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red eve-第11节

小说: red eve 字数: 每页4000字

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Cressi; and you; his sons?〃

Then one by one they swore to be secret as the grave; and Eve swore
also; though of her he had sought no promise。 When this was finished
Sir Andrew asked if any of his brothers accompanied Hugh; saying that
if so they must arm。

〃No;〃 answered Master de Cressi; 〃one of the family is enough to risk
as well as four of our best servants。 My sons bide here with me; who
may need their help; though they are not trained to arms。〃

〃Perhaps it is as well;〃 said Sir Andrew drily; 〃though were I their
agewell; let that be。 Now; son Hugh; before you eat do you and Eve
come with me into the church。〃

At these words Hugh flushed red with joy; and opened his lips to

〃Nay; nay;〃 broke in Sir Andrew; with a frown; 〃for a different
purpose to that which is in your mind。 Man; is this a time for
marrying and giving in marriage? And if it were; could I marry you who
are stained with new…shed blood? 'Tis that you both may be absolved
from the guilt of that blood and learn the penance which God decrees
to you through the mouth of me; His unworthy minister; in payment of
its shedding。 Thus you; son; may go forth upon your great adventure
with a clean heart; and you; daughter; may await what shall befall
with a quiet mind。 Say; are you willing?〃

Now they bowed their heads and answered that they were; though Eve
whispered to Hugh that she misdoubted her of this talk of penance。

〃So do I;〃 he replied; beneath his breath; 〃but he is a merciful
confessor and loves us。 From some it might be harder。〃

They passed down the stairs; followed by Master de Cressi and his
sons; into the entrance hall; where Grey Dick stood watching by the

〃Whither go they?〃 he asked of Sir Andrew; 〃for their road is mine。〃

〃To confession at God's altar;〃 answered the old priest。 〃Do you come
also; Richard?〃

〃Oh!〃 he replied; 〃I hoped it had been to breakfast。 As for confession
I have naught upon my soul save that I shot too low at the Frenchman。〃

〃Bide where you are; O man of blood;〃 said Sir Andrew sternly: 〃and
pray that a better mood be given to you before it is too late。〃

〃Ay; Father;〃 he answered unabashed。 〃I'll pray; and it is as well
that one should wait to watch the door lest you should all presently
become men of blood against your will。〃

Turning to the right; Sir Andrew led them down steps to a passage
underground that joined the Temple to the Church of the Holy Virgin
and St。 John。 It was but short; and at the end of it they found a
massive door which he unbolted; and; passing this door; entered the
great building; whereof the silence and the icy cold struck them like
blows。 They had but two lanterns between them; one of which Master de
Cressi and his elder sons took with them to the nave of the church。
Bearing the other; Sir Andrew departed into the vestry; leaving Hugh
and Eve seated together in the darkness of the chancel stalls。

Presently his light reappeared in the confessional; where he sat
robed; and thither at his summons went first Hugh and then Eve。 When
their tales were told; those who watched in the nave of the splendid
buildingwhich; reared by the Knights Templar; was already following
that great Order to decay and ruinsaw the star of light he bore
ascend to the high altar。 Here he set it down; and; advancing to the
rail; addressed the two shadowy figures that knelt before him。

〃Son and daughter;〃 he said; 〃you have made confession with contrite
hearts; and the Church has given you absolution for your sins。 Yet
penance remains; and because those sins; though grievous in
themselves; were not altogether of your own making; it shall be light。
Hugh de Cressi and Eve Clavering; who are bound together by lawful
love between man and woman and the solemn oath of betrothal which you
here renew before God; this is the penance that I lay upon you by
virtue of the authority in me vested as a priest of Christ: Because
between you runs the blood of John Clavering; the cousin of one of you
and the brother of the other; slain by you; Hugh de Cressi; in mortal
combat but yester eve; I decree and enjoin that for a full year from
this day you shall not be bound together as man and wife in the holy
bonds of matrimony; nor converse after the fashion of affianced
lovers。 If you obey this her command; faithfully; then by my mouth the
Church declares that after the year has gone by you may lawfully be
wed where and when you will。 Moreover; she pronounces her solemn
blessing on you both and her dreadful curse upon any and upon all who
shall dare to sunder you against your desires; and of this blessing
and this curse let all the congregation take notice。〃

Now Hugh and Eve rose and vanished into the darkness。 When they had
gone the priest celebrated a short mass; but two or three prayers and
a blessing; which done; all of them returned to the Preceptory as they
had come。

Here food was waiting for them; prepared by the old Sister Agnes。 It
was a somewhat silent meal of which no one ate very much except Grey
Dick; who remarked aloud that as this might be his last breakfast it
should be plentiful; since; shriven or unshriven; it was better to die
upon a full stomach。

Master de Cressi called him an impious knave。 Then he asked him if he
had plenty of arrows; because if not he would find four dozen of the
best that could be made in Norwich done up in a cloak on the grey
horse he was to ride; and a spare bow also。

〃I thank you for the arrows; Master; but as for the bow; I use none
but my own; the black bow which the sea brought to me and death alone
shall part from me。 Perchance both will be wanted; since the
Claverings will scarcely let us out of the sanctuary if they can help
it。 Still; it is true they may not know where we lie hid; and that is
our best chance of eating more good breakfasts this side the grave。〃

〃A pest on your evil talk;〃 said de Cressi with an uneasy laugh; for
he loved Hugh best of all his sons and was afraid of him。 〃Get through
safely; man; and though I like not your grim face and bloody ways you
shall lose little by it。 I promise you;〃 he added in a whisper; 〃that
if you bring my boy safe home again; you shall not want for all your
life; ay; and if there is need; I'll pay your blood…scot for you。〃

〃Thank you; master; thank you。 I'll remember; and for my part promise
you this; that if he does not return safe; Dick the Archer never will。
But I think I'll live to shoot more than your four dozen of arrows。〃

As he spoke there came a knock upon the outer door and every one
sprang up。

〃Fear not;〃 said Sir Andrew; 〃doubtless it will be the men with the
horses。 I'll go look。 Come you with me; Richard。〃

Presently he returned; saying that it was so; and that Master de
Cressi's servants were waiting with the beasts in the courtyard。 Also
that they brought tidings that some of the Clavering party were now at
the Mayor's house; rousing him from his sleep; doubtless to lay
information of the slayings and ask for warrant to take those who
wrought them; should they be in the borough。

〃Then we had best be going;〃 said Hugh; 〃since soon they will be here
with or without their warrant。〃

〃Ay;〃 answered Sir Andrew。 〃Here are the papers。 Take them; Hugh; and
hide them well; and if any accident should befall you; try to pass
them on to Richard that they may be delivered into the King's hands at
Westminster。 Say that Sir Andrew Arnold sends you on business that has
to do with his Grace's safety; and neither of you will be refused a
hearing。 Then act as he may command you; and maybe ere long we shall
see you back at Dunwich pardoned。〃

〃I think it is the Claverings and their French lord who need pardon;
not I;〃 said Hugh。 〃But be that as it may; what of Eve?〃

〃Fear not for Eve; son; for here she bides in sanctuary until the
Frenchman is out of England; or perchance;〃 he added grimly; 〃under
English soil。〃

〃Ay; ay; we'll guard the maid;〃 broke in Master de Cressi。 〃Come! to
saddle ere you be trapped。〃

So they descended to a back entrance; and through it into the
courtyard; where the four armed men waited with six good horses; one
of them Hugh's own。 Here he bade farewell to his brothers; to his
father; who kissed him on the brow; and to Sir Andrew; who stretched
his hand above his head in blessing。 Then he turned to Eve and was
about to embrace her even before that company; when Sir Andrew looked
at him; and; remembering the penance that had been laid upon him; he
but pressed her hand; whispering:

〃God be with you; sweetheart!〃

〃He is with us all; but I would that you could be with me also;〃 she
answered in the same low voice。 〃Still; man must forth to battle and
woman must wait and watch; for that is the world's way。 Whate'er
befalls; remember that dead or living I'll be wife to no man but you。
Begone now ere my heart fails me; and guard yourself well; remembering
that you bear in your breast not one life; but two。〃

Then Hugh swung himself to the saddle of which Grey Dick had already
tested the girths and stirrup leathers。 In another minute the six of
them were clattering over the stones of Middlegate Street; while the
burgesses of Dunwich peeped from th

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