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beasts and superbeasts-第25节

小说: beasts and superbeasts 字数: 每页4000字

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followed his aunt; he belonged to a generation that is 

supposed to be over…fond of the role of mere spectator; 

but looking at napkins that one did not mean to buy was a 

pleasure beyond his comprehension。  Mrs。 Chemping held 

one or two napkins up to the light and stared fixedly at 

them; as though she half expected to find some 

revolutionary cypher written on them in scarcely visible 

ink; then she suddenly broke away in the direction of the 

glassware department。

〃Millicent asked me to get her a couple of decanters 

if there were any going really cheap;〃 she explained on 

the way; 〃and I really do want a salad bowl。  I can come 

back to the napkins later on。〃

She handled and scrutinised a large number of 

decanters and a long series of salad bowls; and finally 

bought seven chrysanthemum vases。

〃No one uses that kind of vase nowadays;〃 she 

informed Cyprian; 〃but they will do for presents next 


Two sunshades that were marked down to a price that 

Mrs。 Chemping considered absurdly cheap were added to her 


〃One of them will do for Ruth Colson; she is going 

out to the Malay States; and a sunshade will always be 

useful there。  And I must get her some thin writing 

paper。  It takes up no room in one's baggage。〃

Mrs。 Chemping bought stacks of writing paper; it was 

so cheap; and it went so flat in a trunk or portmanteau。  

She also bought a few envelopes … envelopes somehow 

seemed rather an extragavance compared with notepaper。

〃Do you think Ruth will like blue or grey paper?〃 

she asked Cyprian。

〃Grey;〃 said Cyprian; who had never met the lady in 


〃Have you any mauve notepaper of this quality?〃 

Adela asked the assistant。

〃We haven't any mauve;〃 said the assistant; 〃but 

we've two shades of green and a darker shade of grey。〃

Mrs。 Chemping inspected the greens and the darker 

grey; and chose the blue。

〃Now we can have some lunch;〃 she said。

Cyprian behaved in an exemplary fashion in the 

refreshment department; and cheerfully accepted a fish 

cake and a mince pie and a small cup of coffee as 

adequate restoratives after two hours of concentrated 

shopping。  He was adamant; however; in resisting his 

aunt's suggestion that a hat should be bought for him at 

the counter where men's headwear was being disposed of at 

temptingly reduced prices。

〃I've got as many hats as I want at home;〃 he said; 

〃and besides; it rumples one's hair so; trying them on。〃

Perhaps he was going to develop into a Nut after 

all。  It was a disquieting symptom that he left all the 

parcels in charge of the cloak…room attendant。

〃We shall be getting more parcels presently;〃 he 

said; 〃so we need not collect these till we have finished 

our shopping。〃

His aunt was doubtfully appeased; some of the 

pleasure and excitement of a shopping expedition seemed 

to evaporate when one was deprived of immediate personal 

contact with one's purchases。

〃I'm going to look at those napkins again;〃 she 

said; as they descended the stairs to the ground floor。  

〃You need not come;〃 she added; as the dreaming look in 

the boy's eyes changed for a moment into one of mute 

protest; 〃you can meet me afterwards in the cutlery 

department; I've just remembered that I haven't a 

corkscrew in the house that can be depended on。〃

Cyprian was not to be found in the cutlery 

department when his aunt in due course arrived there; but 

in the crush and bustle of anxious shoppers and busy 

attendants it was an easy matter to miss anyone。  It was 

in the leather goods department some quarter of an hour 

later that Adela Chemping caught sight of her nephew; 

separated from her by a rampart of suit…cases and 

portmanteaux and hemmed in by the jostling crush of human 

beings that now invaded every corner of the great 

shopping emporium。  She was just in time to witness a 

pardonable but rather embarrassing mistake on the part of 

a lady who had wriggled her way with unstayable 

determination towards the bareheaded Cyprian; and was now 

breathlessly demanding the sale price of a handbag which 

had taken her fancy。

〃There now;〃 exclaimed Adela to herself; 〃she takes 

him for one of the shop assistants because he hasn't got 

a hat on。  I wonder it hasn't happened before。〃

Perhaps it had。  Cyprian; at any rate; seemed 

neither startled nor embarrassed by the error into which 

the good lady had fallen。  Examining the ticket on the 

bag; he announced in a clear; dispassionate voice:

〃Black seal; thirty…four shillings; marked down to 

twenty…eight。  As a matter of fact; we are clearing them 

out at a special reduction price of twenty…six shillings。  

They are going off rather fast。〃

〃I'll take it;〃 said the lady; eagerly digging some 

coins out of her purse。

〃Will you take it as it is?〃 asked Cyprian; 〃it will 

be a matter of a few minutes to get it wrapped up; there 

is such a crush。〃

〃Never mind; I'll take it as it is;〃 said the 

purchaser; clutching her treasure and counting the money 

into Cyprian's palm。

Several kind strangers helped Adela into the open 


〃It's the crush and the heat;〃 said one sympathiser 

to another; 〃it's enough to turn anyone giddy。〃

When she next came across Cyprian he was standing in 

the crowd that pushed and jostled around the counters of 

the book department。  The dream look was deeper than ever 

in his eyes。  He had just sold two books of devotion to 

an elderly Canon。


〃I'VE just been to see old Betsy Mullen;〃 announced 

Vera to her aunt; Mrs。 Bebberly Cumble; 〃she seems in 

rather a bad way about her rent。  She owes about fifteen 

weeks of it; and says she doesn't know where any of it is 

to come from。〃

〃Betsy Mullen always is in difficulties with her 

rent; and the more people help her with it the less she 

troubles about it;〃 said the aunt。  〃I certainly am not 

going to assist her any more。  The fact is; she will have 

to go into a smaller and cheaper cottage; there are 

several to be had at the other end of the village for 

half the rent that she is paying; or supposed to be 

paying; now。  I told her a year ago that she ought to 


〃But she wouldn't get such a nice garden anywhere 

else;〃 protested Vera; 〃and there's such a jolly quince 

tree in the corner。  I don't suppose there's another 

quince tree in the whole parish。  And she never makes any 

quince jam; I think to have a quince tree and not to make 

quince jam shows such strength of character。  Oh; she 

can't possibly move away from that garden。〃

〃When one is sixteen;〃 said Mrs。 Bebberly Cumble 

severely; 〃one talks of things being impossible which are 

merely uncongenial。  It is not only possible but it is 

desirable that Betsy Mullen should move into smaller 

quarters; she has scarcely enough furniture to fill that 

big cottage。〃

〃As far as value goes;〃 said Vera after a short 

pause; 〃there is more in Betsy's cottage than in any 

other house for miles round。〃

〃Nonsense;〃 said the aunt; 〃she parted with whatever 

old china ware she had long ago。〃

〃I'm not talking about anything that belongs to 

Betsy herself;〃 said Vera darkly; 〃but; of course; you 

don't know what I know; and I don't suppose I ought to 

tell you。〃

〃You must tell me at once;〃 exclaimed the aunt; her 

senses leaping into alertness like those of a terrier 

suddenly exchanging a bored drowsiness for the lively 

anticipation of an immediate rat hunt。

〃I'm perfectly certain that I oughtn't to tell you 

anything about it;〃 said Vera; 〃but; then; I often do 

things that I oughtn't to do。〃

〃I should be the last person to suggest that you 

should do anything that you ought not to do to … 〃 began 

Mrs。 Bebberly Cumble impressively。

〃And I am always swayed by the last person who 

speaks to me;〃 admitted Vera; 〃so I'll do what I ought 

not to do and tell you。〃

Mrs。 Bebberley Cumble thrust a very pardonable sense 

of exasperation into the background of her mind and 

demanded impatiently:

〃What is there in Betsy Mullen's cottage that you 

are making such a fuss about?〃

〃It's hardly fair to say that I'VE made a fuss about 

it;〃 said Vera; 〃this is the first time I've mentioned 

the matter; but there's been no end of trouble and 

mystery and newspaper speculation about it。  It's rather 

amusing to think of the columns of conjecture in the 

Press and the police and detectives hunting about 

everywhere at home and abroad; and all the while that 

innocent…looking little cottage has held the secret。〃

〃You don't mean to say it's the Louvre picture; La 

Something or other; the woman with the smile; that 

disappeared about two years ago?〃 exclaimed the aunt with 

rising excitement。

〃Oh no; not that;〃 sai

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