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the great god pan(潘恩大帝)-第4节

小说: the great god pan(潘恩大帝) 字数: 每页4000字

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ground;   about   six   miles   from   the   sea;   and   is   sheltered   by   a   large   and 

picturesque forest。 

     Some   eleven   years   ago;   Helen   V。       came   to   the   village   under   rather 

peculiar circumstances。           It is understood that she; being an orphan; was 

adopted in her infancy by a distant relative; who brought her up in his own 

house until she was twelve years old。 Thinking; however; that it would be 

better   for   the   child   to   have   playmates   of   her   own   age;   he   advertised   in 

several local papers for a good home in a comfortable farmhouse for a girl 

of twelve; and this advertisement was answered by Mr。                       R。; a well…to…do 

farmer      in    the   above…mentioned           village。      His     references      proving 

satisfactory;   the   gentleman   sent   his   adopted   daughter   to   Mr。   R。;   with   a 

letter; in which he stipulated that the girl should have a room to herself; 

and    stated    that  her   guardians     need    be   at  no   trouble    in  the  matter    of 

education; as she was already sufficiently educated for the position in life 

which she would occupy。             In fact; Mr。 R。 was given to understand that the 

girl be allowed to find her own occupations and to spend her time almost 

as she liked。       Mr。 R。      duly met her at the nearest station; a town seven 

miles     away     from    his   house;     and    seems     to  have     remarked      nothing 

extraordinary about the child except that she was reticent as to her former 

life   and   her   adopted   father。   She   was;   however;   of   a   very   different   type 

from the inhabitants of the village; her skin was a pale; clear olive; and her 

features were strongly marked; and of a somewhat foreign character。                         She 

appears      to  have    settled   down     easily   enough     into   farmhouse      life;  and 

became a favourite with the children; who sometimes went with her on her 

rambles in the forest; for this was her amusement。                  Mr。     R。 states that he 

has known her to go out by herself directly after their early breakfast; and 

not return till after dusk; and that; feeling uneasy at a young girl being out 

alone for so many hours; he communicated with her adopted father; who 

replied   in   a  brief   note   that   Helen   must   do   as   she   chose。  In   the   winter; 

when the   forest   paths   are   impassable;   she   spent   most   of her   time   in   her 

bedroom;       where     she   slept   alone;   according     to   the  instructions     of   her 

relative。 It was on one of these expeditions to the forest that the first of the 

singular   incidents   with   which   this   girl   is   connected   occurred;   the   date 


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being about a year after her arrival at the village。             The preceding winter 

had   been   remarkably  severe;  the   snow  drifting   to   a   great   depth;   and   the 

frost continuing for an unexampled period; and the summer following was 

as   noteworthy  for   its   extreme   heat。    On   one of   the   very  hottest days   in 

this summer; Helen V。 left the farmhouse for one of her long rambles in 

the forest; taking with her; as usual; some bread and meat for lunch。                  She 

was seen by some   men in   the   fields making   for the   old Roman   Road;  a 

green   causeway   which   traverses   the   highest   part   of   the   wood;   and   they 

were astonished to observe that the girl had taken off her hat; though the 

heat of the sun was already tropical。            As it happened; a labourer; Joseph 

W。   by   name;   was   working   in   the   forest   near   the   Roman   Road;   and   at 

twelve o'clock his little son; Trevor; brought the man his dinner of bread 

and cheese。       After the meal; the boy; who was about seven years old at 

the time; left his father at work; and; as he said; went to look for flowers in 

the wood; and the man; who could hear him shouting with delight at his 

discoveries;  felt no uneasiness。         Suddenly;   however;  he   was   horrified   at 

hearing   the   most   dreadful   screams;   evidently   the   result   of   great   terror; 

proceeding from the direction in which his son had gone; and he hastily 

threw down his tools and ran to see what had happened。                  Tracing his path 

by the sound; he met the little boy; who was running headlong; and was 

evidently terribly frightened; and on questioning him the man elicited that 

after picking a posy of flowers he felt tired; and lay down on the grass and 

fell asleep。     He was suddenly awakened; as he stated; by a peculiar noise; 

a sort of singing he called it; and on peeping through the branches he saw 

Helen V。 playing on the grass with a 〃strange naked man;〃 who he seemed 

unable to describe more fully。           He said he felt dreadfully frightened and 

ran   away   crying   for   his   father。  Joseph   W。   proceeded   in   the   direction 

indicated by his son; and found Helen V。 sitting on the grass in the middle 

of a glade or open space left by charcoal burners。              He angrily charged her 

with frightening his little boy; but she entirely denied the accusation and 

laughed at the child's story of a 〃strange man;〃 to which he himself did not 

attach much credence。          Joseph W。       came to the conclusion that the boy 

had woke up with a sudden fright; as children sometimes do; but Trevor 

persisted in his story; and continued in such evident distress that at last his 


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                                     THE GREAT GOD PAN 

father took him home; hoping that his mother would be able to soothe him。 

For   many   weeks;   however;   the   boy   gave   his   parents   much   anxiety;   he 

became nervous and strange in his manner; refusing to leave the cottage by 

himself;   and   constantly   alarming   the   household   by   waking   in   the   night 

with cries of 〃The man in the wood! father!              father!〃 

     In course of time; however; the impression seemed to have worn off; 

and about three months later he accompanied his father to the home of a 

gentleman   in   the   neighborhood;   for   whom   Joseph   W。   occasionally   did 

work。      The   man   was   shown   into   the   study;   and   the   little   boy   was   left 

sitting in the hall; and a few minutes later; while the gentleman was giving 

W。 his instructions; they were both horrified by a piercing shriek and the 

sound of a fall; and rushing out they found the child lying senseless on the 

floor;    his  face   contorted     with    terror。   The     doctor    was    immediately 

summoned;   and   after   some   examination   he   pronounced   the   child   to   be 

suffering form a kind of fit; apparently produced by a sudden shock。                    The 

boy   was   taken   to   one   of   the   bedrooms;   and   after   some   time   recovered 

consciousness; but only to pass into a condition described by the medical 

man as one of violent hysteria。            The doctor exhibited a strong sedative; 

and in the course of two hours pronounced him fit to walk home; but in 

passing     through     the  hall   the  paroxysms       of  fright   returned    and   with 

additional violence。        The father perceived that the child was pointing at 

some object; and heard the old cry; 〃The man in the wood;〃 and looking in 

the direction indicated saw a stone head of grotesque appearance; which 

had been built into the wall above one of the doors。                 It seems the owner 

of the house had recently made alterations in his premises; and on digging 

the   foundations      for  some    offices;   the   men   had   found    a  curious   head; 

evidently   of   the   Roman   period;   which   had   been   placed   in   the   manner 

described。        The      head    is   pronounced        by    the   most     experienced 

archaeologists   of the  district to be   that   of  a  faun or   satyr。     'Dr。   Phillips 

tells me that he has seen the head in question; and assures me that he has 

never received such a vivid presentment of intense evil。' 

     From whatever cause arising; this second shock seemed too severe for 

the   boy   Trevor;   and   at   the   present   date   he   suffers   from   a   weakness   of 

intellect; which gives but little promise of amending。                The matter caused 


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a   good   deal   of   sensation    at   the   time;   and  the   girl   Helen   was  closely 

questioned by Mr。         R。; but to no purpose; she steadfastly denying that she 

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