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the pit-第41节

小说: the pit 字数: 每页4000字

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Landry enlarged his shoulders a little and wagged his head。

〃Well;〃 he said; 〃I don't know; but I'd try pretty hard to get what I wanted; I guess。〃

〃I love to see that characteristic in men;〃 she observed。  〃Strength; determination。〃

〃Just as a man loves to see a woman womanly;〃 he answered。  〃Don't you hate strong…minded women?〃


〃Now; you are what I would call womanlythe womanliest woman I've ever known。〃

〃Oh; I don't know;〃 she protested; a little confused。

〃Yes; you are。  You are beautifully womanlyand so high…minded and well read。  It's been inspiring to me。 I want you should know that。  Yes; sir; a real inspiration。  It's been inspiring; elevating; to say the least。〃

〃I like to read; if that's what you mean;〃 she hastened to say。

〃By Jove; I've got to do some reading; too。  It's so hard to find time。  But I'll make time。  I'll get that 'Stones of Venice' I've heard you speak of; and I'll sit up nightsand keep awake with black coffeebut I'll read that book from cover to cover。〃

〃That's your determination again;〃 Page exclaimed。 〃Your eyes just flashed when you said it。  I believe if you once made up your mind to do a thing; you would do it; no matter how hard it was; wouldn't you?〃

〃Well; I'dI'd make things hum; I guess;〃 he admitted。

The next day was Easter Sunday; and Page came down to nine o'clock breakfast a little late; to find Jadwin already finished and deep in the pages of the morning paper。  Laura; still at table; was pouring her last cup of coffee。

They were in the breakfast…room; a small; charming apartment; light and airy; and with many windows; one end opening upon the house conservatory。  Jadwin was in his frock coat; which later he would wear to church。 The famous gardenia was in his lapel。  He was freshly shaven; and his fine cigar made a blue haze over his head。  Laura was radiant in a white morning gown。  A newly cut bunch of violets; large as a cabbage; lay on the table before her。

The whole scene impressed itself sharply upon Page's mindthe fine sunlit room; with its gay open spaces and the glimpse of green leaves from the conservatory; the view of the smooth; trim lawn through the many windows; where an early robin; strayed from the park; was chirruping and feeding; her beautiful sister Laura; with her splendid; overshadowing coiffure; her pale; clear skin; her slender figure; Jadwin; the large; solid man of affairs; with his fine cigar; his gardenia; his well…groomed air。  And then the little accessories that meant so muchthe smell of violets; of good tobacco; of fragrant coffee; the gleaming damasks; china and silver of the breakfast table; the trim; fresh…looking maid; with her white cap; apron; and cuffs; who came and went; the thoroughbred setter dozing in the sun; and the parrot dozing and chuckling to himself on his perch upon the terrace outside the window。

At the bottom of the lawn was the stable; and upon the concrete in front of its wide…open door the groom was currying one of the carriage horses。  While Page addressed herself to her fruit and coffee; Jadwin put down his paper; and; his elbows on the arms of his rattan chair; sat for a long time looking out at the horse。  By and by he got up and said:

〃That new feed has filled 'em out in good shape。  Think I'll go out and tell Jarvis to try it on the buggy team。〃  He pushed open the French windows and went out; the setter sedately following。

Page dug her spoon into her grape…fruit; then suddenly laid it down and turned to Laura; her chin upon her palm。

〃Laura;〃 she said; 〃do you think I ought to marrya girl of my temperament?〃

〃Marry?〃 echoed Laura。

〃Sh…h!〃 whispered Page。  〃Lauradon't talk so loud。 Yes; do you?〃

〃Well; why not marry; dearie?  Why shouldn't you marry when the time comes?  Girls as young as you are not supposed to have temperaments。〃

But instead of answering Page put another question:

〃Laura; do you think I am womanly?〃

〃I think sometimes; Page; that you take your books and your reading too seriously。  You've not been out of the house for three days; and I never see you without your note…books and text…books in your hand。  You are at it; dear; from morning till night。  Studies are all very well〃

〃Oh; studies!〃 exclaimed Page。  〃I hate them。  Laura; what is it to be womanly?〃

〃To be womanly?〃 repeated Laura。  〃Why; I don't know; honey。  It's to be kind and well…bred and gentle mostly; and never to be bold or conspicuousand to love one's home and to take care of it; and to love and believe in one's husband; or parents; or childrenor even one's sisterabove any one else in the world。〃

〃I think that being womanly is better than being well read;〃 hazarded Page。

〃We can be both; Page;〃 Laura told her。  〃But; honey; I think you had better hurry through your breakfast。  If we are going to church this Easter; we want to get an early start。  Curtis ordered the carriage half an hour earlier。〃

〃Breakfast!〃 echoed Page。  〃I don't want a thing。〃  She drew a deep breath and her eyes grew large。  〃Laura;〃 she began again presently; 〃Laura 。。。 Landry Court was here last night; andoh; I don't know; he's so silly。 But he saidwell; he said thiswell; I said that I understood how he felt about certain things; about 'getting on;' and being clean and fine and all that sort of thing you know; and then he said; 'Oh; you don't know what it means to me to look into the eyes of a woman who really understands。'〃

〃_Did_ he?〃 said Laura; lifting her eyebrows。

〃Yes; and he seemed so fine and earnest。  Laura; wh〃 Page adjusted a hairpin at the back of her head; and moved closer to Laura; her eyes on the floor。  〃Laura what do you suppose it did mean to himdon't you think it was foolish of him to talk like that?〃

〃Not at all;〃 Laura said; decisively。  〃If he said that he meant itmeant that he cared a great deal for you。〃

〃Oh; I didn't mean that!〃 shrieked Page。  〃But there's a great deal more to Landry than I think we've suspected。  He wants to be more than a mere money… getting machine; he says; and he wants to cultivate his mind and understand art and literature and that。  And he wants me to help him; and I said I would。  So if you don't mind; he's coming up here certain nights every week; and we're going toI'm going to read to him。 We're going to begin with the 'Ring and the Book。'〃

In the later part of May; the weather being unusually hot; the Jadwins; taking Page with them; went up to Geneva Lake for the summer; and the great house fronting Lincoln Park was deserted。

Laura had hoped that now her husband would be able to spend his entire time with her; but in this she was disappointed。  At first Jadwin went down to the city but two days a week; but soon this was increased to alternate days。  Gretry was a frequent visitor at the country house; and often he and Jadwin; their rocking… chairs side by side in a remote corner of the porch; talked 〃business〃 in low tones till far into the night。

〃Dear;〃 said Laura; finally; 〃I'm seeing less and less of you every day; and I had so looked forward to this summer; when we were to be together all the time。〃

〃I hate it as much as you do; Laura;〃 said her husband。 〃But I do feel as though I ought to be on the spot just for now。  I can't get it out of my head that we're going to have livelier times in a few months。〃

〃But even Mr。 Gretry says that you don't need to be right in your office every minute of the time。  He says you can manage your Board of Trade business from out here just as well; and that you only go into town because you can't keep away from La Salle Street and the sound of the Wheat Pit。〃

Was this true?  Jadwin himself had found it difficult to answer。  There had been a time when Gretry had been obliged to urge and coax to get his friend to so much as notice the swirl of the great maelstrom in the Board of Trade Building。  But of late Jadwin's eye and ear were forever turned thitherward; and it was he; and no longer Gretry; who took initiatives。

Meanwhile he was making money。  As he had predicted; the price of wheat had advanced。  May had been a fair… weather month with easy prices; the monthly Government report showing no loss in the condition of the crop。 Wheat had gone up from sixty to sixty…six cents; and at a small profit Jadwin had sold some two hundred and fifty thousand bushels。  Then had come the hot weather at the end of May。  On the floor of the Board of Trade the Pit traders had begun to peel off their coats。  It began to look like a hot June; and when cash wheat touched sixty…eight; Jadwin; now more than ever convinced of a coming Bull market; bought another five hundred thousand bushels。

This line he added to in June。  Unfavorable weather excessive heat; followed by flooding rainshad hurt the spring wheat; and in every direction there were complaints of weevils and chinch bugs。  Later on other deluges had discoloured and damaged the winter crop。 Jadwin was now; by virtue of his recent purchases; 〃long〃 one million bushels; and the market held firm at seventy…two centsa twelve…cent advance in two months。

〃She'll react;〃 warned Gretry; 〃sure。  Crookes and Sweeny haven't taken a hand yet。  Look out for a heavy French crop。  We'll get reports on it soon now。  You're playin

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