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beasts and superbeasts-第37节

小说: beasts and superbeasts 字数: 每页4000字

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of breaking through was renewed; and the train doggedly 

resumed its way; encountering and surmounting fresh 

hindrances at frequent intervals。  After a standstill of 

unusually long duration in a particularly deep drift the 

compartment in which Abbleway was sitting gave a huge 

jerk and a lurch; and then seemed to remain stationary; 

it undoubtedly was not moving; and yet he could hear the 

puffing of the engine and the slow rumbling and jolting 

of wheels。  The puffing and rumbling grew fainter; as 

though it were dying away through the agency of 

intervening distance。  Abbleway suddenly gave vent to an 

exclamation of scandalised alarm; opened the window; and 

peered out into the snowstorm。  The flakes perched on his 

eyelashes and blurred his vision; but he saw enough to 

help him to realise what had happened。  The engine had 

made a mighty plunge through the drift and had gone 

merrily forward; lightened of the load of its rear 

carriage; whose coupling had snapped under the strain。  

Abbleway was alone; or almost alone; with a derelict 

railway waggon; in the heart of some Styrian or Croatian 

forest。  In the third…class compartment next to his own 

he remembered to have seen a peasant woman; who had 

entered the train at a small wayside station。  〃With the 

exception of that woman;〃 he exclaimed dramatically to 

himself; 〃the nearest living beings are probably a pack 

of wolves。〃

Before making his way to the third…class compartment 

to acquaint his fellow…traveller with the extent of the 

disaster Abbleway hurriedly pondered the question of the 

woman's nationality。  He had acquired a smattering of 

Slavonic tongues during his residence in Vienna; and felt 

competent to grapple with several racial possibilities。

〃If she is Croat or Serb or Bosniak I shall be able 

to make her understand;〃 he promised himself。  〃If she is 

Magyar; heaven help me!  We shall have to converse 

entirely by signs。〃

He entered the carriage and made his momentous 

announcement in the best approach to Croat speech that he 

could achieve。

〃The train has broken away and left us!〃

The woman shook her head with a movement that might 

be intended to convey resignation to the will of heaven; 

but probably meant noncomprehension。  Abbleway repeated 

his information with variations of Slavonic tongues and 

generous displays of pantomime。

〃Ah;〃 said the woman at last in German dialect; 〃the 

train has gone?  We are left。  Ah; so。〃

She seemed about as much interested as though 

Abbleway had told her the result of the municipal 

elections in Amsterdam。

〃They will find out at some station; and when the 

line is clear of snow they will send an engine。  It 

happens that way sometimes。〃

〃We may be here all night!〃 exclaimed Abbleway。

The woman nodded as though she thought it possible。

〃Are there wolves in these parts?〃 asked Abbleway 


〃Many;〃 said the woman; 〃just outside this forest my 

aunt was devoured three years ago; as she was coming home 

from market。  The horse and a young pig that was in the 

cart were eaten too。  The horse was a very old one; but 

it was a beautiful young pig; oh; so fat。  I cried when I 

heard that it was taken。  They spare nothing。〃

〃They may attack us here;〃 said Abbleway 

tremulously; 〃they could easily break in; these carriages 

are like matchwood。  We may both be devoured。〃

〃You; perhaps;〃 said the woman calmly; 〃not me。〃

〃Why not you?〃 demanded Abbleway。

〃It is the day of Saint Maria Kleopha; my name…day。  

She would not allow me to be eaten by wolves on her day。  

Such a thing could not be thought of。  You; yes; but not 


Abbleway changed the subject。

〃It is only afternoon now; if we are to be left here 

till morning we shall be starving。〃

〃I have here some good eatables;〃 said the woman 

tranquilly; 〃on my festival day it is natural that I 

should have provision with me。  I have five good blood…

sausages; in the town shops they cost twenty…five heller 

each。  Things are dear in the town shops。〃

〃I will give you fifty heller apiece for a couple of 

them;〃 said Abbleway with some enthusiasm。

〃In a railway accident things become very dear;〃 

said the woman; 〃these blood…sausages are four kronen 


〃Four kronen!〃 exclaimed Abbleway; 〃four kronen for 

a blood…sausage!〃

〃You cannot get them any cheaper on this train;〃 

said the woman; with relentless logic; 〃because there 

aren't any others to get。  In Agram you can buy them 

cheaper; and in Paradise no doubt they will be given to 

us for nothing; but here they cost four kronen each。  I 

have a small piece of Emmenthaler cheese and a honey…cake 

and a piece of bread that I can let you have。  That will 

be another three kronen; eleven kronen in all。  There is 

a piece of ham; but that I cannot let you have on my 


Abbleway wondered to himself what price she would 

have put on the ham; and hurried to pay her the eleven 

kronen before her emergency tariff expanded into a famine 

tariff。  As he was taking possession of his modest store 

of eatables he suddenly heard a noise which set his heart 

thumping in a miserable fever of fear。  'There was a 

scraping and shuffling as of some animal or animals 

trying to climb up to the footboard。  In another moment; 

through the snow…encrusted glass of the carriage window; 

he saw a gaunt prick…eared head; with gaping jaw and 

lolling tongue and gleaming teeth; a second later another 

head shot up。

〃There are hundreds of them;〃 whispered Abbleway; 

〃they have scented us。  They will tear the carriage to 

pieces。  We shall be devoured。〃

〃Not me; on my name…day。  The holy Maria Kleopha 

would not permit it;〃 said the woman with provoking calm。

The heads dropped down from the window and an 

uncanny silence fell on the beleaguered carriage。 

Abbleway neither moved nor spoke。  Perhaps the brutes had 

not clearly seen or winded the human occupants of the 

carriage; and had prowled away on some other errand of 


The long torture…laden minutes passed slowly away。

〃It grows cold;〃 said the woman suddenly; crossing 

over to the far end of the carriage; where the heads had 

appeared。  〃The heating apparatus does not work any 

longer。  See; over there beyond the trees; there is a 

chimney with smoke coming from it。  It is not far; and 

the snow has nearly stopped; I shall find a path through 

the forest to that house with the chimney。〃

〃But the wolves!〃 exclaimed Abbleway; 〃they may … 〃

〃Not on my name…day;〃 said the woman obstinately; 

and before he could stop her she had opened the door and 

climbed down into the snow。  A moment later he hid his 

face in his hands; two gaunt lean figures rushed upon her 

from the forest。  No doubt she had courted her fate; but 

Abbleway had no wish to see a human being torn to pieces 

and devoured before his eyes。

When he looked at last a new sensation of 

scandalised astonishment took possession of him。  He had 

been straitly brought up in a small English town; and he 

was not prepared to be the witness of a miracle。  The 

wolves were not doing anything worse to the woman than 

drench her with snow as they gambolled round her。

A short; joyous bark revealed the clue to the 


〃Are those … dogs?〃 he called weakly。

〃My cousin Karl's dogs; yes;〃 she answered; that is 

his inn; over beyond the trees。  I knew it was there; but 

I did not want to take you there; he is always grasping 

with strangers。  However; it grows too cold to remain in 

the train。  Ah; ah; see what comes!〃

A whistle sounded; and a relief engine made its 

appearance; snorting its way sulkily through the snow。  

Abbleway did not have the opportunity for finding out 

whether Karl was really avaricious。


THE children were to be driven; as a special treat; 

to the sands at Jagborough。  Nicholas was not to be of 

the party; he was in disgrace。  Only that morning he had 

refused to eat his wholesome bread…and…milk on the 

seemingly frivolous ground that there was a frog in it。  

Older and wiser and better people had told him that there 

could not possibly be a frog in his bread…and…milk and 

that he was not to talk nonsense; he continued; 

nevertheless; to talk what seemed the veriest nonsense; 

and described with much detail the colouration and 

markings of the alleged frog。  The dramatic part of the 

incident was that there really was a frog in Nicholas' 

basin of bread…and…milk; he had put it there himself; so 

he felt entitled to know something about it。  The sin of 

taking a frog from the garden and putting it into a bowl 

of wholesome bread…and…milk was enlarged on at great 

length; but the fact that stood out clearest in the whole 

affair; a

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