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beasts and superbeasts-第24节

小说: beasts and superbeasts 字数: 每页4000字

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them within strictly decorous limits。〃

〃Of course the thing would have to be done furtively 

and politely;〃 said Clovis; 〃the charm of it would be 

that it would never be perfunctory like the other thing。  

Now; for instance; you say to yourself: 'I must show the 

Webleys some attention at Christmas; they were kind to 

dear Bertie at Bournemouth;' and you send them a 

calendar; and daily for six days after Christmas the male 

Webley asks the female Webley if she has remembered to 

thank you for the calendar you sent them。  Well; 

transplant that idea to the other and more human side of 

your nature; and say to yourself: 'Next Thursday is 

Nemesis Day; what on earth can I do to those odious 

people next door who made such an absurd fuss when Ping 

Yang bit their youngest child?'  Then you'd get up 

awfully early on the allotted day and climb over into 

their garden and dig for truffles on their tennis court 

with a good gardening fork; choosing; of course; that 

part of the court that was screened from observation by 

the laurel bushes。  You wouldn't find any truffles but 

you would find a great peace; such as no amount of 

present…giving could ever bestow。〃

〃I shouldn't;〃 said Mrs。 Thackenbury; though her air 

of protest sounded a bit forced; 〃I should feel rather a 

worm for doing such a thing。〃

〃You exaggerate the power of upheaval which a worm 

would be able to bring into play in the limited time 

available;〃 said Clovis; 〃if you put in a strenuous ten 

minutes with a really useful fork; the result ought to 

suggest the operations of an unusually masterful mole or 

a badger in a hurry。〃

〃They might guess I had done it;〃 said Mrs。 


〃Of course they would;〃 said Clovis; 〃that would be 

half the satisfaction of the thing; just as you like 

people at Christmas to know what presents or cards you've 

sent them。  The thing would be much easier to manage; of 

course; when you were on outwardly friendly terms with 

the object of your dislike。  That greedy little Agnes 

Blaik; for instance; who thinks of nothing but her food; 

it would be quite simple to ask her to a picnic in some 

wild woodland spot and lose her just before lunch was 

served; when you found her again every morsel of food 

could have been eaten up。〃

〃It would require no ordinary human strategy to lose 

Agnes Blaik when luncheon was imminent: in fact; I don't 

believe it could be done。〃

〃Then have all the other guests; people whom you 

dislike; and lose the luncheon。  It could have been sent 

by accident in the wrong direction。〃

〃It would be a ghastly picnic;〃 said Mrs。 


〃For them; but not for you;〃 said Clovis; 〃you would 

have had an early and comforting lunch before you 

started; and you could improve the occasion by mentioning 

in detail the items of the missing banquet … the lobster 

Newburg and the egg mayonnaise; and the curry that was to 

have been heated in a chafing…dish。  Agnes Blaik would be 

delirious long before you got to the list of wines; and 

in the long interval of waiting; before they had quite 

abandoned hope of the lunch turning up; you could induce 

them to play silly games; such as that idiotic one of 

'the Lord Mayor's dinner…party;' in which every one has 

to choose the name of a dish and do something futile when 

it is called out。  In this case they would probably burst 

into tears when their dish is mentioned。  It would be a 

heavenly picnic。〃

Mrs。 Thackenbury was silent for a moment; she was 

probably making a mental list of the people she would 

like to invite to the Duke Humphrey picnic。  Presently 

she asked: 〃And that odious young man; Waldo Plubley; who 

is always coddling himself … have you thought of anything 

that one could do to him?〃  Evidently she was beginning 

to see the possibilities of Nemesis Day。

〃If there was anything like a general observance of 

the festival;〃 said Clovis; 〃Waldo would be in such 

demand that you would have to bespeak him weeks 

beforehand; and even then; if there were an east wind 

blowing or a cloud or two in the sky he might be too 

careful of his precious self to come out。  It would be 

rather jolly if you could lure him into a hammock in the 

orchard; just near the spot where there is a wasps' nest 

every summer。  A comfortable hammock on a warm afternoon 

would appeal to his indolent tastes; and then; when he 

was getting drowsy; a lighted fusee thrown into the nest 

would bring the wasps out in an indignant mass; and they 

would soon find a 'home away from home' on Waldo's fat 

body。  It takes some doing to get out of a hammock in a 


〃They might sting him to death;〃 protested Mrs。 


〃Waldo is one of those people who would be 

enormously improved by death;〃 said Clovis; 〃but if you 

didn't want to go as far as that; you could have some wet 

straw ready to hand; and set it alight under the hammock 

at the same time that the fusee was thrown into the nest; 

the smoke would keep all but the most militant of the 

wasps just outside the stinging line; and as long as 

Waldo remained within its protection he would escape 

serious damage; and could be eventually restored to his 

mother; kippered all over and swollen in places; but 

still perfectly recognisable。〃

〃His mother would be my enemy for life;〃 said Mrs。 


〃That would be one greeting less to exchange at 

Christmas;〃 said Clovis。


IT was the season of sales。  The august 

establishment of Walpurgis and Nettlepink had lowered its 

prices for an entire week as a concession to trade 

observances; much as an Arch…duchess might protestingly 

contract an attack of influenza for the unsatisfactory 

reason that influenza was locally prevalent。  Adela 

Chemping; who considered herself in some measure superior 

to the allurements of an ordinary bargain sale; made a 

point of attending the reduction week at Walpurgis and 


〃I'm not a bargain hunter;〃 she said; 〃but I like to 

go where bargains are。〃

Which showed that beneath her surface strength of 

character there flowed a gracious undercurrent of human 


With a view to providing herself with a male escort 

Mrs。 Chemping had invited her youngest nephew to 

accompany her on the first day of the shopping 

expedition; throwing in the additional allurement of a 

cinematograph theatre and the prospect of light 

refreshment。  As Cyprian was not yet eighteen she hoped 

he might not have reached that stage in masculine 

development when parcel…carrying is looked on as a thing 


〃Meet me just outside the floral department;〃 she 

wrote to him; 〃and don't be a moment later than eleven。〃

Cyprian was a boy who carried with him through early 

life the wondering look of a dreamer; the eyes of one who 

sees things that are not visible to ordinary mortals; and 

invests the commonplace things of this world with 

qualities unsuspected by plainer folk … the eyes of a 

poet or a house agent。  He was quietly dressed … that 

sartorial quietude which frequently accompanies early 

adolescence; and is usually attributed by novel…writers 

to the influence of a widowed mother。  His hair was 

brushed back in a smoothness as of ribbon seaweed and 

seamed with a narrow furrow that scarcely aimed at being 

a parting。  His aunt particularly noted this item of his 

toilet when they met at the appointed rendezvous; because 

he was standing waiting for her bare…headed。

〃Where is your hat?〃 she asked。

〃I didn't bring one with me;〃 he replied。

Adela Chemping was slightly scandalised。

〃You are not going to be what they call a Nut; are 

you?〃 she inquired with some anxiety; partly with the 

idea that a Nut would be an extravagance which her 

sister's small household would scarcely be justified in 

incurring; partly; perhaps; with the instinctive 

apprehension that a Nut; even in its embryo stage; would 

refuse to carry parcels。

Cyprian looked at her with his wondering; dreamy 


〃I didn't bring a hat;〃 he said; 〃because it is such 

a nuisance when one is shopping; I mean it is so awkward 

if one meets anyone one knows and has to take one's hat 

off when one's hands are full of parcels。  If one hasn't 

got a hat on one can't take it off。〃

Mrs。 Chemping sighed with great relief; her worst 

fear had been laid at rest。

〃It is more orthodox to wear a hat;〃 she observed; 

and then turned her attention briskly to the business in 


〃We will go first to the table…linen counter;〃 she 

said; leading the way in that direction; 〃I should like 

to look at some napkins。〃

The wondering look deepened in Cyprian's eyes as he 

followed his aunt; he belonged to a generation that is 

supposed to be over…fond of the role of me

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