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cyrano de bergerac(荻耳性針議琵性典)-及29准

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spirit subtle察charming拭

    CYRANO firmly此         Ay察Roxane。 

    ROXANE flinging herself on the dead body此            Dead察my love 

    CYRANO   asidedrawing   his   sword此        Ay察  and   let   me   die   to´day察

Since察all unconscious察she mourns mein him 

    Sounds of trumpets in the distance。 

    DE GUICHE appearing on the rampartsbareheadedwith a wound 

on   his  foreheadin   a  voice  of  thunder此    It  is  the  signal Trumpet 

flourishes     The French bring the provisions into camp            Hold but the 

place awhile 

    ROXANE此         See察there is blood      Upon the lettertears 

    A VOICE outsideshouting此         Surrender 

    VOICE OF CADETS此             No 

    RAGUENEAU standing on the top of his carriage察watches the battle 

over the edge of the ramparts此       The danger's ever greater 

    CYRANO         to  De  Guichepointing     to  Roxane此     I   will  charge 

Take her away 

    ROXANE kissing the letterin a half´extinguished voice此            O God 

his tears his blood  。 。 

    RAGUENEAU jumping down from the carriage and rushing toward 

her此   She's swooned away 

    DE GUICHE on the rampartto the cadetswith fury此             Stand fast 

    A VOICE outside此        Lay down your arms 

    THE CADETS此          No 


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                               CYRANO DE BERGERAC 

    CYRANO to De Guiche此              Now that you have proved your valor察

Sir察。Pointing to Roxane此       Fly察and save her 

    DE GUICHE rushing to Roxane察and carrying her away in his arms此

So be it    Gain but time察      The victory's ours 

    CYRANO此          Good。 Calling out to Roxane察whom De Guiche察aided 

by   Ragueneau察     is  bearing  away    in  a  fainting  condition此     Farewell察


     Tumult。     Shouts。    Cadets   reappear察  wounded察  falling   on   the   scene。 

Cyrano察rushing to the battle察is stopped by Carbon de Castel´Jaloux察who 

is streaming with blood。 

    CARBON此          We are breaking      I am woundedwounded twice 

    CYRANO          shouting     to  the   Gascons此         GASCONS           HO察

GASCONS         NEVER TURN YOUR BACKS 。To Carbon察whom he is 

supporting此      Have no fear      I have two deaths to avenge此        My friend 

who's     slainand   my    dead    happiness    。They     come    down察   Cyrano 

brandishing      the  lance   to  which    is  attached    Roxane's    handkerchief此

Float there   laced kerchief broidered with   her name 。He   sticks it   in the 

ground     and   shouts   to  the  cadets此    FALL     ON    THEM察    GASCONS 

CRUSH THEM 。To the fifer此            Fifer察play 

     The fife plays。     The wounded try to rise。        Some cadets察falling one 

over   the   other   down   the   slope察  group   themselves   round   Cyrano   and   the 

little   flag。 The   carriage   is   crowded   with   men   inside   and   outside察  and察

bristling with arquebuses察is turned into a fortress。 

    A CADET appearing on the crest察beaten backward察but still fighting察

cries此    They're climbing the redoubt 。and falls dead。 

    CYRANO此          Let us salute them 。The rampart is covered instantly by 

a   formidable    row   of  enemies。     The    standards   of  the  Imperialists   are 

raised此    Fire 

     General discharge。 

    A CRY IN THE ENEMY'S RANKS此                    Fire 

     A deadly answering volley。        The cadets fall on all sides。 

    A SPANISH OFFICER uncovering此                 Who are these men who rush 

on death拭

    CYRANO         reciting察  erect察 amid   a  storm   of  bullets此    The    bold 


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                             CYRANO DE BERGERAC 

Cadets    of   Gascony察      Of    Carbon    of  Castel´Jaloux       Brawling察

swaggering boastfully察。He rushes forward察followed by a few survivors此

The bold Cadets。 。 。 

    His voice is drowned in the battle。 



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                               CYRANO DE BERGERAC 

                                     ACT V。 

                                   Cyrano's Gazette。 

    Fifteen years later察in 1655。       Park of the Sisters of the Holy Cross in 

Paris。    Magnificent   trees。     On    the  left   the   house此broad   steps   on   to 

which open several doors。         An enormous plane tree in the middle of the 

stage察   standing    alone。   On     the  right察 among     big   boxwood      trees察 a 

semicircular stone bench。 

     The whole background of the stage is crossed by an alley of chestnut 

trees leading on the  right hand   to   the door of a  chapel seen   through the 

branches。     Through the double row of trees of this alley are seen lawns察

other alleys察clusters of trees察winding of the park察the sky。 

     The   chapel   opens   by   a   little   side   door   on   to   a   colonnade   which   is 

wreathed with autumn leaves察and is lost to view a little farther on in the 

right´hand foreground behind the boxwood。 

     It   is   autumn。  All   the   foliage   is   red   against   the   fresh   green   of   the 

lawns。 The green boxwood and yews stand out dark。 

    Under each tree a patch of yellow leaves。 

     The  stage  is   strewn   with   dead   leaves察 which   rustle   under  foot   in   the 

alleys察and half cover the steps and benches。 

    Between the benches on the right hand and the tree a large embroidery 

frame察in front of which a little chair has been set。 

    Baskets full of skeins and balls of wool。         A tapestry begun。 

    At the rising of the curtains nuns are walking to and fro in the park察

some are seated on the bench around an older Sister。 

     The leaves are falling。 

                                     SCENE 5。I。 

    Mother Marguerite察Sister Martha察Sister Claire察other sisters。 

     SISTER   MARTHA  to   Mother   Marguerite此             Sister   Claire   glanced 

in the mirror察oncenay察twice察to see if her coif suited。 


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                              CYRANO DE BERGERAC 

    MOTHER MARGUERITE to Sister Claire此                 'Tis not well。 

    SISTER CLAIRE此           But I saw Sister Martha take a plum           Out of 

the tart。 

    MOTHER   MARGUERITE   to   Sister   Martha此             That   was   ill   done察

my sister。 

    SISTER CLAIRE此          A little glance 

    SISTER MARTHA此            And such a little plum 

    MOTHER MARGUERITE此                 I shall tell this to Monsieur Cyrano。 

    SISTER CLAIRE此           Nay察prithee do nothe will mock 

    SISTER MARTHA此            He'll say we nuns are vain 

    SISTER CLAIRE此          And greedy 

    MOTHER MARGUERITE smiling此                  Ay察and kind 

    SISTER CLAIRE此           Is it not true察pray察Mother Marguerite察        That 

he has come察each week察on Saturday           For ten years察to the convent拭

    MOTHER MARGUERITE此                 Ay and more        Ever sincefourteen 

years   agothe   day    His   cousin   brought   here察  'midst   our   woolen   coifs察

The   worldly   mourning   of   her   widow's   veil察  Like   a   blackbird's   wing 

among the convent doves 

    SISTER MARTHA此            He only has the skill to turn her mind         From 

griefunsoftened yet by Timeunhealed 

    ALL THE SISTERS此           He is so drollIt's cheerful when he comes 

He   teases   usBut   we   all   like   him   well We   make   him   pasties   of 


    SISTER MARTHA此            But察he is not a faithful Catholic 

    SISTER CLAIRE此          We will convert him 

    THE SISTERS此         Yes    Yes 

    MOTHER MARGUERITE此                 I forbid察    My daughters察you attempt 

that subject。   Nay察     Weary him nothe might less oft come here 

    SISTER MARTHA此            But。 。 。God。 。 。 

    MOTHER         MARGUERITE此          Nay察   never   fear  God     knows   him 


    SISTER   MARTHA此           Butevery   Saturday察  when   he   arrives察   He 

tells me察'Sister察I eat meat on Friday' 

    MOTHER   MARGUERITE此                Ah   says   he   so拭Well察  the   last   time 


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                             CYRANO DE BERGERAC 

he came      Food had not passed his lips for two whole days 

    SISTER MARTHA此           Mother 

    MOTHER MARGUERITE此                He's poor。 

    SISTER MARTHA此           Who told you so察dear Mother拭

    MOTHER MARGUERITE此                Monsieur Le Bret。 

    SISTER MARTHA此           None help him拭


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