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beasts and superbeasts-第26节

小说: beasts and superbeasts 字数: 每页4000字

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disappeared about two years ago?〃 exclaimed the aunt with 

rising excitement。

〃Oh no; not that;〃 said Vera; 〃but something quite 

as important and just as mysterious … if anything; rather 

more scandalous。〃

〃Not the Dublin … ?〃

Vera nodded。

〃The whole jolly lot of them。〃

〃In Betsy's cottage?  Incredible!〃

〃Of course Betsy hasn't an idea as to what they 

are;〃 said Vera; 〃she just knows that they are something 

valuable and that she must keep quiet about them。  I 

found out quite by accident what they were and how they 

came to be there。  You see; the people who had them were 

at their wits' end to know where to stow them away for 

safe keeping; and some one who was motoring through the 

village was struck by the snug loneliness of the cottage 

and thought it would be just the thing。  Mrs。 Lamper 

arranged the matter with Betsy and smuggled the things 


〃Mrs。 Lamper?〃

〃Yes; she does a lot of district visiting; you 


〃I am quite aware that she takes soup and flannel 

and improving literature to the poorer cottagers;〃 said 

Mrs。 Bebberly Cumble; 〃but that is hardly the same sort 

of thing as disposing of stolen goods; and she must have 

known something about their history; anyone who reads the 

papers; even casually; must have been aware of the theft; 

and I should think the things were not hard to recognise。  

Mrs。 Lamper has always had the reputation of being a very 

conscientious woman。〃

〃Of course she was screening some one else;〃 said 

Vera。  〃A remarkable feature of the affair is the 

extraordinary number of quite respectable people who have 

involved themselves in its meshes by trying to shield 

others。  You would be really astonished if you knew some 

of the names of the individuals mixed up in it; and I 

don't suppose a tithe of them know who the original 

culprits were; and now I've got you entangled in the mess 

by letting you into the secret of the cottage。〃

〃You most certainly have not entangled me;〃 said 

Mrs。 Bebberly Cumble indignantly。  〃I have no intention 

of shielding anybody。  The police must know about it at 

once; a theft is a theft; whoever is involved。  If 

respectable people choose to turn themselves into 

receivers and disposers of stolen goods; well; they've 

ceased to be respectable; that's all。  I shall telephone 

immediately … 〃

〃Oh; aunt;〃 said Vera reproachfully; 〃it would break 

the poor Canon's heart if Cuthbert were to be involved in 

a scandal of this sort。  You know it would。〃

〃Cuthbert involved!  How can you say such things 

when you know how much we all think of him?〃

〃Of course I know you think a lot of him; and that 

he's engaged to marry Beatrice; and that it will be a 

frightfully good match; and that he's your ideal of what 

a son…in…law ought to be。  All the same; it was 

Cuthbert's idea to stow the things away in the cottage; 

and it was his motor that brought them。  He was only 

doing it to help his friend Pegginson; you know … the 

Quaker man; who is always agitating for a smaller Navy。  

I forget how he got involved in it。  I warned you that 

there were lots of quite respectable people mixed up in 

it; didn't I?  That's what I meant when I said it would 

be impossible for old Betsy to leave the cottage; the 

things take up a good bit of room; and she couldn't go 

carrying them about with her other goods and chattels 

without attracting notice。  Of course if she were to fall 

ill and die it would be equally unfortunate。  Her mother 

lived to be over ninety; she tells me; so with due care 

and an absence of worry she ought to last for another 

dozen years at least。  By that time perhaps some other 

arrangements will have been made for disposing of the 

wretched things。〃

〃I shall speak to Cuthbert about it … after the 

wedding;〃 said Mrs。 Bebberly Cumble。

〃The wedding isn't till next year;〃 said Vera; in 

recounting the story to her best girl friend; 〃and 

meanwhile old Betsy is living rent free; with soup twice 

a week and my aunt's doctor to see her whenever she has a 

finger ache。〃

〃But how on earth did you get to know about it all?〃 

asked her friend; in admiring wonder。

〃It was a mystery … 〃 said Vera。

〃Of course it was a mystery; a mystery that baffled 

everybody。  What beats me is how you found out … 〃

〃Oh; about the jewels?  I invented that part;〃 

explained Vera; 〃I mean the mystery was where old Betsy's 

arrears of rent were to come from; and she would have 

hated leaving that jolly quince tree。〃


〃IS matchmaking at all in your line?〃

Hugo Peterby asked the question with a certain 

amount of personal interest。

〃I don't specialise in it;〃 said Clovis; 〃it's all 

right while you're doing it; but the after…effects are 

sometimes so disconcerting … the mute reproachful looks 

of the people you've aided and abetted in matrimonial 

experiments。  It's as bad as selling a man a horse with 

half a dozen latent vices and watching him discover them 

piecemeal in the course of the hunting season。  I suppose 

you're thinking of the Coulterneb girl。  She's certainly 

jolly; and quite all right as far as looks go; and I 

believe a certain amount of money adheres to her。  What I 

don't see is how you will ever manage to propose to her。  

In all the time I've known her I don't remember her to 

have stopped talking for three consecutive minutes。  

You'll have to race her six times round the grass paddock 

for a bet; and then blurt your proposal out before she's 

got her wind back。  The paddock is laid up for hay; but 

if you're really in love with her you won't let a 

consideration of that sort stop you; especially as it's 

not your hay。〃

〃I think I could manage the proposing part right 

enough;〃 said Hugo; 〃if I could count on being left alone 

with her for four or five hours。  The trouble is that I'm 

not likely to get anything like that amount of grace。  

That fellow Lanner is showing signs of interesting 

himself in the same quarter。  He's quite heartbreakingly 

rich and is rather a swell in his way; in fact; our 

hostess is obviously a bit flattered at having him here。  

If she gets wind of the fact that he's inclined to be 

attracted by Betty Coulterneb she'll think it a splendid 

match and throw them into each other's arms all day long; 

and then where will my opportunities come in?  My one 

anxiety is to keep him out of the girl's way as much as 

possible; and if you could help me … 〃

〃If you want me to trot Lanner round the 

countryside; inspecting alleged Roman remains and 

studying local methods of bee culture and crop raising; 

I'm afraid I can't oblige you;〃 said Clovis。  〃You see; 

he's taken something like an aversion to me since the 

other night in the smoking…room。〃

〃What happened in the smoking…room?〃

〃He trotted out some well…worn chestnut as the 

latest thing in good stories; and I remarked; quite 

innocently; that I never could remember whether it was 

George II。 or James II。 who was so fond of that 

particular story; and now he regards me with politely…

draped dislike。  I'll do my best for you; if the 

opportunity arises; but it will have to be in a 

roundabout; impersonal manner。〃

* * * *

〃It's so nice having Mr。 Lanner here;〃 confided Mrs。 

Olston to Clovis the next afternoon; 〃he's always been 

engaged when I've asked him before。  Such a nice man; he 

really ought to be married to some nice girl。  Between 

you and me; I have an idea that he came down here for a 

certain reason。〃

〃I've had much the same idea;〃 said Clovis; lowering 

his voice; 〃in fact; I'm almost certain of it。〃

〃You mean he's attracted by … 〃 began Mrs。 Olston 


〃I mean he's here for what he can get;〃 said Clovis。

〃For what he can GET?〃 said the hostess with a touch 

of indignation in her voice; 〃what do you mean?  He's a 

very rich man。  What should he want to get here?〃

〃He has one ruling passion;〃 said Clovis; 〃and 

there's something he can get here that is not to be had 

for love nor for money anywhere else in the country; as 

far as I know。〃

〃But what?  Whatever do you mean?  What is his 

ruling passion?〃

〃Egg…collecting;〃 said Clovis。  〃He has agents all 

over the world getting rare eggs for him; and his 

collection is one of the finest in Europe; but his great 

ambition is to collect his treasures personally。  He 

stops at no expense nor trouble to achieve that end。〃

〃Good heavens!  The buzzards; the rough…legged 

buzzards!〃 exclaimed Mrs。 Olston; 〃you don't think he's 

going to raid their nest?〃

〃What do you think yourself?〃 asked Clovis; 〃the 

only pair of rough…legged buzzards known to breed in this 

country are nesting in your woods。  Very few people know 

about them; but as 

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