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the great god pan(潘恩大帝)-第14节

小说: the great god pan(潘恩大帝) 字数: 每页4000字

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short sketch of her previous history。           No; assuming; as I had to assume; 

that her record was not of the cleanest; it would be pretty certain that at 

some previous time she must have moved in circles not quite so refined as 

her present ones。       If you see mud at the top of a stream; you may be sure 

that   it   was   once   at   the   bottom。 I   went   to   the   bottom。 I   have   always 

been fond of diving into Queer Street for my amusement; and I found my 

knowledge of that locality and its inhabitants very useful。                It is; perhaps; 

needless to say  that my friends   had never heard the name of   Beaumont; 

and as I had never seen the lady; and was quite unable to describe her; I 

had to set to work in an indirect way。           The people there know me; I have 

been able to do some of them a service now and again; so they made no 

difficulty    about    giving   their   information;     they   were    aware    I  had   no 

communication direct or indirect with Scotland Yard。                 I had to cast out a 

good many lines; though; before I got what I wanted; and when I landed 

the fish I did not for a moment suppose it was my fish。                 But I listened to 

what I was told out of a constitutional liking for useless information; and I 


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                                     THE GREAT GOD PAN 

found myself in possession of a very curious story; though; as I imagined; 

not the story I was looking for。           It was to this effect。       Some five or six 

years   ago;   a   woman   named   Raymond   suddenly   made   her   appearance   in 

the neighbourhood to which I am referring。                She was described to me as 

being   quite   young;   probably   not   more   than   seventeen   or   eighteen;   very 

handsome;   and   looking   as   if   she   came   from   the   country。      I   should   be 

wrong in saying that she found her level in going to this particular quarter; 

or associating with these people; for from what I was told; I should think 

the worst den in London far too good for her。                The person from whom I 

got my information; as you may suppose; no great Puritan; shuddered and 

grew sick in telling me of the nameless infamies which were laid to her 

charge。     After   living    there   for  a  year;   or   perhaps    a  little  more;    she 

disappeared   as   suddenly   as   she   came;   and   they   saw   nothing   of   her   till 

about the time of the Paul Street case。           At first she came to her old haunts 

only   occasionally;   then   more   frequently;   and   finally   took   up   her   abode 

there as before; and remained for six or eight months。                  It's of no use my 

going into details as to the life that woman led; if you want particulars you 

can   look   at   Meyrick's   legacy。     Those   designs   were   not   drawn   from   his 

imagination。       She   again   disappeared;   and   the   people   of   the   place   saw 

nothing of her till a few months ago。            My informant told me that she had 

taken some rooms in a house which he pointed out; and these rooms she 

was in the habit of visiting two or three times a week and always at ten in 

the morning。       I was led to expect that one of these visits would be paid on 

a certain day about a week ago; and I accordingly managed to be on the 

look…out in company with my cicerone at a quarter to ten; and the hour and 

the   lady   came   with   equal   punctuality。     My   friend   and   I   were   standing 

under an archway; a little way back from the street; but she saw us; and 

gave me a glance that I shall be long in forgetting。                That look was quite 

enough   for   me;   I   knew   Miss   Raymond   to   be   Mrs。   Herbert;   as   for   Mrs。 

Beaumont she had quite gone out of my head。                   She went into the house; 

and I watched it till four o'clock; when she came out; and then I followed 

her。    It was a long chase; and I had to be very careful to keep a long way 

in   the   background;   and   yet   not   lose   sight   of   the   woman。  She   took   me 

down to the Strand; and then to Westminster; and then up St。 James's Street; 


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and along Piccadilly。        I felt queerish when I saw her turn up Ashley Street; 

the thought that Mrs。 Herbert was Mrs。 Beaumont came into my mind; but 

it seemed too impossible to be true。            I waited at the corner; keeping my 

eye   on   her   all   the   time;   and   I   took   particular   care   to   note   the   house   at 

which   she   stopped。   It   was   the   house   with   the gay  curtains;  the   home   of 

flowers;     the  house    out  of  which     Crashaw     came    the  night   he   hanged 

himself in his garden。        I was just going away with my discovery; when I 

saw an empty carriage come round and draw up in front of the house; and 

I came to the conclusion that Mrs。 Herbert was going out for a drive; and I 

was   right。    There;   as   it   happened;   I   met   a   man   I   know;   and   we   stood 

talking together a little distance from the carriage…way; to which I had my 

back。     We had not been there for ten minutes when my friend took off his 

hat; and I glanced round and saw the lady I had been following all day。 

'Who is that?' I said; and his answer was 'Mrs。 Beaumont; lives in Ashley 

Street。'    Of   course   there   could   be   no   doubt   after   that。  I   don't  know 

whether she saw me; but I don't think she did。             I went home at once; and; 

on consideration; I thought that I had a sufficiently good case with which 

to go to Clarke。〃 

     〃Why to Clarke?〃 

     〃Because   I   am   sure   that   Clarke   is   in   possession   of   facts   about   this 

woman; facts of which I know nothing。〃 

     〃Well; what then?〃 

     Mr。 Villiers leaned back in his chair and looked reflectively at Austin 

for a moment before he answered: 

     〃My idea was that Clarke and I should call on Mrs。 Beaumont。〃 

     〃You would never go into such a house as that?               No; no; Villiers; you 

cannot do it。     Besides; consider; what result。。。〃 

     〃I   will   tell   you   soon。 But   I   was   going   to   say   that   my   information 

does not end here; it has been completed in an extraordinary manner。 

     〃Look at this neat little packet of manuscript; it is paginated; you see; 

and I have indulged in the civil coquetry of a ribbon of red tape。                  It has 

almost a legal air; hasn't it? Run your eye over it; Austin。             It is an account 

of the entertainment Mrs。 Beaumont provided for her choicer guests。 The 

man who wrote this escaped with his life; but I do not think he will live 


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                                      THE GREAT GOD PAN 

many  years。       The   doctors   tell him  he   must   have   sustained   some   severe 

shock to the nerves。〃 

     Austin     took   the  manuscript;      but  never    read   it。  Opening      the   neat 

pages   at    haphazard     his  eye   was    caught    by   a  word   and   a  phrase    that 

followed it;   and;  sick at   heart;  with white  lips   and a  cold   sweat   pouring 

like water from his temples; he flung the paper down。 

     〃Take   it   away;   Villiers;   never   speak   of   this   again。 Are   you   made   of 

stone; man?       Why; the dread and horror of death itself; the thoughts of the 

man who stands in the keen morning air on the black platform; bound; the 

bell   tolling   in   his   ears;   and   waits   for   the   harsh   rattle   of   the   bolt;   are   as 

nothing compared to this。          I will not read it; I should never sleep again。〃 

     〃Very good。       I can fancy what you saw。            Yes; it is horrible enough; 

but after all; it is an old story; an old mystery played in our day; and in dim 

London streets instead of amidst the vineyards and the olive gardens。                     We 

know what happened   to those who   chanced to meet   the Great God  Pan; 

and those who are wise know that all symbols are symbols of something; 

not of nothing。       It was; indeed; an exquisite symbol beneath which men 

long   ago   veiled   their   knowledge   of   the   most   awful;   most   secret   forces 

which lie at the heart of all things; forces before which the souls of men 

must wither and die and blacken; as their bodies blacken under the electric 

current。     Such    forces   cannot    be   named;     cannot    be  spoken;     cannot    be 

imagined   except under   a veil   and   a   symbol;  a   symbol   to the   most   of   us 

appearing a quaint; poetic fancy; to some a foolish tale。 But you and I; at 

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