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beasts and superbeasts-第4节

小说: beasts and superbeasts 字数: 每页4000字

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unobserved。  Matilda Cuvering; with the alert eyes of 

thirteen years old and the added advantage of an exalted 

position in the branches of a medlar tree; had enjoyed a 

good view of the Stossen flanking movement and had 

foreseen exactly where it would break down in execution。

〃They'll find the door locked; and they'll jolly 

well have to go back the way they came;〃 she remarked to 

herself。  〃Serves them right for not coming in by the 

proper entrance。  What a pity Tarquin Superbus isn't 

loose in the paddock。  After all; as every one else is 

enjoying themselves; I don't see why Tarquin shouldn't 

have an afternoon out。〃

Matilda was of an age when thought is action; she 

slid down from the branches of the medlar tree; and when 

she clambered back again Tarquin; the huge white 

Yorkshire boar…pig; had exchanged the narrow limits of 

his stye for the wider range of the grass paddock。  The 

discomfited Stossen expedition; returning in 

recriminatory but otherwise orderly retreat from the 

unyielding obstacle of the locked door; came to a sudden 

halt at the gate dividing the paddock from the gooseberry 


〃What a villainous…looking animal;〃 exclaimed Mrs。 

Stossen; 〃it wasn't there when we came in。〃

〃It's there now; anyhow;〃 said her daughter。  〃What 

on earth are we to do?  I wish we had never come。〃

The boar…pig had drawn nearer to the gate for a 

closer inspection of the human intruders; and stood 

champing his jaws and blinking his small red eyes in a 

manner that was doubtless intended to be disconcerting; 

and; as far as the Stossens were concerned; thoroughly 

achieved that result。

〃Shoo!  Hish!  Hish!  Shoo!〃 cried the ladies in 


〃If they think they're going to drive him away by 

reciting lists of the kings of Israel and Judah they're 

laying themselves out for disappointment;〃 observed 

Matilda from her seat in the medlar tree。  As she made 

the observation aloud Mrs。 Stossen became for the first 

time aware of her presence。  A moment or two earlier she 

would have been anything but pleased at the discovery 

that the garden was not as deserted as it looked; but now 

she hailed the fact of the child's presence on the scene 

with absolute relief。

〃Little girl; can you find some one to drive away … 

〃 she began hopefully。

〃COMMENT? COMPRENDS PAS;〃 was the response。

〃Oh; are you French?  ETES VOUS FRANCAISE?〃


〃Then why not talk English?  I want to know if … 〃

〃PERMETTEZ…MOI EXPLIQUER。  You see; I'm rather under 

a cloud;〃 said Matilda。  〃I'm staying with my aunt; and I 

was told I must behave particularly well to…day; as lots 

of people were coming for a garden party; and I was told 

to imitate Claude; that's my young cousin; who never does 

anything wrong except by accident; and then is always 

apologetic about it。  It seems they thought I ate too 

much raspberry trifle at lunch; and they said Claude 

never eats too much raspberry trifle。  Well; Claude 

always goes to sleep for half an hour after lunch; 

because he's told to; and I waited till he was asleep; 

and tied his hands and started forcible feeding with a 

whole bucketful of raspberry trifle that they were 

keeping for the garden…party。  Lots of it went on to his 

sailor…suit and some of it on to the bed; but a good deal 

went down Claude's throat; and they can't say again that 

he has never been known to eat too much raspberry trifle。  

That is why I am not allowed to go to the party; and as 

an additional punishment I must speak French all the 

afternoon。  I've had to tell you all this in English; as 

there were words like ‘forcible feeding' that I didn't 

know the French for; of course I could have invented 

them; but if I had said NOURRITURE OBLIGATOIRE you 

wouldn't have had the least idea what I was talking 


〃Oh; very well; TRES BIEN;〃 said Mrs。 Stossen 

reluctantly; in moments of flurry such French as she knew 

was not under very good control。  〃LA; A L'AUTRE COTE DE 



Matilda with enthusiasm。



〃UNE BETE;〃 corrected Matilda; 〃a pig is masculine 

as long as you call it a pig; but if you lose your temper 

with it and call it a ferocious beast it becomes one of 

us at once。  French is a dreadfully unsexing language。〃

〃For goodness' sake let us talk English then;〃 said 

Mrs。 Stossen。  〃Is there any way out of this garden 

except through the paddock where the pig is?〃

〃I always go over the wall; by way of the plum 

tree;〃 said Matilda。

〃Dressed as we are we could hardly do that;〃 said 

Mrs。 Stossen; it was difficult to imagine her doing it in 

any costume。

〃Do you think you could go and get some one who 

would drive the pig away?〃 asked Miss Stossen。

〃I promised my aunt I would stay here till five 

o'clock; it's not four yet。〃

〃I am sure; under the circumstances; your aunt would 

permit … 〃

〃My conscience would not permit;〃 said Matilda with 

cold dignity。

〃We can't stay here till five o'clock;〃 exclaimed 

Mrs。 Stossen with growing exasperation。

〃Shall I recite to you to make the time pass 

quicker?〃 asked Matilda obligingly。  〃 ‘Belinda; the 

little Breadwinner;' is considered my best piece; or; 

perhaps; it ought to be something in French。  Henri 

Quatre's address to his soldiers is the only thing I 

really know in that language。〃

〃If you will go and fetch some one to drive that 

animal away I will give you something to buy yourself a 

nice present;〃 said Mrs。 Stossen。

Matilda came several inches lower down the medlar 


〃That is the most practical suggestion you have made 

yet for getting out of the garden;〃 she remarked 

cheerfully; 〃Claude and I are collecting money for the 

Children's Fresh Air Fund; and we are seeing which of us 

can collect the biggest sum。〃

〃I shall be very glad to contribute half a crown; 

very glad indeed;〃 said Mrs。 Stossen; digging that coin 

out of the depths of a receptacle which formed a detached 

outwork of her toilet。

〃Claude is a long way ahead of me at present;〃 

continued Matilda; taking no notice of the suggested 

offering; 〃you see; he's only eleven; and has golden 

hair; and those are enormous advantages when you're on 

the collecting job。  Only the other day a Russian lady 

gave him ten shillings。  Russians understand the art of 

giving far better than we do。  I expect Claude will net 

quite twenty…five shillings this afternoon; he'll have 

the field to himself; and he'll be able to do the pale; 

fragile; not…long…for…this…world business to perfection 

after his raspberry trifle experience。  Yes; he'll be 

QUITE two pounds ahead of me by now。〃

With much probing and plucking and many regretful 

murmurs the beleaguered ladies managed to produce seven…

and…sixpence between them。

〃I am afraid this is all we've got;〃 said Mrs。 


Matilda showed no sign of coming down either to the 

earth or to their figure。

〃I could not do violence to my conscience for 

anything less than ten shillings;〃 she announced stiffly。

Mother and daughter muttered certain remarks under 

their breath; in which the word 〃beast〃 was prominent; 

and probably had no reference to Tarquin。

〃I find I HAVE got another half…crown;〃 said Mrs。 

Stossen in a shaking voice; 〃here you are。  Now please 

fetch some one quickly。〃

Matilda slipped down from the tree; took possession 

of the donation; and proceeded to pick up a handful of 

over…ripe medlars from the grass at her feet。  Then she 

climbed over the gate and addressed herself 

affectionately to the boar…pig。

〃Come; Tarquin; dear old boy; you know you can't 

resist medlars when they're rotten and squashy。〃

Tarquin couldn't。  By dint of throwing the fruit in 

front of him at judicious intervals Matilda decoyed him 

back to his stye; while the delivered captives hurried 

across the paddock。

〃Well; I never!  The little minx!〃 exclaimed Mrs。 

Stossen when she was safely on the high road。  〃The 

animal wasn't savage at all; and as for the ten 

shillings; I don't believe the Fresh Air Fund will see a 

penny of it!〃

There she was unwarrantably harsh in her judgment。  

If you examine the books of the fund you will find the 

acknowledgment: 〃Collected by Miss Matilda Cuvering; 2s。 



THE hunting season had come to an end; and the 

Mullets had not succeeded in selling the Brogue。  There 

had been a kind of tradition in the family for the past 

three or four years; a sort of fatalistic hope; that the 

Brogue would find a purchaser before the hunting was 

over; b

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