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the great god pan(潘恩大帝)-第1节

小说: the great god pan(潘恩大帝) 字数: 每页4000字

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                            THE GREAT GOD PAN 


                   By ARTHUR MACHEN 


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                                     THE GREAT GOD PAN 


                                  THE EXPERIMENT 

     〃I am glad you came; Clarke; very glad indeed。                 I was not sure you 

could spare the time。〃 

     〃I was able to make arrangements for a few days; things are not very 

lively    just   now。     But    have    you    no   misgivings;     Raymond?        Is    it 

absolutely safe?〃 

     The two men were slowly pacing the terrace in front of Dr。 Raymond's 

house。     The sun still hung above the western mountain…line; but it shone 

with   a   dull   red   glow   that   cast   no   shadows;   and   all   the   air   was   quiet;   a 

sweet breath came from the great wood on the hillside above; and with it; 

at   intervals;   the   soft   murmuring   call   of   the   wild   doves。 Below;   in   the 

long lovely valley; the river wound in and out between the lonely hills; and; 

as   the sun   hovered   and   vanished into   the   west;   a   faint   mist;   pure   white; 

began to rise from the hills。       Dr。 Raymond turned sharply to his friend。 

     〃Safe?     Of course it is。      In itself the operation is a perfectly simple 

one; any surgeon could do it。〃 

     〃And there is no danger at any other stage?〃 

     〃None; absolutely no physical danger whatsoever; I give you my word。 

You are always timid; Clarke; always; but you know my history。                     I have 

devoted   myself   to   transcendental   medicine   for   the   last   twenty   years。    I 

have   heard   myself   called   quack   and   charlatan   and   impostor;   but   all   the 

while I knew I was on the right path。            Five years ago I reached the goal; 

and   since   then   every   day   has   been   a   preparation   for   what   we   shall   do 


     〃I   should   like   to   believe   it   is   all   true。〃 Clarke   knit   his   brows;   and 

looked doubtfully at Dr。  Raymond。             〃Are you perfectly sure;  Raymond; 

that your theory is not a phantasmagoriaa splendid vision; certainly; but a 

mere vision after all?〃 

     Dr。   Raymond       stopped    in  his  walk    and   turned   sharply。   He    was   a 

middle…aged man; gaunt and thin; of a pale yellow complexion; but as he 

answered Clarke and faced him; there was a flush on his cheek。 


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                                     THE GREAT GOD PAN 

     〃Look about you; Clarke。           You see the mountain; and hill following 

after hill; as wave on wave; you see the woods and orchard; the fields of 

ripe corn; and the meadows reaching to the reed…beds by the river。                     You 

see me standing here beside you; and hear my voice; but I tell you that all 

these things  yes; from that star that has just shone out in the sky to the 

solid   ground   beneath   our   feetI   say   that   all   these   are   but   dreams   and 

shadows; the shadows that hide the real world from our eyes。                    There is a 

real   world;   but   it   is   beyond   this   glamour   and   this   vision;   beyond   these 

'chases in Arras; dreams in a career;'beyond them all as beyond a veil。                    I 

do not know whether any human being has ever lifted that veil; but I do 

know; Clarke; that you and I shall see it lifted this very night from before 

another's     eyes。   You     may    think   this  all  strange   nonsense;     it  may   be 

strange; but it is true; and the ancients knew what lifting the veil means。 

They called it seeing the god Pan。〃 

     Clarke shivered; the white mist gathering over the river was chilly。 

     〃It is wonderful indeed;〃 he said。          〃We are standing on the brink of a 

strange world; Raymond; if what you say is true。                 I suppose the knife is 

absolutely necessary?〃 

     〃Yes;    a   slight   lesion   in   the  grey    matter;   that   is  all;  a   trifling 

rearrangement       of   certain   cells;  a  microscopical      alteration    that  would 

escape the attention of ninety…nine brain specialists out of a hundred。                    I 

don't want   to bother   you with   'shop;'Clarke; I   might give   you a   mass   of 

technical detail which would sound very imposing; and would leave you 

as enlightened as you are now。           But I suppose you have read; casually; in 

out…of…the…way   corners   of   your   paper;   that   immense   strides   have   been 

made recently in the physiology of the brain。             I saw a paragraph the other 

day about Digby's theory; and Browne Faber's discoveries。                   Theories and 

discoveries!      Where they are standing now; I stood fifteen years ago; and 

I need not tell you that I have not been standing still for the last fifteen 

years。    It will be enough if I say that five years ago I made the discovery 

that I alluded to when I said that ten years ago I reached the goal。                 After 

years of labour; after years of toiling and groping in the dark; after days 

and nights of disappointments and sometimes of despair; in which I used 

now and then to tremble and grow cold with the thought that perhaps there 


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                                      THE GREAT GOD PAN 

were   others   seeking   for   what   I   sought;   at   last;   after   so   long;   a   pang   of 

sudden joy thrilled my soul; and I knew the long journey was at an end。 

By    what    seemed      then   and   still  seems    a   chance;    the   suggestion     of  a 

moment's idle thought followed up upon familiar lines and paths that I had 

tracked a hundred times already; the great truth burst upon me; and I saw; 

mapped out in lines of sight; a whole world; a sphere unknown; continents 

and islands; and great oceans in which no ship has sailed (to my belief) 

since   a   Man   first lifted  up   his   eyes   and beheld the   sun;  and   the   stars   of 

heaven; and the quiet earth beneath。               You will think this all high…flown 

language;   Clarke;   but   it   is   hard   to   be   literal。 And   yet;   I   do   not   know 

whether what I am hinting at cannot be set forth in plain and lonely terms。 

For    instance;    this   world    of  ours    is  pretty   well   girded    now    with    the 

telegraph wires and cables; thought; with something less than the speed of 

thought;   flashes   from   sunrise   to   sunset;   from   north   to   south;   across   the 

floods and the desert places。            Suppose that an electrician of today were 

suddenly to perceive that he and his friends have merely been playing with 

pebbles and mistaking them for the foundations of the world; suppose that 

such a man saw uttermost space lie open before the current; and words of 

men flash forth to the sun   and beyond   the sun into the systems   beyond; 

and   the   voice    of   articulate…speaking       men   echo    in   the  waste   void    that 

bounds   our  thought。        As   analogies   go;   that   is   a   pretty   good   analogy   of 

what I have done; you can understand now a little of what I felt as I stood 

here one evening; it was a summer evening; and the valley looked much as 

it   does    now;    I  stood    here;   and   saw    before    me    the   unutterable;     the 

unthinkable gulf   that yawns   profound between   two worlds;  the world   of 

matter   and   the   world   of   spirit;   I   saw   the   great   empty   deep   stretch   dim 

before me; and in that instant a bridge of light leapt from the earth to the 

unknown shore; and   the abyss was spanned。                   You may  look in   Browne 

Faber's book; if you like; and you will find that to the present day men of 

science are unable to account for the presence; or to specify the functions 

of a certain group of nerve…cells in the brain。                That group is; as it were; 

land   to   let;   a   mere   waste   place   for   fanciful   theories。   I   am   not   in   the 

position of Browne Faber and the specialists; I am perfectly instructed as 

to the   possible   functions of those   nerve…centers in the   scheme   of   things。 


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                                    THE GREAT GOD PAN 

With a touch I can bring them into play; with a touch; I say; I can set free 

the current; with a touch I can complete the communication between this 

world of sense andwe shall be able to finish the sentence later on。 Yes; 

the knife is necessary; but think what that knife will effect。              It will level 

utterly the solid wall of sense; and probably; for the first time since 

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