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tanglewood tales-第12节

小说: tanglewood tales 字数: 每页4000字

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 the scabbardnever; never; never; even if the crimson hand that slew the great Antaeus shall lay me prostrate; like him; on the soil which I give my life to defend。〃

So saying; this valiant Pygmy drew out his weapon (which was terrible to behold; being as long as the blade of a penknife); and sent the scabbard whirling over the heads of the multitude。 His speech was followed by an uproar of applause; as its patriotism and self…devotion unquestionably deserved; and the shouts and clapping of hands would have been greatly prolonged; had they not been rendered quite inaudible by a deep respiration; vulgarly called a snore; from the sleeping Hercules。

It was finally decided that the whole nation of Pygmies should set to work to destroy Hercules; not; be it understood; from any doubt that a single champion would be capable of putting him to the sword; but because he was a public enemy; and all were desirous of sharing in the glory of his defeat。 There was a debate whether the national honor did not demand that a herald should be sent with a trumpet; to stand over the ear of Hercules; and after blowing a blast right into it; to defy him to the combat by formal proclamation。 But two or three venerable and sagacious Pygmies; well versed in state affairs; gave it as their opinion that war already existed; and that it was their rightful privilege to take the enemy by surprise。 Moreover; if awakened; and allowed to get upon his feet; Hercules might happen to do them a mischief before he could be beaten down again。 For; as these sage counselors remarked; the stranger's club was really very big; and had rattled like a thunderbolt against the skull of Antaeus。 So the Pygmies resolved to set aside all foolish punctilios; and assail their antagonist at once。

Accordingly; all the fighting men of the nation took their weapons; and went boldly up to Hercules; who still lay fast asleep; little dreaming of the harm which the Pygmies meant to do him。 A body of twenty thousand archers marched in front; with their little bows all ready; and the arrows on the string。 The same number were ordered to clamber upon Hercules; some with spades to dig his eyes out; and others with bundles of hay; and all manner of rubbish with which they intended to plug up his mouth and nostrils; so that he might perish for lack of breath。 These last; however; could by no means perform their appointed duty; inasmuch as the enemy's breath rushed out of his nose in an obstreperous hurricane and whirlwind; which blew the Pygmies away as fast as they came nigh。 It was found necessary; therefore; to hit upon some other method of carrying on the war。

After holding a council; the captains ordered their troops to collect sticks; straws; dry weeds; and whatever combustible stuff they could find; and make a pile of it; heaping it high around the head of Hercules。 As a great many thousand Pygmies were employed in this task; they soon brought together several bushels of inflammatory matter; and raised so tall a heap; that; mounting on its summit; they were quite upon a level with the sleeper's face。 The archers; meanwhile; were stationed within bow shot; with orders to let fly at Hercules the instant that he stirred。 Everything being in readiness; a torch was applied to the pile; which immediately burst into flames; and soon waxed hot enough to roast the enemy; had he but chosen to lie still。 A Pygmy; you know; though so very small; might set the world on fire; just as easily as a Giant could; so that this was certainly the very best way of dealing with their foe; provided they could have kept him quiet while the conflagration was going forward。

But no sooner did Hercules begin to be scorched; than up he started; with his hair in a red blaze。

〃What's all this?〃 he cried; bewildered with sleep; and staring about him as if he expected to see another Giant。

At that moment the twenty thousand archers twanged their bowstrings; and the arrows came whizzing; like so many winged mosquitoes; right into the face of Hercules。 But I doubt whether more than half a dozen of them punctured the skin; which was remarkably tough; as you know the skin of a hero has good need to be。

〃Villain!〃 shouted all the Pygmies at once。 〃You have killed the Giant Antaeus; our great brother; and the ally of our nation。 We declare bloody war against you; and will slay you on the spot。〃

Surprised at the shrill piping of so many little voices; Hercules; after putting out the conflagration of his hair; gazed all round about; but could see nothing。 At last; however; looking narrowly on the ground; he espied the innumerable assemblage of Pygmies at his feet。 He stooped down; and taking up the nearest one between his thumb and finger; set him on the palm of his left hand; and held him at a proper distance for examination。 It chanced to be the very identical Pygmy who had spoken from the top of the toadstool; and had offered himself as a champion to meet Hercules in single combat。

〃What in the world; my little fellow;〃 ejaculated Hercules; 〃may you be?〃

〃I am your enemy;〃 answered the valiant Pygmy; in his mightiest squeak。 〃You have slain the enormous Antaeus; our brother by the mother's side; and for ages the faithful ally of our illustrious nation。 We are determined to put you to death; and for my own part; I challenge you to instant battle; on equal ground。〃

Hercules was so tickled with the Pygmy's big words and warlike gestures; that he burst into a great explosion of laughter; and almost dropped the poor little mite of a creature off the palm of his hand; through the ecstasy and convulsion of his merriment。

〃Upon my word;〃 cried he; 〃I thought I had seen wonders before to…dayhydras with nine heads; stags with golden horns; six…legged men; three…headed dogs; giants with furnaces in their stomachs; and nobody knows what besides。 But here; on the palm of my hand; stands a wonder that outdoes them all! Your body; my little friend; is about the size of an ordinary man's finger。 Pray; how big may your soul be?〃

〃As big as your own!〃 said the Pygmy。

Hercules was touched with the little man's dauntless courage; and could not help acknowledging such a brotherhood with him as one hero feels for another。

〃My good little people;〃 said he; making a low obeisance to the grand nation; 〃not for all the world would I do an intentional injury to such brave fellows as you! Your hearts seem to me so exceedingly great; that; upon my honor; I marvel how your small bodies can contain them。 I sue for peace; and; as a condition of it; will take five strides; and be out of your kingdom at the sixth。 Good…bye。 I shall pick my steps carefully; for fear of treading upon some fifty of you; without knowing it。 Ha; ha; ha! Ho; ho; ho! For once; Hercules acknowledges himself vanquished。〃

Some writers say; that Hercules gathered up the whole race of Pygmies in his lion's skin; and carried them home to Greece; for the children of King Eurystheus to play with。 But this is a mistake。 He left them; one and all; within their own territory; where; for aught I can tell; their descendants are alive to the present day; building their little houses; cultivating their little fields; spanking their little children; waging their little warfare with the cranes; doing their little business; whatever it may be; and reading their little histories of ancient times。 In those histories; perhaps; it stands recorded; that; a great many centuries ago; the valiant Pygmies avenged the death of the Giant Antaeus by scaring away the mighty Hercules。


Cadmus; Phoenix; and Cilix; the three sons of King Agenor; and their little sister Europa (who was a very beautiful child); were at play together near the seashore in their father's kingdom of Phoenicia。 They had rambled to some distance from the palace where their parents dwelt; and were now in a verdant meadow; on one side of which lay the sea; all sparkling and dimpling in the sunshine; and murmuring gently against the beach。 The three boys were very happy; gathering flowers; and twining them into garlands; with which they adorned the little Europa。 Seated on the grass; the child was almost hidden under an abundance of buds and blossoms; whence her rosy face peeped merrily out; and; as Cadmus said; was the prettiest of all the flowers。

Just then; there came a splendid butterfly; fluttering along the meadow; and Cadmus; Phoenix; and Cilix set off in pursuit of it; crying out that it was a flower with wings。 Europa; who was a little wearied with playing all day long; did not chase the butterfly with her brothers; but sat still where they had left her; and closed her eyes。 For a while; she listened to the pleasant murmur of the sea; which was like a voice saying 〃Hush!〃 and bidding her go to sleep。 But the pretty child; if she slept at all; could not have slept more than a moment; when she heard something trample on the grass; not far from her; and; peeping out from the heap of flowers; beheld a snow…white bull。

And whence could this bull have com ? Europa and her brothers had been a long time playing in the meadow; and had seen no cattle; nor other living thing; either there or on the neighboring hills。

〃Brother Cadmus!〃 cried Europa; starting up out of th

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