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beasts and superbeasts-第28节

小说: beasts and superbeasts 字数: 每页4000字

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〃My dear; he's done all that is to be done in that 

direction already。  He's got rid of his wrist…watch and 

his hunting flask and both his cigarette cases; and I 

shouldn't be surprised if he's wearing imitation…gold 

sleeve links instead of those his Aunt Rhoda gave him on 

his seventeenth birthday。  He can't sell his clothes; of 

course; except his winter overcoat; and I've locked that 

up in the camphor cupboard on the pretext of preserving 

it from moth。  I really don't see what else he can raise 

money on。  I consider that I've been both firm and far…


〃Has he been at the Norridrums lately?〃 asked 


〃He was there yesterday afternoon and stayed to 

dinner;〃 said Mrs。 Attray。  〃I don't quite know when he 

came home; but I fancy it was late。〃

〃Then depend on it he was gambling;〃 said Eleanor; 

with the assured air of one who has few ideas and makes 

the most of them。  〃 Late hours in the country always 

mean gambling。〃

〃He can't gamble if he has no money and no chance of 

getting any;〃 argued Mrs。 Attray; 〃even if one plays for 

small stakes one must have a decent prospect of paying 

one's losses。〃

〃He may have sold some of the Amherst pheasant 

chicks;〃 suggested Eleanor; 〃they would fetch about ten 

or twelve shillings each; I daresay。〃

〃Ronnie wouldn't do such a thing;〃 said Mrs。 Attray; 

〃and anyhow I went and counted them this morning and 

they're all there。  No;〃 she continued; with the quiet 

satisfaction that comes from a sense of painstaking and 

merited achievement; 〃I fancy that Ronnie had to content 

himself with the role of onlooker last night; as far as 

the card…table was concerned。〃

〃Is that clock right?〃 asked Eleanor; whose eyes had 

been straying restlessly towards the mantel…piece for 

some little time; 〃lunch is usually so punctual in your 


〃Three minutes past the half…hour;〃 exclaimed Mrs。 

Attray; 〃cook must be preparing something unusually 

sumptuous in your honour。  I am not in the secret; I've 

been out all the morning; you know。〃

Eleanor smiled forgivingly。  A special effort by 

Mrs。 Attray's cook was worth waiting a few minutes for。

As a matter of fact; the luncheon fare; when it made 

its tardy appearance; was distinctly unworthy of the 

reputation which the justly…treasured cook had built up 

for herself。  The soup alone would have sufficed to cast 

a gloom over any meal that it had inaugurated; and it was 

not redeemed by anything that followed。  Eleanor said 

little; but when she spoke there was a hint of tears in 

her voice that was far more eloquent than outspoken 

denunciation would have been; and even the insouciant 

Ronald showed traces of depression when he tasted the 

rognons Saltikoff。

〃Not quite the best luncheon I've enjoyed in your 

house;〃 said Eleanor at last; when her final hope had 

flickered out with the savoury。

〃My dear; it's the worst meal I've sat down to for 

years;〃 said her hostess; 〃that last dish tasted 

principally of red pepper and wet toast。  I'm awfully 

sorry。  Is anything the matter in the kitchen; Pellin?〃 

she asked of the attendant maid。

〃Well; ma'am; the new cook hadn't hardly time to see 

to things properly; coming in so sudden … 〃 commenced 

Pellin by way of explanation。

〃The new cook!〃 screamed Mrs。 Attray。

〃Colonel Norridrum's cook; ma'am;〃 said Pellin。

〃What on earth do you mean?  What is Colonel 

Norridrum's cook doing in my kitchen … and where is my 


〃Perhaps I can explain better than Pellin can;〃 said 

Ronald hurriedly; 〃the fact is; I was dining at the 

Norridrums' yesterday; and they were wishing they had a 

swell cook like yours; just for to…day and to…morrow; 

while they've got some gourmet staying with them: their 

own cook is no earthly good … well; you've seen what she 

turns out when she's at all flurried。  So I thought it 

would be rather sporting to play them at baccarat for the 

loan of our cook against a money stake; and I lost; 

that's all。  I have had rotten luck at baccarat all this 


The remainder of his explanation; of how he had 

assured the cooks that the temporary transfer had his 

mother's sanction; and had smuggled the one out and the 

other in during the maternal absence; was drowned in the 

outcry of scandalised upbraiding。

〃If I had sold the woman into slavery there couldn't 

have been a bigger fuss about it;〃 he confided afterwards 

to Bertie Norridrum; 〃and Eleanor Saxelby raged and 

ramped the louder of the two。  I tell you what; I'll bet 

you two of the Amherst pheasants to five shillings that 

she refuses to have me as a partner at the croquet 

tournament。  We're drawn together; you know。〃

This time he won his bet。


MARION EGGELBY sat talking to Clovis on the only 

subject that she ever willingly talked about … her 

offspring and their varied perfections and 

accomplishments。 Clovis was not in what could be called a 

receptive mood; the younger generation of Eggelby; 

depicted in the glowing improbable colours of parent 

impressionism; aroused in him no enthusiasm。  Mrs。 

Eggelby; on the other hand; was furnished with enthusiasm 

enough for two。

〃You would like Eric;〃 she said; argumentatively 

rather than hopefully。  Clovis had intimated very 

unmistakably that he was unlikely to care extravagantly 

for either Amy or Willie。  〃Yes; I feel sure you would 

like Eric。  Every one takes to him at once。  You know; he 

always reminds me of that famous picture of the youthful 

David … I forget who it's by; but it's very well known。〃

〃That would be sufficient to set me against him; if 

I saw much of him;〃 said Clovis。  〃Just imagine at 

auction bridge; for instance; when one was trying to 

concentrate one's mind on what one's partner's original 

declaration had been; and to remember what suits one's 

opponents had originally discarded; what it would be like 

to have some one persistently reminding one of a picture 

of the youthful David。  It would be simply maddening。  If 

Eric did that I should detest him。〃

〃Eric doesn't play bridge;〃 said Mrs。 Eggelby with 


〃Doesn't he?〃 asked Clovis; 〃why not?〃

〃None of my children have been brought up to play 

card games;〃 said Mrs。 Eggelby; 〃draughts and halma and 

those sorts of games I encourage。  Eric is considered 

quite a wonderful draughts…player。〃

〃You are strewing dreadful risks in the path of your 

family;〃 said Clovis; 〃a friend of mine who is a prison 

chaplain told me that among the worst criminal cases that 

have come under his notice; men condemned to death or to 

long periods of penal servitude; there was not a single 

bridge…player。  On the other hand; he knew at least two 

expert draughts…players among them。〃

〃I really don't see what my boys have got to do with 

the criminal classes;〃 said Mrs。 Eggelby resentfully。  

〃They have been most carefully brought up; I can assure 

you that。〃

〃That shows that you were nervous as to how they 

would turn out;〃 said Clovis。  〃Now; my mother never 

bothered about bringing me up。  She just saw to it that I 

got whacked at decent intervals and was taught the 

difference between right and wrong; there is some 

difference; you know; but I've forgotten what it is。〃

〃Forgotten the difference between right and wrong!〃 

exclaimed Mrs。 Eggelby。

〃Well; you see; I took up natural history and a 

whole lot of other subjects at the same time; and one 

can't remember everything; can one?  I used to know the 

difference between the Sardinian dormouse and the 

ordinary kind; and whether the wry…neck arrives at our 

shores earlier than the cuckoo; or the other way round; 

and how long the walrus takes in growing to maturity; I 

daresay you knew all those sorts of things once; but I 

bet you've forgotten them。〃

〃Those things are not important;〃 said Mrs。 Eggelby; 

〃but … 〃

〃The fact that we've both forgotten them proves that 

they are important;〃 said Clovis; 〃you must have noticed 

that it's always the important things that one forgets; 

while the trivial; unnecessary facts of life stick in 

one's memory。  There's my cousin; Editha Clubberley; for 

instance; I can never forget that her birthday is on the 

12th of October。  It's a matter of utter indifference to 

me on what date her birthday falls; or whether she was 

born at all; either fact seems to me absolutely trivial; 

or unnecessary … I've heaps of other cousins to go on 

with。  On the other hand; when I'm staying with 

Hildegarde Shrubley I can never remember the important 

circumstance whether her first husband got his unenviable 

reputation on the Turf or the Stock Exchange; and that 

uncertainty rules Sport and Finance out of the 

conversation at once。  One can n

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