of the representation justified; for though the time has

come; the hand by which retribution is accorded shall never be


In such a manner did Tung Fel come to Ching…fow on the seventh day of

the month of Winged Dragons; throwing aside all restraint; and no

longer urging prudence or delay。 Of all the throng which stood before

him scarcely one was without a deep offence against Ping Siang; while

those who had not as yet suffered feared what the morrow might


A wandering monk from the Island of Irredeemable Plagues was the first

to step forth in response to Tung Fel's plainly understood suggestion。

〃There is no necessity for this person to undertake further acts of

benevolence;〃 he remarked; dropping the cloak from his shoulder and

displaying the hundred and eight scars of extreme virtue; 〃nor;〃 he

continued; holding up his left hand; from which three fingers were

burnt away; 〃have greater endurances been neglected。 Yet the matter

before this distinguished gathering is one which merits the favourable

consideration of all persons; and this one will in no manner turn

away; recounting former actions; while he allows others to press

forward towards the accomplishment of the just and divinely…inspired


With these words the devout and unassuming person in question

inscribed his name upon a square piece of rice…paper; attesting his

sincerity to the fixed purpose for which it was designed by dipping

his thumb into the mixed blood of the slain animals and impressing

this unalterable seal upon the paper also。 He was followed by a seller

of drugs and subtle medicines; whose entire stock had been seized and

destroyed by order of Ping Siang; so that no one in Ching…fow might

obtain poison for his destruction。 Then came an overwhelming stream of

persons; all of whom had received some severe and well…remembered

injury at the hands of the malicious and vindictive Mandarin。 All

these followed a similar observance; inscribing their names and

binding themselves by the Blood Oath。 Last of all Yang Hu stepped up;

partly from a natural modesty which restrained him from offering

himself when so many more versatile persons of proved excellence were

willing to engage in the matter; and partly because an ill…advised

conflict was taking place within his mind as to whether the extreme

course which was contemplated was the most expedient to pursue。 At

last; however; he plainly perceived that he could not honourably

withhold himself from an affair that was in a measure the direct

outcome of his own unendurable loss; so that without further

hesitation he added his obscure name to the many illustrious ones

already in Tung Fel's keeping。

When at length dark fell upon the city and the cries of the watchmen;

warning all prudent ones to bar well their doors against robbers; as

they themselves were withdrawing until the morrow; no longer rang

through the narrow ways of Ching…fow; all those persons who had

pledged themselves by name and seal went forth silently; and came

together at the place whereof Tung Fel had secretly conveyed them

knowledge。 There Tung Fel; standing somewhat apart; placed all the

folded papers in the form of a circle; and having performed over them

certain observances designed to insure a just decision and to keep

away evil influences; submitted the selection to the discriminating

choice of the Sacred Flat and Round Sticks。 Having in this manner

secured the name of the appointed person who should carry out the act

of justice and retribution; Tung Fel unfolded the paper; inscribed

certain words upon it; and replaced it among the others。

〃The moment before great deeds;〃 began Tung Fel; stepping forward and

addressing himself to the expectant ones who were gathered round; 〃is

not the time for light speech; nor; indeed; for sentences of dignified

length; no matter how pleasantly turned to the ear they may be。 Before

this person stand many who are undoubtedly illustrious in various arts

and virtues; yet one among them is pre…eminently marked out for

distinction in that his name shall be handed down in imperishable

history as that of a patriot of a pure…minded and uncompromising

degree。 With him there is no need of further speech; and to this end I

have inscribed certain words upon his namepaper。 To everyone this

person will now return the paper which has been entrusted to him;

folded so that the nature of its contents shall be an unwritten leaf

to all others。 Nor shall the papers be unfolded by any until he is

within his own chamber; with barred doors; where all; save the one who

shall find the message; shall remain; not venturing forth until

daybreak。 I; Tung Fel; have spoken; and assuredly I shall not eat my

word; which is that a certain and most degrading death awaits any who

transgress these commands。〃

It was with the short and sudden breath of the cowering antelope when

the stealthy tread of the pitiless tiger approaches its lair; that

Yang Hu opened his paper in the seclusion of his own cave; for his

mind was darkened with an inspired inside emotion that he; the one

doubting among the eagerly proffering and destructively inclined

multitude; would be chosen to accomplish the high aim for which;

indeed; he felt exceptionally unworthy。 The written sentence which he

perceived immediately upon unfolding the paper; instructing him to

appear again before Tung Fel at the hour of midnight; was; therefore;

nothing but the echo and fulfilment of his own thoughts; and served in

reality to impress his mind with calmer feelings of dignified

unconcern than would have been the case had he not been chosen。 Having

neither possessions nor relations; the occupation of disposing of his

goods and making ceremonious and affectionate leavetakings of his

family; against the occurrence of any unforeseen disaster; engrossed

no portion of Yang Hu's time。 Yet there was one matter to which no

reference has yet been made; but which now forces itself obtrusively

upon the attention; which was in a large measure responsible for many

of the most prominent actions of Yang Hu's life; and; indeed; in no

small degree influenced his hesitation in offering himself before Tung


Not a bowshot distance from the place where the mountain path entered

the outskirts of the city lived Hiya…ai…Shao with her parents; who

were persons of assured position; though of no particular wealth。 For

a period not confined to a single year it had been the custom of Yang

Hu to offer to this elegant and refined maiden all the rarest pieces

of jade which he could discover; while the most symmetrical and

remunerative she…goat in his flock enjoyed the honourable distinction

of bearing her incomparable name。 Towards the almond garden of Hiya's

abode Yang Hu turned his footsteps upon leaving his cave; and standing

there; concealed from all sides by the white and abundant flower…laden

foliage; he uttered a sound which had long been an agreed signal

between them。 Presently a faint perfume of choo…lan spoke of her near

approach; and without delay Hiya herself stood by his side。

〃Well…endowed one;〃 said Yang Hu; when at length they had gazed upon

each other's features and made renewals of their protestations of

mutual regard; 〃the fixed intentions of a person have often been fitly

likened to the seed of the tree…peony; so ineffectual are their

efforts among the winds of constantly changing circumstance。 The

definite hope of this person had long pointed towards a small but

adequate habitation; surrounded by sweet…smelling olive…trees and not

far distant from the jade cliffs and pastures which would afford a

sufficient remuneration and a means of living。 This entrancing picture

has been bl

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