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cyrano de bergerac(荻耳性針議琵性典)-及33准

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

il   faire   dans   cette   galere拭   。   。 Philosopher察  metaphysician察      Rhymer察

brawler察    and   musician察     Famed      for  his  lunar   expedition察      And     the 

unnumbered        duels   he   fought察    And     lover   alsoby    interposition 

Here     lies  Hercule    Savinien       De    Cyrano     de   Bergerac察      Who      was 

everything察  yet     was   naught。      I  cry   you   pardon察  but   I  may   not   stay察

See察the moon´ray that comes to call me hence 。He has fallen back in his 

chair察the sobs of Roxane recall him to reality察he looks long at her察and察

touching   her veil此      I   would   not bid   you   mourn   less   faithfully     That 

good察brave Christian此        I would only ask         That when my body shall be 

cold   in   clay    You   wear   those   sable   mourning   weeds   for   two察       And 

mourn awhile for me察in mourning him。 

     ROXANE此          I swear it you  。 。 

     CYRANO   shivering   violently察  then   suddenly   rising此           Not   there 

what察seatedno 。They spring toward him此                Let no one hold me up 

He    props    himself    against   the  tree此    Only    the   tree  。Silence此     It 

comes。      E'en now my feet have turned to stone察              My hands are gloved 

with lead 。He stands erect此         But since Death comes察           I meet him still 

afoot察。He draws his sword此          And sword in hand 

     LE BRET此        Cyrano 

     ROXANE half fainting此            Cyrano 

     All shrink back in terror。 

     CYRANO此          Why察    I  well   believe     He    dares   to  mock    my   nose拭

Ho insolent 。He raises his sword此           What say you拭       It is useless拭    Ay察

I   know      But   who   fights   ever   hoping   for   success拭    I   fought   for   lost 

cause察   and    for  fruitless   quest     You     there察  who    are  youYou      are 

thousands        Ah      I know you now察old enemies of mine               Falsehood 

He strikes in air with his sword此          Have at you      Ha and Compromise 

Prejudice察  Treachery    。   。   He   strikes此   Surrender察  I拭     Parley拭    No察

never     You too察Follyyou拭         I know that you will lay me low at last察

Let be     Yet I fall fighting察fighting still 。He makes passes in the air察and 

stops察breathless此       You strip from me the laurel and the rose                 Take 

all   Despite   you   there   is   yet   one   thing    I   hold   against   you   all察  and 

when察to´night察       I enter Christ's fair courts察and察lowly bowed察            Sweep 

with doffed casque the heavens' threshold blue察                One thing is left察that察


´ Page 136´

                               CYRANO DE BERGERAC 

void of stain or smutch察      I bear away despite you。 

    He    springs   forward察  his  sword    raised察 it  falls  from  his  hand察 he 

staggers察falls back into the arms of Le Bret and Ragueneau。 

    ROXANE bending and kissing his forehead此               'Tis拭 。 。 

    CYRANO   opening   his   eyes察  recognizing   her察  and   smiling此      MY 



    End     of  this  Project   Gutenberg    Etext   of  Cyrano    de   Bergerac    by 

Edmond Rostand in English 


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