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desperate remedies-第26节

小说: desperate remedies 字数: 每页4000字

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dreaming over out…door scenes; learning a verse from some poem
whilst dressing。

Yet try to force her sympathies as much as she would; Cytherea could
feel no more than thankful for this; even if she always felt as much
as thankful。  The mysterious cloud hanging over the past life of her
companion; of which the uncertain light already thrown upon it only
seemed to render still darker the unpenetrated remainder; nourished
in her a feeling which was scarcely too slight to be called dread。
She would have infinitely preferred to be treated distantly; as the
mere dependent; by such a changeable naturelike a fountain; always
herself; yet always another。  That a crime of any deep dye had ever
been perpetrated or participated in by her namesake; she would not
believe; but the reckless adventuring of the lady's youth seemed
connected with deeds of darkness rather than of light。

Sometimes Miss Aldclyffe appeared to be on the point of making some
absorbing confidence; but reflection invariably restrained her。
Cytherea hoped that such a confidence would come with time; and that
she might thus be a means of soothing a mind which had obviously
known extreme suffering。

But Miss Aldclyffe's reticence concerning her past was not imitated
by Cytherea。  Though she never disclosed the one fact of her
knowledge that the love…suit between Miss Aldclyffe and her father
terminated abnormally; the maiden's natural ingenuousness on
subjects not set down for special guard had enabled Miss Aldclyffe
to worm from her; fragment by fragment; every detail of her father's
history。  Cytherea saw how deeply Miss Aldclyffe sympathizedand it
compensated her; to some extent; for the hasty resentments of other

Thus uncertainly she lived on。  It was perceived by the servants of
the House that some secret bond of connection existed between Miss
Aldclyffe and her companion。  But they were woman and woman; not
woman and man; the facts were ethereal and refined; and so they
could not be worked up into a taking story。  Whether; as old critics
disputed; a supernatural machinery be necessary to an epic or no; an
ungodly machinery is decidedly necessary to a scandal。

Another letter had come to her from Edwardvery short; but full of
entreaty; asking why she would not write just one linejust one
line of cold friendship at least?  She then allowed herself to
think; little by little; whether she had not perhaps been too harsh
with him; and at last wondered if he were really much to blame for
being engaged to another woman。  'Ah; Brain; there is one in me
stronger than you!' she said。  The young maid now continually pulled
out his letter; read it and re…read it; almost crying with pity the
while; to think what wretched suspense he must be enduring at her
silence; till her heart chid her for her cruelty。  She felt that she
must send him a lineone little linejust a wee line to keep him
alive; poor thing; sighing like Donna Clara

     'Ah; were he now before me;
        In spite of injured pride;
      I fear my eyes would pardon
        Before my tongue could chide。'


It was the third week in September; about five weeks after
Cytherea's arrival; when Miss Aldclyffe requested her one day to go
through the village of Carriford and assist herself in collecting
the subscriptions made by some of the inhabitants of the parish to a
religious society she patronized。  Miss Aldclyffe formed one of what
was called a Ladies' Association; each member of which collected
tributary streams of shillings from her inferiors; to add to her own
pound at the end。

Miss Aldclyffe took particular interest in Cytherea's appearance
that afternoon; and the object of her attention was; indeed;
gratifying to look at。  The sight of the lithe girl; set off by an
airy dress; coquettish jacket; flexible hat; a ray of starlight in
each eye and a war of lilies and roses in each cheek; was a palpable
pleasure to the mistress of the mansion; yet a pleasure which
appeared to partake less of the nature of affectionate satisfaction
than of mental gratification。

Eight names were printed in the report as belonging to Miss
Aldclyffe's list; with the amount of subscription…money attached to

'I will collect the first four; whilst you do the same with the last
four;' said Miss Aldclyffe。

The names of two tradespeople stood first in Cytherea's share:  then
came a Miss Hinton:  last of all in the printed list was Mr。
Springrove the elder。  Underneath his name was pencilled; in Miss
Aldclyffe's handwriting; 'Mr。 Manston。'

Manston had arrived on the estate; in the capacity of steward; three
or four days previously; and occupied the old manor…house; which had
been altered and repaired for his reception。

'Call on Mr。 Manston;' said the lady impressively; looking at the
name written under Cytherea's portion of the list。

'But he does not subscribe yet?'

'I know it; but call and leave him a report。  Don't forget it。'

'Say you would be pleased if he would subscribe?'

'Yessay I should be pleased if he would;' repeated Miss Aldclyffe;
smiling。  'Good…bye。  Don't hurry in your walk。  If you can't get
easily through your task to…day put off some of it till to…morrow。'

Each then started on her rounds:  Cytherea going in the first place
to the old manor…house。  Mr。 Manston was not indoors; which was a
relief to her。  She called then on the two gentleman…farmers' wives;
who soon transacted their business with her; frigidly indifferent to
her personality。  A person who socially is nothing is thought less
of by people who are not much than by those who are a great deal。

She then turned towards Peakhill Cottage; the residence of Miss
Hinton; who lived there happily enough; with an elderly servant and
a house…dog as companions。  Her father; and last remaining parent;
had retired thither four years before this time; after having filled
the post of editor to the Casterbridge Chronicle for eighteen or
twenty years。  There he died soon after; and though comparatively a
poor man; he left his daughter sufficiently well provided for as a
modest fundholder and claimant of sundry small sums in dividends to
maintain herself as mistress at Peakhill。

At Cytherea's knock an inner door was heard to open and close; and
footsteps crossed the passage hesitatingly。  The next minute
Cytherea stood face to face with the lady herself。

Adelaide Hinton was about nine…and…twenty years of age。  Her hair
was plentiful; like Cytherea's own; her teeth equalled Cytherea's in
regularity and whiteness。  But she was much paler; and had features
too transparent to be in place among household surroundings。  Her
mouth expressed love less forcibly than Cytherea's; and; as a
natural result of her greater maturity; her tread was less elastic;
and she was more self…possessed。

She had been a girl of that kind which mothers praise as not
forward; by way of contrast; when disparaging those warmer ones with
whom loving is an end and not a means。  Men of forty; too; said of
her; 'a good sensible wife for any man; if she cares to marry;' the
caring to marry being thrown in as the vaguest hypothesis; because
she was so practical。  Yet it would be singular if; in such cases;
the important subject of marriage should be excluded from
manipulation by hands that are ready for practical performance in
every domestic concern besides。

Cytherea was an acquisition; and the greeting was hearty。

'Good afternoon!  O yesMiss Graye; from Miss Aldclyffe's。  I have
seen you at church; and I am so glad you have called!  Come in。  I
wonder if I have change enough to pay my subscription。'  She spoke

Adelaide; when in the company of a younger woman; always levelled
herself down to that younger woman's age from a sense of justice to
herselfas if; though not her own age at common law; it was in

'It doesn't matter。  I'll come again。'

'Yes; do at any time; not only on this errand。  But you must step in
for a minute。  Do。'

'I have been wanting to come for several weeks。'

'That's right。  Now you must see my houselonely; isn't it; for a
single person?  People said it was odd for a young woman like me to
keep on a house; but what did I care?  If you knew the pleasure of
locking up your own door; with the sensation that you reigned
supreme inside it; you would say it was worth the risk of being
called odd。  Mr。 Springrove attends to my gardening; the dog attends
to robbers; and whenever there is a snake or toad to kill; Jane does

'How nice!  It is better than living in a town。'

'Far better。  A town makes a cynic of me。'

The remark recalled; somewhat startlingly; to Cytherea's mind; that
Edward had used those very words to herself one evening at Budmouth。

Miss Hinton opened an interior door and led her visitor into a small
drawing…room commanding a view of the country for miles。

The missionary business was soon settled; but the chat continued。

'How lonely it must be here at night!' said Cytherea。  'Aren't you

'At first I was; slightly。  But I got used to the solitude。  And you
know a sort of commonsense will creep even in

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