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tanglewood tales-第36节

小说: tanglewood tales 字数: 每页4000字

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In order to make the time pass away more pleasantly during the voyage; the heroes talked about the Golden Fleece。 It originally belonged; it appears; to a Boeotian ram; who had taken on his back two children; when in danger of their lives; and fled with them over land and sea as far as Colchis。 One of the children; whose name was Helle; fell into the sea and was drowned。 But the other (a little boy; named Phrixus) was brought safe ashore by the faithful ram; who; however; was so exhausted that he immediately lay down and died。 In memory of this good deed; and as a token of his true heart; the fleece of the poor dead ram was miraculously changed to gold; and became one of the most beautiful objects ever seen on earth。 It was hung upon a tree in a sacred grove; where it had now been kept I know not how many years; and was the envy of mighty kings; who had nothing so magnificent in any of their palaces。

If I were to tell you all the adventures of the Argonauts; it would take me till nightfall; and perhaps a great deal longer。 There was no lack of wonderful events; as you may judge from what you have already heard。 At a certain island; they were hospitably received by King Cyzicus; its sovereign; who made a feast for them; and treated them like brothers。 But the Argonauts saw that this good king looked downcast and very much troubled; and they therefore inquired of him what was the matter。 King Cyzicus hereupon informed them that he and his subjects were greatly abused and incommoded by the inhabitants of a neighboring mountain; who made war upon them; and killed many people; and ravaged the country。 And while they were talking about it; Cyzicus pointed to the mountain; and asked Jason and his companions what they saw there。

〃I see some very tall objects;〃 answered Jason; 〃but they are at such a distance that I cannot distinctly make out what they are。 To tell your majesty the truth; they look so very strangely that I am inclined to think them clouds; which have chanced to take something like human shapes。〃

〃I see them very plainly;〃 remarked Lynceus; whose eyes; you know; were as far…sighted as a telescope。 〃They are a band of enormous giants; all of whom have six arms apiece; and a club; a sword; or some other weapon in each of their hands。〃

〃You have excellent eyes;〃 said King Cyzicus。 〃Yes; they are six…armed giants; as you say; and these are the enemies whom I and my subjects have to contend with。〃

The next day; when the Argonauts were about setting sail; down came these terrible giants; stepping a hundred yards at a stride; brandishing their six arms apiece; and looking formidable; so far aloft in the air。 Each of these monsters was able to carry on a whole war by himself; for with one arm he could fling immense stones; and wield a club with another; and a sword with a third; while the fourth was poking a long spear at the enemy; and the fifth and sixth were shooting him with a bow and arrow。 But; luckily; though the giants were so huge; and had so many arms; they had each but one heart; and that no bigger nor braver than the heart of an ordinary man。 Besides; if they had been like the hundred…armed Briareus; the brave Argonauts would have given them their hands full of fight。 Jason and his friends went boldly to meet them; slew a great many; and made the rest take to their heels; so that if the giants had had six legs apiece instead of six arms; it would have served them better to run away with。

Another strange adventure happened when the voyagers came to Thrace; where they found a poor blind king; named Phineus; deserted by his subjects; and living in a very sorrowful way; all by himself: On Jason's inquiring whether they could do him any service; the king answered that he was terribly tormented by three great winged creatures; called Harpies; which had the faces of women; and the wings; bodies; and claws of vultures。 These ugly wretches were in the habit of snatching away his dinner; and allowed him no peace of his life。 Upon hearing this; the Argonauts spread a plentiful feast on the sea…shore; well knowing; from what the blind king said of their greediness; that the Harpies would snuff up the scent of the victuals; and quickly come to steal them away。 And so it turned out; for; hardly was the table set; before the three hideous vulture women came flapping their wings; seized the food in their talons; and flew off as fast as they could。 But the two sons of the North Wind drew their swords; spread their pinions; and set off through the air in pursuit of the thieves; whom they at last overtook among some islands; after a chase of hundreds of miles。 The two winged youths blustered terribly at the Harpies (for they had the rough temper of their father); and so frightened them with their drawn swords; that they solemnly promised never to trouble King Phineus again。

Then the Argonauts sailed onward and met with many other marvelous incidents; any one of which would make a story by itself。 At one time they landed on an island; and were reposing on the grass; when they suddenly found themselves assailed by what seemed a shower of steel…headed arrows。 Some of them stuck in the ground; while others hit against their shields; and several penetrated their flesh。 The fifty heroes started up; and looked about them for the hidden enemy; but could find none; nor see any spot; on the whole island; where even a single archer could lie concealed。 Still; however; the steel…headed arrows came whizzing among them; and; at last; happening to look upward; they beheld a large flock of birds; hovering and wheeling aloft; and shooting their feathers down upon the Argonauts。 These feathers were the steel…headed arrows that had so tormented them。 There was no possibility of making any resistance; and the fifty heroic Argonauts might all have been killed or wounded by a flock of troublesome birds; without ever setting eyes on the Golden Fleece; if Jason had not thought of asking the advice of the oaken image。

So he ran to the galley as fast as his legs would carry him。

〃O; daughter of the Speaking Oak;〃 cried he; all out of breath; 〃we need your wisdom more than ever before! We are in great peril from a flock of birds; who are shooting us with their steel…pointed feathers。 What can we do to drive them away?〃

〃Make a clatter on your shields;〃 said the image。

On receiving this excellent counsel; Jason hurried back to his companions (who were far more dismayed than when they fought with the six…armed giants); and bade them strike with their swords upon their brazen shields。 Forthwith the fifty heroes set heartily to work; banging with might and main; and raised such a terrible clatter; that the birds made what haste they could to get away; and though they had shot half the feathers out of their wings; they were soon seen skimming among the clouds; a long distance off; and looking like a flock of wild geese。 Orpheus celebrated this victory by playing a triumphant anthem on his harp; and sang so melodiously that Jason begged him to desist; lest; as the steel…feathered birds had been driven away by an ugly sound; they might be enticed back again by a sweet one。

While the Argonauts remained on this island; they saw a small vessel approaching the shore; in which were two young men of princely demeanor; and exceedingly handsome; as young princes generally were; in those days。 Now; who do you imagine these two voyagers turned out to be? Why; if you will believe me; they were the sons of that very Phrixus; who; in his childhood; had been carried to Colchis on the back of the golden…fleeced ram。 Since that time; Phrixus had married the king's daughter; and the two young princes had been born and brought up at Colchis; and had spent their play…days in the outskirts of the grove; in the center of which the Golden Fleece was hanging upon a tree。 They were now on their way to Greece; in hopes of getting back a kingdom that had been wrongfully taken from their father。

When the princes understood whither the Argonauts were going; they offered to turn back; and guide them to Colchis。 At the same time; however; they spoke as if it were very doubtful whether Jason would succeed in getting the Golden Fleece。 According to their account; the tree on which it hung was guarded by a terrible dragon; who never failed to devour; at one mouthful; every person who might venture within his reach。

〃There are other difficulties in the way;〃 continued the young princes。 〃But is not this enough? Ah; brave Jason; turn back before it is too late。 It would grieve us to the heart; if you and your nine and forty brave companions should be eaten up; at fifty mouthfuls; by this execrable dragon。〃

〃My young friends;〃 quietly replied Jason; 〃I do not wonder that you think the dragon very terrible。 You have grown up from infancy in the fear of this monster; and therefore still regard him with the awe that children feel for the bugbears and hobgoblins which their nurses have talked to them about。 But; in my view of the matter; the dragon is merely a pretty large serpent; who is not half so likely to snap me up at one mouthful as I am to cut off his ugly head; and strip the skin from his body。 At all events; turn back who may; I will never see Greece again; unles

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