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red eve-第27节

小说: red eve 字数: 每页4000字

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whereof the point hung over the eastern plain。 Save for this flaming
sword all else was dark; and silent also; for the rain and thunder had
died away。 Only thousands of crows; frightened from the woods; wheeled
to and fro above; their black wings turning to the redness of blood as
they crossed and recrossed that splendid path of light; and their
hoarse cries filling the solemn air with clamour。 The sight and sounds
were strange; nor did the thickest…headed fellow crouched upon Crecy's
fateful plain ever forget them till his dying day。

The sky cleared by slow degrees; the multitudes of crows wheeled off
toward the east and vanished; the sun shone out again in quiet glory。

〃Pray God the French fight us to…day;〃 said Hugh as he took off his
cloak and rolled it up。

〃Why; master?〃

〃Because; Dick; it is written that the rain falls on the just and the
unjust; and the unjust; that is the French; or rather the Italians
whom they hire; use these new…fangled cross…bows which as you know
cannot be cased like ours; and therefore stretch their strings in

〃Master;〃 remarked Dick; 〃I did not think you had so much witthat
is; since you fell in love; for before then you were sharp enough。
Well; you are right; and a little matter like that may turn a battle。
Not but what I had thought of it already。〃

Hugh was about to answer with spirit; when a sound of distant shouting
broke upon their ears; a very mighty sound; and next instant some
outposts were seen galloping in; calling: 〃Arm! Arm! The French! The

Suddenly there appeared thousands of cross…bow men; in thick; wavering
lines; and behind them the points of thousands of spears; whose
bearers as yet were hidden by the living screen of the Italian
archers。 Yes; before them was the mighty host of France glittering in
the splendid light of the westering sun; which shone full into their

The irregular lines halted。 Perhaps there was something in the aspect
of those bands of Englishmen still seated in silence on the ground;
with never a horse among them; that gave them pause。 Then; as though
at a word of command; the Genoese cross…bow men set up a terrific

〃Do they think to make us run at a noise; like hares?〃 said Hugh

But Grey Dick made no answer; for already his pale eyes were fixed
upon the foe with a stare that Hugh thought was terrible; and his long
fingers were playing with the button of his bow…case。 The Genoese
advanced a little way; then again stood and shouted; but still the
English sat silent。

A third time they advanced and shouted more loudly than before; then
began to wind up their cross…bows。

From somewhere in the English centre rose a heavy; thudding sound
which was new to war。 It came from the mouths of cannons now for the
first time fired on a field of battle; and at the report of them the
Genoese; frightened; fell back a little。 Seeing that the balls fell
short and did but hop toward them slowly; they took courage again and
began to loose their bolts。

〃You're right; master;〃 exclaimed Grey Dick in a fierce chuckle;
〃their strings /are/ wet;〃 and he pointed to the quarrels that; like
the cannon balls; struck short; some within fifty paces of those who
shot them; so that no man was hurt。

Now came a swift command; and the English ranks rose to their feet;
uncased their bows and strung them all as though with a single hand。 A
second command and every bow was bent。 A third and with a noise that
was half hiss and half moan; thousands of arrows leapt forward。
Forward they leapt; and swift and terrible they fell among the ranks
of the advancing Genoese。 Yes; and ere ever one had found its billet;
its quiver…mate was hastening on its path。 Thenoh! the sunlight
showed it allthe Genoese rolled over by scores; their frail armour
bitten through and through by the grey English arrows。 By scores that
grew to hundreds; that grew till the poor; helpless men who were yet
unhurt among them wailed out in their fear; and; after one short;
hesitant moment; surged back upon the long lines of men…at…arms

From these arose a great shout: 〃/Trahison! Trahison! Tuez! Tuez!/〃
Next instant the appalling sight was seen of the chivalry of France
falling upon their friends; whose only crime was that their bow…
strings were wet; and butchering them where they stood。 So awful and
unexpected was this spectacle that for a little while the English
archers; all except Grey Dick and a few others cast in the same iron
mould; ceased to ply their bows and watched amazed。

The long shafts began to fly again; raining alike upon the
slaughterers and the slaughtered。 A few minutes; five perhaps; and
this terrible scene was over; for of the seven thousand Genoese but a
tithe remained upon their feet; and the interminable French lines;
clad in sparkling steel and waving lance and sword; charged down upon
the little English band。

〃Now for the feast!〃 screamed Grey Dick。 〃That was but a snack to
sharp the appetite;〃 and as he said the words a gorgeous knight died
with his arrow through the heart。

It came; the charge came。 Nothing could stop it。 Down went man and
horse; line upon line of them swept to death by the pitiless English
arrows; but still more rushed on。 They fell in the pits that had been
dug; they died beneath the shafts and the hoofs of those that
followed; but still they struggled on; shouting: 〃Philip and St。
Denis!〃 and waving their golden banner; the Oriflamme of France。

The charge crept up as a reluctant; outworn wave creeps to a resisting
rock。 It foamed upon the rock。 The archers ceased to shoot and drew
their axes。 The men…at…arms leapt forward。 The battle had joined at
last! Breast to breast they wrestled now。 Hugh's sword was red; and
red was Grey Dick's axe。 Fight as they would; the English were borne
back。 The young Prince waved his arm; screaming something; and at that
sight the English line checked its retreat; stood still; and next
plunged forward with a roar of:

〃England and the Prince!〃

That assault was over。 Backward rolled the ride of men; those who were
left living。 After them went the dark Welsh。 Their commanders ordered
them to stand; the Earl of Warwick ordered them to stand。 The Prince
himself ordered them to stand; running in front of them; only to be
swept aside like a straw before a draught of wind。 Out they broke;
grinning and gnashing their teeth; great knives in their hands。

The red Dragon of Merlin which a giant bore led them on。 It sank; it
fell; it rose again。 The giant was down; but another had it。 They
scrambled over the mass of dead and dying。 They got among the living
beyond。 With eerie screams they houghed the horses and; when the
riders fell; hacked open the lacings of their helms; and; unheeding of
any cries for mercy; drove the great knives home。 At length all were
dead; and they returned again waving those red knives and singing some
fierce chant in their unknown tongue。

The battle was not over yet。 Fresh horses of Frenchmen gathered out of
arrow range; and charged again under the banners of Blois; Alencon;
Lorraine; and Flanders。 Forward they swept; and with them came one who
looked like a king; for he wore a crown upon his helm。 The hawk…eyed
Dick noted him; and that his bridle was bound to those of the knights
who rode upon his either side。 On them he rained shafts from his great
black bow; for Grey Dick never shot without an aim; and after the
battle one of his marked arrows was found fixed in the throat of the
blind king of Bohemia。

This second charge could not be stayed。 Step by step the English
knights were beaten back; the line of archers was broken through; his
guard formed round the Prince; Hugh among them。 Heavy horses swept on
to them。 Beneath the hoofs of one of these Hugh was felled; but;
stabbing it from below; caused the poor beast to leap aside。 He gained
his feet again。 The Prince was down; a splendid knightit was the
Count of Flanderswho had sprung from his horse; stood over him; his
sword point at his throat; and called on him to yield。 Up ran Robert
Fitzsimmon; the standard bearer; shouting:

〃To the son of the King! To the son of the King!〃

He struck down a knight with the pole of his standard。 Hugh sprang
like a wild…cat at Louis of Flanders; and drove his sword through his
throat。 Richard de Beaumont flung the great banner of Wales over the
Prince; hiding him till more help came to beat back the foe。 Then the
Prince struggled from the ground; gasping:

〃I thank you; friends;〃 and once more the French retreated。 The Welsh
banner rose again and that danger was over。

The Earl of Warwick ran up。 Hugh noted that his armour was covered
with blood。

〃John of Norwich;〃 he cried to an aged knight; who stood leaning on
his sword; 〃take one with you; away to the King and pray him for aid。
The French gather again; we are outworn with blows; the young Prince
is in danger of his life or liberty。 Begone!〃

Old John's eyes fell on Hugh。

〃Come with me; you Suffolk man;〃 he said; and away they went。

〃Now what would you give;〃 he gasped as they ran; 〃to be drinking a
stoup of ale with me in my tower of Mettingham as you have done 

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