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cyrano de bergerac(荻耳性針議琵性典)-及6准

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pot to hold your ink'        Gracious此    'You love the little birds察I think拭      I 

see   you've   managed   with   a   fond   research     To   find   their   tiny   claws   a 

roomy     perch'     Truculent此    'When     you   smoke    your   pipe。  。  。suppose 

That the tobacco´smoke spouts from your nose                Do not the neighbors察

as   the   fumes   rise   higher察 Cry  terror´struck此    The   chimney  is   afire;' 


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                                 CYRANO DE BERGERAC 

Considerate此      'Take     care察   。  。your   head   bowed      low      By     such   a 

weight。     。  。lest  head  o'er  heels   you   go'    Tender此    'Pray   get   a  small 

umbrella      made察       Lest    its  bright    color   in  the   sun    should    fade' 

Pedantic此     'That   beast   Aristophanes        Names      Hippocamelelephantoles 

Must have possessed just such a solid lump                Of flesh and bone察beneath 

his   forehead's   bump'      Cavalier此    'The   last   fashion察  friend察  that   hook拭

To   hang   your   hat   on拭 'Tis   a useful   crook'     Emphatic此     'No   wind察  O 

majestic   nose察     Can   give   THEE   coldsave   when   the   mistral   blows' 

Dramatic此     'When it bleeds察what a Red Sea'              Admiring此      'Sign for a 

perfumery'        Lyric此    'Is  this  a  conch拭    。  。a  Triton   you'     Simple此

'When      is  the  monument       on   view'      Rustic此     'That    thing   a  nose拭

Marry´come´up           'Tis a dwarf pumpkin察or a prize turnip'              Military此

'Point    against   cavalry'     Practical此    'Put   it  in  a  lottery    Assuredly 

'twould     be  the   biggest   prize'     Or。   。  。parodying    Pyramus'     sighs。   。  。 

'Behold the nose that mars the harmony                Of its master's phiz blushing 

its treachery'      Such察my dear sir察is what you might have said察               Had 

you of wit or letters the least jot此        But察O most lamentable manof wit 

You never had an atom察and of letters             You have three letters onlythey 

spell Ass       Andhad you had the necessary wit察              To serve me all the 

pleasantries     I  quote     Before     this  noble    audience。    。  。e'en  so察   You 

would not have been let to utter one               Nay察not the half or quarter of 

such jest      I take them from myself all in good part察            But not from any 

other man that breathes 

     DE GUICHE trying to draw away the dismayed viscount此                        Come 


     THE   VISCOUNT   choking   with   rage此            Hear   his   arrogance       A 

country lout who。 。 。who。 。 。has got no gloves                Who goes out without 


     CYRANO此          True察  all   my   elegances   are   within。     I   do   not   prank 

myself   out察  puppy´like察      My   toilet   is   more   thorough察  if   less   gay察 I 

would   not     sally   fortha   half´washed´out       Affront    upon    my   cheeka 

conscience        Yellow´eyed察  bilious察  from   its   sodden   sleep察      A   ruffled 

honor察 。 。scruples grimed and dull           I show no bravery of shining gems。 

Truth察Independence察are my fluttering plumes。                'Tis not my form I lace 


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                               CYRANO DE BERGERAC 

to   make    me   slim察   But    brace   my   soul   with   efforts  as  with  stays察

Covered with exploits察not with ribbon´knots察            My spirit bristling high 

like   your   mustaches察    I察  traversing   the   crowds   and   chattering   groups 

Make Truth ring bravely out like clash of spurs 

    THE VISCOUNT此            But察Sir。 。 。 

    CYRANO此           I  wear    no  gloves拭    And     what   of  that拭    I   had 

one察 。 。remnant of an old worn pair察        And察knowing not what else to do 

with it察   I threw it in the face of。 。 。some young fool。 

    THE VISCOUNT此            Base scoundrel      Rascally flat´footed lout 

    CYRANO         taking   off  his  hat察 and  bowing    as  if  the  viscount  had 

introduced     himself此    Ah拭    。  。and  I察 Cyrano   Savinien      Hercule    de 



    THE VISCOUNT angrily此             Buffoon 

    CYRANO   calling        out  as  if  he   had  been  seized   with  the  cramp此

Aie    Aie 

    THE     VISCOUNT   who         was   going   away察  turns  back此   What     on 

earth is the fellow saying now拭

    CYRANO  with   grimaces   of   pain此        It   must   be   movedit's   getting 

stiff察I vow察    This comes of leaving it in idleness        Aie  。 。 

    THE VISCOUNT此            What ails you拭

    CYRANO此          The cramp cramp in my sword 

    THE VISCOUNT drawing his sword此                Good 

    CYRANO此          You shall feel a charming little stroke 

    THE VISCOUNT contemptuously此                Poet  。 。 

    CYRANO此          Ay察poet察Sir    In proof of which察        While we fence察

presto all extempore        I will compose a ballade。 

    THE VISCOUNT此            A ballade拭

    CYRANO此          Belike you know not what a ballade is。 

    THE VISCOUNT此            But。 。 。 

    CYRANO   reciting察  as   if   repeating   a   lesson此  Know   then   that   the 

ballade should contain        Three eight´versed couplets。 。 。 

    THE VISCOUNT stamping此              Oh 

    CYRANO still reciting此         And an envoi        Of four lines。 。 。 


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                               CYRANO DE BERGERAC 

    THE VISCOUNT此            You。 。 。 

     CYRANO此         I'll make one while we fight察         And touch you at the 

final line。 

    THE VISCOUNT此            No 

     CYRANO此         No拭。declaiming此        The duel in Hotel of Burgundy 

fought      By De Bergerac and a good´for´naught 

    THE VISCOUNT此            What may that be察an if you please拭

     CYRANO此         The title。 

    THE      HOUSE      in  great  excitement此     Give    roomGood      sport 

Make placeFair playNo noise 

     Tableau。    A circle of curious spectators in the pit察the marquises and 

officers   mingled   with   the   common   people察  the   pages   climbing   on   each 

other's shoulders to see better。       All the women standing up in the boxes。 

To    the  right察 De  Guiche    and   his  retinue。  Left察   Le  Bret察 Ragueneau察


     CYRANO shutting his eyes for a second此             Wait while I choose my 

rhymes。 。 。I have them now 。He suits the action to each word此               I gayly 

doff my beaver low察         And察freeing hand and heel察         My heavy mantle 

off   I   throw察  And   I   draw   my   polished   steel察  Graceful   as   Phoebus察

round I wheel察      Alert as Scaramouch察        A word in your ear察Sir Spark察I 

steal     At the envoi's end察I touch 。They engage此          Better for you had 

you lain low察      Where skewer my cock拭          In the heel拭      In the heart察

your ribbon blue below拭          In the hip察and make you kneel拭           Ho for 

the music of clashing steel        What nowA hit拭       Not much        'Twill 

be in the paunch the stroke I steal察       When察at the envoi察I touch。 

       Oh察for a rhyme察a rhyme in o拭           You wriggle察starch´white察my 

eel拭    A  rhyme   a   rhyme     The   white   feather   you   SHOW       Tac    I 

parry the point of your steel察        The point you hoped to make me feel察

I   open   the   line察  now   clutch  Your   spit察  Sir   Scullionslow   your   zeal 

At the envoi's end察I touch。 He declaims solemnly此              Envoi。      Prince察

pray Heaven for your soul's weal            I move a pacelo察such and such 

Cut    overfeint   。Thrusting此      What     ho   You    reel拭  。The   viscount 

staggers。    Cyrano salutes此      At the envoi's end察I touch 

     Acclamations。      Applause in the boxes。        Flowers and handkerchiefs 


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                              CYRANO DE BERGERAC 

are   thrown   down。    The   officers  surround    Cyrano察  congratulating    him。 

Ragueneau      dances    for  joy。  Le    Bret   is  happy察  but  anxious。    The 

viscount's friends hold him up and bear him away。 

    THE CROWD with one long shout此             Ah 

    A TROOPER此         'Tis superb 

    A WOMAN此          A pretty stroke 

    RAGUENEAU此           A marvel 

    A MARQUIS此         A novelty 

    LE BRET此       O madman 

    THE CROWD presses round Cyrano。               Chorus of此     Compliments 

Bravo     Let me congra

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