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red eve-第49节

小说: red eve 字数: 每页4000字

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prophecy; or some few of them; wrought a great crime when the world
was young and thereby brought about the salvation of mankind; as we
believe; those are among the most comfortable words to which my ears
have listened; especially such of them as dealt with the fulfilling of
our desire upon our enemies in war。 Well; they are spoke; and I doubt
not registered in a book which will not be lost。 So; master; let us
seek a lodging in this city of Avignon; which; for my part; I do with
a light heart。〃

Hugh nodded; and his heart also was lightened by those words of
blessing and good omen。 Mounting their horses; they took a street that
led them past the great Roches des Doms; on the crest of which stood
the mighty palace of the Popes; as yet unfinished; but still one of
the vastest buildings they had ever seen。 Here on the battlements and
in front of the gateway burned great fires; lit by order of his
Holiness to purify the air and protect him and his Court from the

Leaving this place on their right they rode slowly along one of the
principal streets of the town; seeking an inn。 Soon they found one; a
large place that had a sign on which three shepherds were painted; and
turned to enter its gateway。 But; when they saw them; out of that
gateway rushed a mob of frantic people waving swords and cudgels; and
saying that they would have no strangers there to bring the Death
among them。

〃Let us go on;〃 said Hugh; 〃for here it seems we are not welcome。〃

So they went and tried three other inns in turn。 At two of them they
met with a like greeting; but the doors of the third were closed and
the place was deserted。 Then; for a crowd began to gather round them;
wearily enough they turned up another street at hazard。 Thus they
wended their way back toward the great central rock; thinking that
there they might find some more hospitable tavern。

Following this new street; they reached a less crowded suburb of the
town; where large dwellings stood in their own gardens。 One of these;
they saw by the flare of some of those fires which burned all about
the city in this time of pestilence; seemed to be a small castle。 At
least it had a moat round it and a drawbridge; which was down。 Seeing
that lamps burned in its windows; Hugh; who was worn out with their
long journeyings; took a sudden resolution。

〃Doubtless some knight dwells in this fine house;〃 he said to his
companions。 〃Let us go up and declare our names and degree and by
virtue of them claim the hospitality which is our right。〃

〃Be it so;〃 grumbled Dick。 〃We cannot be worse treated there than we
were at the inns; unless the owner adds arrows to the swords and

They rode across the drawbridge to the gateway of the little castle;
which was open; and finding no one there; through a small courtyard to
the door; which also was open。

David dismounted and knocked on it; but none answered。

〃An empty house belongs to no one;〃 said Dick; 〃at any rate in these
times。 Let us enter。〃

They did so; and saw that the place was sumptuously appointed。 Though
ancient; it was not large; having; as they afterward discovered; been
a fortification on an outer wall now demolished; which had been turned
to the purposes of a dwelling。 Leaving the hall out of which opened
the refectory; they mounted a stone stair to the upper chambers; and
entered one of them。

Here they saw a strange and piteous sight。 On a bed; about which
candles still burned; lay a young woman who had been very beautiful;
arrayed in a bride's robe。

〃Dead of the plague;〃 said Hugh; 〃and deserted at her death。 Well; she
had better luck than many; since she was not left to die alone。 Her
dress and these candles show it。〃

〃Ay;〃 answered Dick; 〃but fear took the watchers at last and they are
fled。 Well; we will fill their place; and; if they do not return
to…morrow; give her honourable burial in her own courtyard。 Here be
fine lodgings for us; master; so let us bide in them until the
rightful owners cast us out。 Come; David; and help me raise that

Fine lodgings these proved to be indeed; since; as they found; no
house in Avignon was better furnished with all things needful。 But;
and this will show how dreadful were the times; during these days that
they made this their home they never so much as learned the name of
that poor lady arrayed in the bride's dress and laid out upon her
marriage bed。

In the butteries and cellar were plentiful provisions of food。 Having
eaten of it with thankfulness; they chose out one of the bed…chambers
and slept there quite undisturbed till the morning sun shone in at the
window…places and awoke them。 Then they arose; and; digging a shallow
grave in the courtyard with some garden tools which they found in a
shed; they bore out the poor bride; and; removing only her jewels;
which were rich enough; buried her there in her wedding dress。 This
sad duty finished; they washed themselves with water from the well;
and breakfasted。 After they had eaten they consulted as to what they
should do next。

〃We came here to lay a certain cause before his Holiness;〃 said Hugh。
〃Let us go up to the palace; declare our business and estate; and ask

So; leaving David in charge of the house; which they named the Bride's
Tower because of the dead lady and the little keep which rose above
it; and of the horses that they had stalled in the stable; they went
out and made their way to the great entrance of the Pope's palace。
Here they found the gates shut and barred; with a huge fire burning
behind them。

Still they knocked until some guards appeared armed with cross…bows;
and asked their business。 They said they desired to see his Holiness;
or at least one of his secretaries; whereon the guards asked whence
they came。 They replied from Italy; and were told that if so they
would find no entrance there; since the Death had come from Italy。 Now
Hugh gave his name and stated his business on hearing which the guards
laughed at him。

〃Annulment of a false marriage!〃 said their captain。 〃Go lay your
petition before Death; who will do your business swiftly if he has not
done it already。 Get you gone; you English knight; with your white…
faced squire。 We want no English here at the best of times; and least
of all if they hail from Italy。〃

〃Come on; master;〃 said Dick; 〃there are more ways into a house than
by the front doorand we won't want to leave our brains to grease its

So they went away; wondering whither they should betake themselves or
what they could do next。 As it chanced; they had not long to wait for
an answer。 Presently a lantern…jawed notary in a frayed russet gown;
who must have been watching their movements; approached them and asked
them what had been their business at the Pope's palace。 Hugh told him;
whereon the lawyer; finding that he was a person of high degree;
became deferential in his manner。 Moreover; he announced that he was a
notary named Basil of Tours and one of the legal secretaries of his
Holiness; who just now was living without the gates of the palace by
express command in order to attend to the affairs of suitors at the
Papal Court during the Great Sickness。 He added; however; that he was
able to communicate with those within; and that doubtless it might be
in his power to forward the cause of the noble knight; Sir Hugh de
Cressi; in which already he took much interest。

〃There would be a fee?〃 suggested Dick; looking at the man coldly。

Basil answered with a smirk that fees and legal affairs were
inseparable; the latter naturally involved the former。 Not that he
cared for money; he remarked; especially in this time of general woe。
Still; it would never do for a lawyer; however humble; to create a
precedent which might be used against his craft in better days。 Then
he named a sum。

Hugh handed him double what he asked; whereon he began to manifest
great zeal in his case。 Indeed; he accompanied them to the fortified
house that they had named the Bride's Tower; which he alleged; with or
without truth; he had never seen before。 There he wrote down all
particulars of the suit。

〃Sir Edmund Acour; Count de Noyon; Seigneur of Cattrina?〃 he said
presently。 〃Why I think that a lord of those names had audience with
his Holiness some while ago; just before the pest grew bad in Avignon
and the gates of the palace were ordered to be shut。 I know not what
passed on the occasion; not having been retained in the cause; but I
will find out and tell you to…morrow。〃

〃Find out also; if it pleases you; learned Basil;〃 said Hugh; 〃whether
or no this knight with the three names is still in Avignon。 If so; I
have a word or two to say to him。〃

〃I will; I will;〃 answered the lantern…jawed notary。 〃Yet I think it
most unlikely that any one who can buy or beg a horse to ride away on
should stay in this old city just now; unless indeed; the laws of his
order bind him to do so that he may minister to the afflicted。 Well;
if the pest spares me and you; to…morrow morning I will be back here
at this hour to tell you all that I can gather。〃

〃How did this sickness begin in Avignon?〃 asked Grey Dick。

〃Noble Squire; none know for cert

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