the life and perambulations of a mouse-第9节
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And now; by our own discontent; and not being satisfied when so safely though more humbly lodged; into what trouble have we not plunged ourselves? How securely have we lived in the barn for the last seven months; and how happily might we still have continued there; had it not been for our restless dispositions? Ah! my brother; we have acted foolishly。 We ought to have been contented when we were at peace; and should have considered that if we had not everything we could wish for; we had every thing that was necessary; and the life of a mouse was never designed for perfect happiness。 Such enjoyment was never intended for our lot; it is the portion only of beings whose capacities are far superior to ours。 We ought then to have been contented; and had we been so; we should have been as happy as our state of life would have admitted of。' 'What you say is certainly very true;' replied Longtail; 'and I sincerely wish that we had thought of these things before。 But what must we now do? we said we would return to the barn in case of difficulties; but that is now impossible; as; if we attempt to retreat; the cat that drove us in here; will certainly destroy us; and yet in proceeding; what difficulties must we encounter; what dangers may we not run! Oh! my beloved Nimble;' continued he; 'what a life of hazard is ours! to what innumerable accidents are we hourly exposed! and how is every meal that we eat at the risk of our very existence!'
'It undoubtedly is;' replied I; 'but with all its troubles we still are very desirous of preserving it: let us not then; my brother; indulge our hearts with murmuring and finding fault with that life; which; notwithstanding all its evils; we value so highly。 Rather let us endeavour to learn experience; and; by conducting ourselves better; escape many of those troubles which we now suffer。' So saving; I advised him to follow me: 'for;' added I; 'it is impossible for us to exist in the spot in which we are at present; we must therefore strive to work our way into some other house or apartment; where we can at least find some food。' To this Longtail agreed; the rest of the night; and all the next day; we spent in nibbling and finding our way into a closet in the house; which richly repaid us for all our toil; as it contained sugar…plums; rice; millet; various kinds of sweetmeats; and what we liked better than all the rest; a paper of nice macaroons。 On these we feasted most deliciously till our hunger was fully satisfied; and then creeping into a little hole; just big enough to contain us both; behind one of the jars of sweetmeats; reposed ourselves with a nap; after our various and great fatigues which we had gone through。 I never was a remarkably sound sleeper; the least noise disturbs me; and I was awakened in the morning by the servant…maid's coming into the room to sweep it; and get it ready for the reception of her mistress and family; who soon after entered。 As I wanted to know from whom the voices I heard proceeded; I stepped softly from behind the jar and just peeped under the door into the room; where I discovered a gentleman; two ladies; and a little boy and girl。
As I was totally unacquainted with all places of retreat; and did not know how soon any of them might have occasion to open the closet door; I instantly returned to my brother; and; awaking him; told him it was time for us to be upon our guard; as the family were all up and about。
Whilst we were thus situated; the first words I heard distinctly were those of the gentleman; saying; 'No; Frank; I can never have a good opinion of him; the boy who could once deceive may; for aught I know; do so again; he has; by breaking his word; forfeited the only dependence one could possibly have in him。 A person who has once lost his honour has no means left of gaining credit to his assertions。 By honour; Frank; I would be understood to speak of veracity; of virtue; of scorning to commit a mean action; and not that brutish sense in which some understand it; as if it consisted in a readiness to fight and resent an injury; for so far am I from considering such behaviour as any proof of honour; that; on the contrary; I look upon it as a sure sign of want of proper spirit and true honour。 Fools; bullies; and even cowards; will fight; whereas none but men of sense and resolution and true magnanimity know how to pardon and despise an insult。' 'But; indeed; sir;' replied the boy; 'at school; if one did not fight; they would laugh at one so; there would be no such thing as bearing it。' 'And for that very reason it is; my dear; that I say; to pass by and pardon an insult requires more resolution and courage than mere fighting does。 When I wish you to avoid quarrelling and fighting; I by no means want you to become a coward; for I as much abhor a dastardly spirit as any boy in your school can possibly do; but I would wish you to convince them that you merited not that appellation; by showing through the whole of your behaviour; a resolution that despised accidental pain; and avoided revenging an affront for no other reason than because you were convinced it shewed a much nobler spirit to pardon than to resent。 And you may be assured; my dear; few are the days that pass without affording us some opportunity of exerting our patience; and showing that; although we disdain quarrelling; still we are far from being cowards。
'I remember; when I was at school; there was one boy; who; from his first coming; declined upon all occasions engaging in any battle; he even gave up many of his just rights to avoid quarrelling; which conduct; instead of gaining (as it justly deserved) the approbation of his companions; drew upon him the insult and abuse of the whole school; and they were perpetually teasing him with the opprobrious title of coward。 For some time he bore it with great good…humour; and endeavoured to laugh it off; but; finding that had no effect; he one day thus addressed us:〃If you suppose that I like to be called a coward; you are all very much mistaken; or if you think me one; I assure you that you are not less so; for no boy in the school should; if put to the trial; show greater resolution than myself。 Indeed; I think it no small proof of patience that I have borne your repeated insults so long; when I could; by behaving more like a savage beast; and less like a reasonable creature; have established my character at once; but I abhor quarrelling; my soul detests to treat my fellow…creatures as if they were brutes; from whose fangs I must defend myself; but if nothing else but fighting will convince you that I possess not less courage than yourselves; I will now offer; in cold blood; to engage with the biggest boy in the school。 If I conquer him; it will be a sign that I know how to defend myself; and if he conquers me; I will; by my behaviour; give a proof that I am not wanting in resolution to suffer pain; although I never will so far demean the character of a reasonable creature and a Christian; as to fight upon every trifling disagreement or insult。〃 No sooner had he uttered these words; than every boy present was loud either in his commendation or condemnation。 One quarter of them; convinced of the justness of his arguments; highly extolled his forbearance; whilst the other three parts; with still greater noise; only called him a bully and a mean…spirited coward; who dared not fight; and for that reason made such a fine speech; hoping to intimidate them。 〃Well then;〃 said he; 〃if such is your opinion; why will none of you accept my offer? you surely cannot be afraid; you who are such brave fellows; of such true courage; and such noble spirits; cannot be afraid of a coward and a bully! Why; therefore; does not one of you step forward; and put my fine speech to the test? Otherwise; after I have thus challenged you all; I hope none for the future will think they have any right to call me coward; though I again declare my fixed resolution against fighting。〃
'Just as he said this; a voice calling for help; was heard from a lane adjoining to the play…yard。 Immediately we all flocked to the side nearest whence it proceeded; and; clambering upon benches; watering…pots; or whatever came first in our way; peeped over the wall; where we discovered two well…grown lads; about seventeen or eighteen; stripping a little boy of his clothes; and beating him for his outcries in a most cruel manner; and at a little distance farther down the lane; sat a company of gypsies; to whom the two lads evidently belonged。 At the sight of this we were all much distressed; and wished to relieve the boy; though; discovering so large a party; we were too much afraid to venture; till Tomkins (the boy I before spoke about) instantly jumped from the wall; and only saying; 〃Has nobody courage to follow me?〃 ran toward them as fast as possible; and with uncommon strength and agility placed himself between them and the boy; and began defending himself in the best manner he could; which he did for some time with great dexterity; none of his fighting schoolfellows having courage to go to his assistance。 At length; however; seeing it impossible for him to stand out any longer against two so much stronger than himself; the boys agreed to secure themselves by nu