criminal psychology-第146节
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uction; and memory; 261; forms of; 263; rules for helping; 265; and locality; 266; peculiarities of; 268; field of; 269; of idiots; 270… of children; 270; of the aged; 27~。 Resignation; 96。 Resolution; importance as sign; 91; in jurymen; 92。 Responsibility; and intoxication; 485。 RIBOT; 259; 385; 411。 RICHARDSON; 410。 RONCORONi; 215。 ROSEGGER; 63。 ROSENKRANZ; 160。 Rule; 158; and exceptions; 134; and probability; 158; for helping rec… ollection; 265。 RYKiRE; 307。
S Sadism; 77。 SAND; 352。 SANDER; 259; 275。 SAULLE; Du; 316。 SCHACK; 84。 SCHAUMANN;1。 SCHEBrsT; 85。 SCHIEL; 109; 147; 159; 160; 174; 222; 376; 381。 SCHMIDT; 54。 SCHNEICKERT; 266。 SCHNEIDER; 85。 SCHOPENHAUER; 56; 128; 343; 359; 384; 396; 464。 SCHRENCK…NOTZING; 77; 115。 SCHULTZE; 79。 ScHuPPE; 237。 SCHWARTZ; 120; 192。 SCHWEIGER…LERCHENFELD; 307。 ScHwoB; 317。 Scorn; 93; in witnesses; 94。 Secrets; 28; hard to keep; 29; judge's duty toward; 29; as confession; 31; damage through revelation of; 30; how discovered; 31; and women; 364。 Self; as centre of reference; 248。 Self…knowledge; a guide; 58。 Senility; 372; in witnesses; 374; types of; 374; memory in; 375。 Sensation; subjective; 191; and nerv… ous system; 192。 Sense…perception; importance of; 187; relation to optical and acoustical knowledge; 189; and social status; 190。 Senses; of children; 367; vicariousness of the; 193。 SERGI; 319; 350。 SFR'。';OFF; 410。 Servants; as sources of information; 63。 Sexl as submerged cause of crime; 322; as piety; 323; as ennui; 324; as conceit; 325。 Sexuality; of women; 320; as maternal instinct; 320; in criminal situations; 321。 SHINN; 364。 SICARD; 215。 Side…issues; confused with central ones; 116。 SIDIs; 481; 492。 SIGHELE; 416。 Sight; sense of; important; 196; tested by touch; 197; process of; 197。 SINSTEDEN; 434。 Size of lines influenced by position; 427。
Skepticism; 127; and habit; 130; and probability; 131。 Skill and habit; 407。 Skin; transpositions of; and tactile sense; 219。 SKRAUP; 85。 SLAUGHTER; 40。 Sleep; 481。 Smell; sense of; 213。 Smile; the; 94。 SMITH; 302。 Smuggling; and women; 345。 SOCRATES; 7; 169。 SOMMER; 276。 Sources; various; of evidence; 12。 Sound; direction of; 210; conduction of; 210。 Sparkle; 206; of the eyes; 96。 Specialist; 125。 Speech; and image; 235。 Speed; a test of knowledge; 231。 SPENCER; 44; 46; 74; 102; 360。 SPINOZA; 160; 260。 Spite; 94; how treated; 95。 Statistics; and psychology; 179; of suicide; 181。 Statutes; aprioristic; 5。 STEINTHAL; 298。 STERN; 192; 307。 ST6LZEL; 434。 ST6RC。R; 236。 STRICKER; 48; 118; 122; 166; 204; 236; 255; 437。 STRINDBERG; 212。 STRUVE; 56; 68。 Stupidity ; ; 398; 400。 Style; and character; 58。 Subconscious; the; 245。 Substitutions; and misunderstandings; 470。 Success; conditions of; 14。 Succession; importance of the order of; 13。 Suggestion; 491; not involved in guidance; 9。 SULLY; 138; 259; 276; 451; 456; 464。 Symbol and symbolized; 244。 T TAINE; 250; 274; 382; 410; 452; 465; 466; 471; 482。 TARDE; 385; 410; 415; 416。 Taste; 212; fflusions of; 452。 Tears; of women; 344。 Temperament; 395。 Temperature; sense of; 217。 TERTULLIAN; 169。 Testimony; blind acceptance of; 8; contradictions in; 108; interpreta… tion of; 108; of women; 310。 Thinking; mechanism of; 243; and symbol; 244。 THOMPSON; 433。 THOMSON; 2。 TIGERSTEDT; 192。 Timbre; vocal; 46; influence of emo… tions on; 47; corroborative value of; 47。 Time; and image; 237; of day and mental processes; 245; children's sense of; 368; influence on concep… tion; 383; and isolation; 397。 Timidity; 75。 Toes; 104。 Touch; 215; tests sense of sight; 197; relation to other senses; 215; in… fluence of drugs on; 215; how af… fected by transpositions of skin; 219; and wetness; 219; influence of repetition on; 220; and form; 220; bodily sensitiveness to; 220; illu… sions of; 449。 TRACY; 364。 Training; of witnesses; 16。 Tramps; 17; congenital; 18。 TRENDELENBURG; 146; 160。 Truth; and persuasion; 161; and man… ner; 162; historical and inference; 171; and knowledge; 184。 TYLOR; 288; 290。 TYNDALL; 209。 U Understanding; 238; how gauged in witnesses; 239; and public in… struction; 241; and law; 242。 Uneducated; views of the; 388。
Unit…characters; 46; variety of recog… nition of; 46。 UPHuEs; 260; 267; 472;
V Vagabondage; 394。 Valuation; of evidence; 12。 Variation of conditions; 12。 VASCHIDE; 192。 VENN; 150。 Veracity; egoism a criterion of; 28。 Vicariousness of the senses; 193。 VIERORDT; 220。 Views; influence of on evidence; 377; of the uneducated; 388。 VINCENT; 202。 VISCHER; 72。 VIRCHow; 86。 Visual perception; artificial differences in; 202; binocular; 203; influence of custom on; 203; in darkness; 204; and form; 201; and muscular in… nervation; 204。 Voice; relation of to gesture; 48。 VOISIN; 370。 VoLKmAR; 1; 15; 39; 60; 67; 74; 162; 244; 269; 299; 307; 375。 VURPASS; 192。 W WAGNER; 180; 181; 385。 WAITZ; 51; 85。 WARK6NIG; 10。 We; as a character…mark; 60。 Weakness; of women; 362。 Weaknesses; shown to inferiors and servants; 62。 WEBER; 188; 217; 220; 441。 Weber's law; 188。 WERNICKE; 455。 Wetness; and touch; 219。 WHATELY; 147。 WIENER; 85。 WIERSMA; 39。 WiU; 281。 WINDELBAND; 160; 161; 233。 WINKLEMANN ; 102。 Wisdom; 403。 WiTAsrm; 464。 Witnesses; do not know what they know; 8; imposed on by officials; 8; wandering of; 17; wordy; 18; laconic; 19; method of drawing out; 20; difficulty with educated; 23。 Woman; 300; basis of judging; 302; status of; 302; defined by her func… tion; 304; poet on; 305; difference from man; 307; danger of maxims about; 308; and love; 309; 350; crimes of; 310; testimony of; 310; quarrels with; 338; and money; 338; punctuality of; 340; conservatism of; 340; dishonesty in; 341; hy…
pocrisy in; 344; tears of; 344; fainting of; 344; and smuggling; 345; and property; 346; loyalty of; 347; jealousy of; 351; friendships of; 353; hatred in; 354; cruelty in; 355; emotionalism of; 359; weak… ness of; 362; and secrets; 364。 Words; and conception; 290; influ… ence on conception; 381。 Writing; like gesticulation; 49。 WUNDT; 85; 210; 260。
Z ZLNER; 433。