cyrano de bergerac(荻耳性針議琵性典)-及3准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
SECOND MARQUIS此 Is he of noble birth拭
CUIGY此 Ay察noble enough。 He is a cadet in the Guards。 Pointing
to a gentleman who is going up and down the hall as if searching for some
one此 But 'tis his friend Le Bret察 yonder察 who can best tell you。 He
calls him此 Le Bret 。Le Bret comes towards them此 Seek you for De
LE BRET此 Ay察I am uneasy。 。 。
CUIGY此 Is it not true that he is the strangest of men拭
LE BRET tenderly此 True察that he is the choicest of earthly beings
CUIGY此 Soldier
BRISSAILLE此 Philosopher
LE BRET此 Musician
LIGNIERE此 And of how fantastic a presence
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RAGENEAU此 Marry察 'twould puzzle even our grim painter
Philippe de Champaigne to portray him Methinks察 whimsical察 wild察
comical as he is察only Jacques Callot察now dead and gone察had succeeded
better察and had made of him the maddest fighter of all his visored crew
with his triple´plumed beaver and six´pointed doubletthe sword´point
sticking up 'neath his mantle like an insolent cocktail He's prouder than
all the fierce Artabans of whom Gascony has ever been and will ever be
the prolific Alma Mater Above his Toby ruff he carries a noseah察
good my lords察what a nose is his When one sees it one is fain to cry
aloud察'Nay 'tis too much He plays a joke on us' Then one laughs察
says 'He will anon take it off。' But noMonsieur de Bergerac always
keeps it on。
LE BRET throwing back his head此 He keeps it onand cleaves in
two any man who dares remark on it
RAGUENEAU proudly此 His sword'tis one half of the Fates'
FIRST MARQUIS shrugging his shoulders此 He will not come
RAGUENEAU此 I say he will and I wager a fowla la Ragueneau。
THE MARQUIS laughing此 Good
Murmurs of admiration in hall。 Roxane has just appeared in her box。
She seats herself in front察 the duenna at the back。 Christian察 who is
paying the buffet´girl察does not see her entrance。
SECOND MARQUIS with little cries of joy此 Ah察gentlemen she
is fearfullyterriblyravishing
FIRST MARQUIS此 When one looks at her one thinks of a peach
smiling at a strawberry
SECOND MARQUIS此 And what freshness A man approaching
her too near might chance to get a bad chill at the heart
CHRISTIAN raising his head察sees Roxane察and catches Ligniere by
the arm此 'Tis she
LIGNIERE此 Ah is it she拭
CHRISTIAN此 Ay察tell me quickI am afraid。
LIGNIERE tasting his rivesalte in sips此 Magdaleine Robin
Roxane察so called A subtle wita precieuse。
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CHRISTIAN此 Woe is me
LIGNIERE此 Free。 An orphan。 The cousin of Cyrano察of whom
we were now speaking。
At this moment an elegant nobleman察 with blue ribbon across his
breast察enters the box察and talks with Roxane察standing。
CHRISTIAN starting此 Who is yonder man拭
LIGNIERE who is becoming tipsy察 winking at him此 Ha ha
Count de Guiche。 Enamored of her。 But wedded to the niece of
Armand de Richelieu。 Would fain marry Roxane to a certain sorry fellow察
one Monsieur de Valvert察 a viscountandaccommodating She will
none of that bargain察 but De Guiche is powerful察 and can persecute the
daughter of a plain untitled gentleman。 More by token察 I myself have
exposed this cunning plan of his to the world察in a song which。 。 。Ho he
must rage at me The end hit home。 。 。Listen
He gets up staggering察and raises his glass察ready to sing。
CHRISTIAN此 No。 Good´night。
LIGNIERE此 Where go you拭
CHRISTIAN此 To Monsieur de Valvert
LIGNIERE此 Have a care It is he who will kill you showing him
Roxane by a look此 Stay where you areshe is looking at you。
CHRISTIAN此 It is true
He stands looking at her。 The group of pickpockets seeing him thus察
head in air and open´mouthed察draw near to him。
LIGNIERE此 'Tis I who am going。 I am athirst And they expect
mein the taverns
He goes out察reeling。
LE BRET who has been all round the hall察coming back to Ragueneau
reassured此 No sign of Cyrano。
RAGUENEAU incredulously此 All the same。 。 。
LE BRET此 A hope is left to methat he has not seen the playbill
THE AUDIENCE此 Begin察begin
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The same察all but Ligniere。 De Guiche察Valvert察then Montfleury。
A marquis watching De Guiche察who comes down from Roxane's box察
and crosses the pit surrounded by obsequious noblemen察among them the
Viscount de Valvert此 He pays a fine court察your De Guiche
ANOTHER此 Faugh 。 。Another Gascon
THE FIRST此 Ay察 but the cold察 supple Gasconthat is the stuff
success is made of Believe me察we had best make our bow to him。
They go toward De Guiche。
SECOND MARQUIS此 What fine ribbons How call you the color察
Count de Guiche拭 'Kiss me察my darling' or 'Timid Fawn'
DE GUICHE此 'Tis the color called 'Sick Spaniard。'
FIRST MARQUIS此 'Faith The color speaks truth察for察thanks to
your valor察things will soon go ill for Spain in Flanders。
DE GUICHE此 I go on the stage Will you come拭。He goes toward
the stage察followed by the marquises and gentlemen。 Turning察he calls此
Come you Valvert
CHRISTIAN who is watching and listening察 starts on hearing this
name此 The Viscount Ah I will throw full in his face my。 。 。 He puts
his hand in his pocket察 and finds there the hand of a pickpocket who is
about to rob him。 He turns round此 Hey拭
CHRISTIAN holding him tightly此 I was looking for a glove。
THE PICKPOCKET smiling piteously此 And you find a hand。
Changing his tone察quickly and in a whisper此 Let me but go察and I will
deliver you a secret。
CHRISTIAN still holding him此 What is it拭
THE PICKPOCKET此 Ligniere。 。 。he who has just left you。 。 。
CHRISTIAN same play此 Well拭
THE PICKPOCKET此 His life is in peril。 A song writ by him has
given offense in high places and a hundred menI am of themare
posted to´night。 。 。
CHRISTIAN此 A hundred men By whom posted拭
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THE PICKPOCKET此 I may not saya secret。 。 。
CHRISTIAN shrugging his shoulders此 Oh
THE PICKPOCKET with great dignity此 。 。Of the profession。
CHRISTIAN此 Where are they posted拭
THE PICKPOCKET此 At the Porte de Nesle。 On his way
homeward。 Warn him。
CHRISTIAN letting go of his wrists此 But where can I find him拭
THE PICKPOCKET此 Run round to all the tavernsThe Golden
Wine Press察the Pine Cone察The Belt that Bursts察The Two Torches察The
Three Funnels察and at each leave a word that shall put him on his guard。
CHRISTIAN此 GoodI fly Ah察the scoundrels A hundred men
'gainst one 。Looking lovingly at Roxane此 Ah察 to leave her 。 。
looking with rage at Valvert此 and him 。 。But save Ligniere I must
He hurries out。 De Guiche察 the viscount察 the marquises察 have all
disappeared behind the curtain to take their places on the benches placed
on the stage。 The pit is quite full察 the galleries and boxes are also