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cyrano de bergerac(荻耳性針議琵性典)-及25准

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    CHRISTIAN此          A tear 

    CYRANO此           Poets察  at  lastby   dint  of  counterfeiting      Take 

counterfeit    for  truethat  is  the  charm     This    farewell   letterit  was 

passing sad察     I wept myself in writing it 

    CHRISTIAN此          Wept拭why拭

    CYRANO此          Oh  。 。death itself is hardly terrible察 。 。      But察ne'er 

to   see  her  more    That    is  death's  sting   For。   。  。I  shall  never。  。  。 

Christian looks at him此      We shall。 。 。 Quickly此      I mean察you。 。 。 

    CHRISTIAN snatching the letter from him此              Give me that letter 

    A rumor察far off in the camp。 

    VOICE Of SENTINEL此             Who goes there拭      Halloo 


    CARBON此         What is it拭

    A SENTINEL on the rampart此            'Tis a carriage 

    All rush to see。 

    CRIES此       In the camp拭      It entersIt comes from the enemy            

FireNoThe coachman criesWhat does he say拭                'On the King's 


    Everyone is on the rampart察staring。        The bells come nearer。 

    DE GUICHE此          The King's service拭     How拭

    All descend and draw up in line。 

    CARBON此         Uncover察all     DE GUICHE此          The King's     Draw up 

in line     Let him describe his curve as it befits 

    The   carriage   enters   at   full   speed   covered   with   dust   and   mud。 The 

curtains    are   drawn    close。   Two     lackeys    behind。    It   is  pulled   up 


    CARBON此          Beat a salute 

    A roll of drums。      The cadets uncover。 

    DE GUICHE此          Lower the carriage´steps 

    Two cadets rush forward。        The door opens。 

    ROXANE jumping down from the carriage此                Good´day 


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                              CYRANO DE BERGERAC 

    All   are  bowing to   the  ground察 but   at   the  sound   of   a   woman's   voice 

every head is instantly raised。 

                                   SCENE 4。V。 

    The same。      Roxane。 

    DE GUICHE此         On the King's service      You拭

    ROXANE此         AyKing Love's      What other king拭

    CYRANO此         Great God 

    CHRISTIAN rushing forward此            Why have you come拭

    ROXANE此         This siege'tis too long 

    CHRISTIAN此         But why拭 。 。 

    ROXANE此         I will tell you all 

    CYRANO who察at the sound of her voice察has stood still察rooted to the 

ground察afraid to raise his eyes此     My God dare I look at her拭

    DE GUICHE此         You cannot remain here 

    ROXANE merrily此          But I say yes     Who will push a drum hither 

for me拭。She seats herself on the drum they roll forward此          So    I thank 

you。 She laughs此      My carriage was fired at proudly此        by the patrol 

Look   would   you   not   think   'twas   made   of   a   pumpkin察  like   Cinderella's 

chariot in the taleand the footmen out of rats拭。Sending a kiss with her 

lips   to   Christian此 Good´morrow   。Examining   them   all此       You   look 

not merry察any of you      Ah know you that 'tis a long road to get to Arras拭

Seeing Cyrano此      Cousin察delighted 

    CYRANO coming up to her此            But how察in Heaven's name拭 。 。 

    ROXANE此         How     found   I  the  way   to  the  army拭  It  was  simple 

enough察for I had but to pass on and on察as far as I saw the country laid 

waste。    Ah察what horrors were there       Had I not seen察then I could never 

have believed it     Well察gentlemen察if such be the service of your King察I 

would fainer serve mine 

    CYRANO此         But 'tis sheer madness      Where in the fiend's name did 

you get through拭

    ROXANE此         Where拭    Through the Spanish lines。 

    FIRST CADET此          For subtle craft察give me a woman 


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                               CYRANO DE BERGERAC 

    DE GUICHE此          But how did you pass through their lines拭

    LE BRET此        Faith that must have been a hard matter  。 。 

    ROXANE此         None     too  hard。   I  but   drove   quietly   forward   in  my 

carriage察and when some hidalgo of haughty mien would have stayed me察

lo   I   showed   at   the   window   my   sweetest   smile察  and   these   Senors   being 

with   no   disrespect   to   you   the   most   gallant   gentlemen   in   the   worldI 

passed on 

    CARBON此         True察that smile is a passport      But you must have been 

asked frequently to give an account of where you were going察Madame拭

    ROXANE此         Yes察frequently。     Then I would answer察'I go to see my 

lover。'   At that word the very fiercest Spaniard of them all would gravely 

shut the carriage´door察and察with a gesture that a king might envy察 make 

signal    to  his  men    to  lower   the  muskets    leveled   at  methen察   with 

melancholy but withal very graceful dignityhis beaver held to the wind 

that   the   plumes   might   flutter   bravely察  he   would   bow   low察  saying   to   me察

'Pass on察Senorita' 

    CHRISTIAN此          But察Roxane。 。 。 

    ROXANE此         Forgive   me   that   I   said察  'my   lover' But   bethink   you察

had I said 'my husband' not one of them had let me pass 

    CHRISTIAN此          But。 。 。 

    ROXANE此         What ails you拭

    DE GUICHE此          You must leave this place 

    ROXANE此         I拭

    CYRANO此         And that instantly 

    LE BRET此        No time to lose。 

    CHRISTIAN此          Indeed察you must。 

    ROXANE此         But wherefore must I拭

    CHRISTIAN embarrassed此             'Tis that。 。 。 

    CYRANO the same此           In three quarters of an hour。 。 。 

    DE GUICHE the same此            Or for。 。 。 

    CARBON the same此           It were best。 。 。 

    LE BRET the same此          You might。 。 。     ROXANE此         You are going 

to fightI stay here。 

    ALL此      No察no 


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                              CYRANO DE BERGERAC 

    ROXANE此         He is my husband 。She throws herself into Christian's 

arms此    They shall kill us both together 

    CHRISTIAN此         Why do you look at me thus拭

    ROXANE此         I will tell you why 

    DE GUICHE in despair此          'Tis a post of mortal danger 

    ROXANE turning round此           Mortal danger 

    CYRANO此         Proof enough察that he has put us here 

    ROXANE to De Guiche此            So察Sir察you would have made a widow 

of me拭

    DE GUICHE此         Nay察on my oath。 。 。 

    ROXANE此         I will   not go  I   am reckless   now察and   I shall   not   stir 

from hereBesides察'tis amusing 

    CYRANO此         Oh´ho     So our precieuse is a heroine 

    ROXANE此         Monsieur de Bergerac察I am your cousin。 

    A CADET此        We will defend you well 

    ROXANE   more   and   more   excited此        I   have   no   fear   of   that察  my 


    ANOTHER   in   ecstasy此        The   whole   camp   smells   sweet   of   orris´ 


    ROXANE此         And察  by   good   luck察  I   have   chosen   a   hat   that   will   suit 

well   with   the  battlefield   。Looking  at   De  Guiche此   But    were   it  not 

wisest that the Count retire拭      They may begin the attack。 

    DE    GUICHE此       That    is  not  to  be  brooked   I  go  to  inspect   the 

cannon察and shall return。 You have still timethink better of it 

    ROXANE此         Never 

    De Guiche goes out。 

                                  SCENE 4。VI。 

    The same察all but De Guiche。 

    CHRISTIAN entreatingly此          Roxane 

    ROXANE此         No 

    FIRST CADET to the others此          She stays 

    ALL hurrying察hustling each other察tidying themselves此           A comb 


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                               CYRANO DE BERGERAC 

SoapMy   uniform   is   tornA  needleA   ribbonLend   your   mirror 

My cuffsYour curling´ironA razor  。 。 

    ROXANE   to        Cyrano察  who    still   pleads  with   her此 No    Naught 

shall make me stir from this spot 

    CARBON who察like the others察has been buckling察dusting察brushing 

his hat察settling his plume察and drawing on his cuffs察advances to Roxane察

and ceremoniously此        It is perchance more seemly察since things are thus察

that I present to you some of these gentlemen who are about to have the 

honor   of   dying   before   your   eyes。   Roxane   bows察  and   stands   leaning   on 

Christian's arm察while Carbon introduces the cadets to her此               Baron   de 

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