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vailima letters-第40节

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I have scarce yet recovered the two last。


My progress is crabwise; and I fear only IX。 chapters will be 

ready for the mail。  I am on p。 88 again; and with half an 

idea of going back again to 85。  We shall see when we come to 

read: I used to regard reading as a pleasure in my old light 

days。  All the house are down with the influenza in a body; 

except Fanny and me。 The influenza appears to become endemic 

here; but it has always been a scourge in the islands。  

Witness the beginning of THE EBB TIDE; which was observed 

long before the Iffle had distinguished himself at home by 

such Napoleonic conquests。  I am now of course 'quite a 

recluse;' and it is very stale; and there is no amanuensis to 

carry me over my mail; to which I shall have to devote many 

hours that would have been more usefully devoted to THE EBB 

TIDE。  For you know you can dictate at all hours of the day 

and at any odd moment; but to sit down and write with your 

red right hand is a very different matter。


Well; I believe I've about finished the thing; I mean as far 

as the mail is to take it。  Chapter X。 is now in Lloyd's 

hands for remarks; and extends in its present form to p。 93 

incl。  On the 12th of May; I see by looking back; I was on p。 

82; not for the first time; so that I have made 11 pages in 

nine livelong days。  Well! up a high hill he heaved a huge 

round stone。  But this Flaubert business must be resisted in 

the premises。  Or is it the result of influenza?  God forbid。  

Fanny is down now; and the last link that bound me to my 

fellow men is severed。  I sit up here; and write; and read 

Renan's ORIGINES; which is certainly devilish interesting; I 

read his Nero yesterday; it is very good; O; very good!  But 

he is quite a Michelet; the general views; and such a piece 

of character painting; excellent; but his method sheer 

lunacy。  You can see him take up the block which he had just 

rejected; and make of it the corner…stone: a maddening way to 

deal with authorities; and the result so little like history 

that one almost blames oneself for wasting time。  But the 

time is not wasted; the conspectus is always good; and the 

blur that remains on the mind is probably just enough。  I 

have been enchanted with the unveiling of Revelations。  And 

how picturesque that return of the false Nero!  The Apostle 

John is rather discredited。  And to think how one had read 

the thing so often; and never understood the attacks upon St。 

Paul!  I remember when I was a child; and we came to the Four 

Beasts that were all over eyes; the sickening terror with 

which I was filled。  If that was Heaven; what; in the name of 

Davy Jones and the aboriginal night…mare; could Hell be?  

Take it for all in all; L'ANTECHRIST is worth reading。  The 

HISTOIRE D'ISRAEL did not surprise me much; I had read those 

Hebrew sources with more intelligence than the New Testament; 

and was quite prepared to admire Ahab and Jezebel; etc。  

Indeed; Ahab has always been rather a hero of mine; I mean 

since the years of discretion。


And here I am back again on p。 85! the last chapter demanding 

an entire revision; which accordingly it is to get。  And 

where my mail is to come in; God knows!  This forced; 

violent; alembicated style is most abhorrent to me; it can't 

be helped; the note was struck years ago on the JANET NICOLL; 

and has to be maintained somehow; and I can only hope the 

intrinsic horror and pathos; and a kind of fierce glow of 

colour there is to it; and the surely remarkable wealth of 

striking incident; may guide our little shallop into port。  

If Gordon Browne is to get it; he should see the Brassey 

photographs of Papeete。  But mind; the three waifs were never 

in the town; only on the beach and in the calaboose。  By 

George; but it's a good thing to illustrate for a man like 

that!  Fanny is all right again。  False alarm!  I was down 

yesterday afternoon at Paupata; and heard much growling of 

war; and the delightful news that the C。 J。 and the President 

are going to run away from Mulinuu and take refuge in the 

Tivoli hotel。


And lots of pleasures before me; no doubt!  Among others the 

attempt to extract an answer from … before mail time; which 

may succeed or may not。

THE EBB TIDE; all but (I take it) fifteen pages; is now in 

your hands … possibly only about eleven pp。  It is hard to 

say。  But there it is; and you can do your best with it。  

Personally; I believe I would in this case make even a 

sacrifice to get Gordon Browne and copious illustration。  I 

guess in ten days I shall have finished with it; then I go 

next to D。 BALFOUR; and get the proofs ready: a nasty job for 

me; as you know。  And then?  Well; perhaps I'll take a go at 

the family history。  I think that will be wise; as I am so 

much off work。  And then; I suppose; WEIR OF HERMISTON; but 

it may be anything。  I am discontented with THE EBB TIDE; 

naturally; there seems such a veil of words over it; and I 

like more and more naked writing; and yet sometimes one has a 

longing for full colour and there comes the veil again。  THE 

YOUNG CHEVALIER is in very full colour; and I fear it for 

that reason。 …


R。 L S。



MY DEAR COLVIN; … Still grinding at Chap。 XI。  I began many 

days ago on p。 93; and am still on p。 93; which is 

exhilarating; but the thing takes shape all the same and 

should make a pretty lively chapter for an end of it。  For 

XII。 is only a footnote AD EXPLICANDUM。


Back on p。 93。  I was on 100 yesterday; but read it over and 

condemned it。

10 A。 M。

I have worked up again to 97; but how?  The deuce fly away 

with literature; for the basest sport in creation。  But it's 

got to come straight! and if possible; so that I may finish 

D。 BALFOUR in time for the same mail。  What a getting 

upstairs!  This is Flaubert outdone。  Belle; Graham; and 

Lloyd leave to…day on a malaga down the coast; to be absent a 

week or so: this leaves Fanny; me; and …; who seems a nice; 

kindly fellow。


I am nearly dead with dyspepsia; over…smoking; and 

unremunerative overwork。  Last night; I went to bed by seven; 

woke up again about ten for a minute to find myself light…

headed and altogether off my legs; went to sleep again; and 

woke this morning fairly fit。  I have crippled on to p。 101; 

but I haven't read it yet; so do not boast。  What kills me is 

the frame of mind of one of the characters; I cannot get it 

through。  Of course that does not interfere with my total 

inability to write; so that yesterday I was a living half…

hour upon a single clause and have a gallery of variants that 

would surprise you。  And this sort of trouble (which I cannot 

avoid) unfortunately produces nothing when done but 

alembication and the far…fetched。  Well; read it with mercy!

8 A。M。

Going to bed。  Have read it; and believe the chapter 

practically done at last。  But lord! it has been a business。

JULY 3RD; 8。15。

The draft is finished; the end of Chapter II。 and the tale; 

and I have only eight pages WIEDERZUARBEITEN。  This is just a 

cry of joy in passing。


Knocked out of time。  Did 101 and 102。  Alas; no more to…day; 

as I have to go down town to a meeting。  Just as well though; 

as my thumb is about done up。


Now for a little snippet of my life。  Yesterday; 12。30; in a 

heavenly day of sun and trade; I mounted my horse and set 

off。  A boy opens my gate for me。  'Sleep and long life!  A 

blessing on your journey;' says he。  And I reply 'Sleep; long 

life!  A blessing on the house!'  Then on; down the lime 

lane; a rugged; narrow; winding way; that seems almost as if 

it was leading you into Lyonesse; and you might see the head 

and shoulders of a giant looking in。  At the corner of the 

road I meet the inspector of taxes; and hold a diplomatic 

interview with him; he wants me to pay taxes on the new 

house; I am informed I should not till next year; and we 

part; RE INFECTA; he promising to bring me decisions; I 

assuring him that; if I find any favouritism; he will find me 

the most recalcitrant tax…payer on the island。  Then I have a 

talk with an old servant by the wayside。  A little further I 

pass two children coming up。  'Love!' say I; 'are you two 

chiefly…proceeding inland?' and they say; 'Love! yes!' and 

the interesting ceremony is finished。  Down to the post 

office; where I find Vitrolles and (Heaven reward you!) the 

White Book; just arrived per UPOLU; having gone the wrong way 

round; by Australia; also six copies of ISLAND NIGHTS' 

ENTERTAINMENTS。  Some of Weatherall's illustrations are very 

clever; but O Lo

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