梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
mess with it as can a grown´up person察 and so all the children of the
family are represented in the picture as hard at work察enameling whatever
few articles of furniture and household use the grasping selfishness of
their elders has spared to them。 One is painting the toasting fork in a
;skim´milk blue察─ while another is giving aesthetical value to the Dutch
oven by means of a new shade of art green。 The bootjack is being
renovated in ;old gold察─and the baby is sitting on the floor察smothering its
own cradle with ;flush´upon´a´maiden's cheek peach color。;
One feels that the thing is being overdone。 That family察 before
another month is gone察will be among the strongest opponents of enamel
paint that the century has produced。 Enamel paint will be the ruin of that
once happy home。 Enamel paint has a cold察glassy察cynical appearance。
Its presence everywhere about the place will begin to irritate the old man
in the course of a week or so。 He will call it察 This damn'd sticky stuff ─
and will tell the wife that he wonders she didn't paint herself and the
children with it while she was about it。 She will reply察in an exasperatingly
quiet tone of voice察that she does like that。 Perhaps he will say next察that
she did not warn him against it察and tell him what an idiot he was making
of himself察spoiling the whole house with his foolish fads。 Each one will
persist that it was the other one who first suggested the absurdity察and they
will sit up in bed and quarrel about it every night for a month。
The children having acquired a taste for smudging the concoction
about察and there being nothing else left untouched in the house察will try to
enamel the cat察 and then there will be bloodshed察 and broken windows察
and spoiled infants察and sorrows and yells。 The smell of the paint will
make everybody ill察 and the servants will give notice。 Tradesmen's boys
will lean up against places that are not dry and get their clothes enameled
and claim compensation。 And the baby will suck the paint off its cradle
and have fits。
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But the person that will suffer most will察 of course察 be the eldest
daughter's young man。 The eldest daughter's young man is always
unfortunate。 He means well察and he tries hard。 His great ambition is to
make the family love him。 But fate is ever against him察 and he only
succeeds in gaining their undisguised contempt。 The fact of his being
;gone; on their Emily is察of itself察naturally sufficient to stamp him as an
imbecile in the eyes of Emily's brothers and sisters。 The father finds him
slow察 and thinks the girl might have done better察 while the best that his
future mother´in´law his sole supporter can say for him is察that he seems
There is only one thing that prompts the family to tolerate him察 and
that is the reflection that he is going to take Emily away from them。
On that understanding they put up with him。
The eldest daughter's young man察in this particular case察will察you may
depend upon it察choose that exact moment when the baby's life is hovering
in the balance察and the cook is waiting for her wages with her box in the
hall察and a coal´heaver is at the front door with a policeman察making a row
about the damage to his trousers察to come in察smiling察with a specimen pot
of some new high art察squashed´tomato´shade enamel paint察and suggest
that they should try it on the old man's pipe。 Then Emily will go off into
hysterics察and Emily's male progenitor will firmly but quietly lead that ill´
starred yet true´hearted young man to the public side of the garden´gate察
and the engagement will be ;off。;
Too much of anything is a mistake察 as the man said when his wife
presented him with four new healthy children in one day。 We should
practice moderation in all matters。 A little enamel paint would have been
good。 They might have enameled the house inside and out察and have left
the furniture alone。 Or they might have colored the furniture察and let the
house be。 But an entirely and completely enameled homea home察such
as enamel´paint manufacturers love to picture on their advertisements察
over which the yearning eye wanders in vain察seeking one single square
inch of un´enameled matteris察I am convinced察a mistake。 It may be a
home that察as the testimonials assure us察will easily wash。 It may be an
;artistic; home察 but the average man is not yet educated up to the
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appreciation of it。 The average man does not care for high art。 At a
certain point察the average man gets sick of high art。
So察in these coming Utopias察in which out unhappy grandchildren will
have to drag out their colorless existence察 there will be too much
electricity。 They will grow to loathe electricity。
Electricity is going to light them察warm them察carry them察doctor them察
cook for them察execute them察if necessary。 They are going to be weaned
on electricity察rocked in their cradles by electricity察slapped by electricity察
ruled and regulated and guided by electricity察buried by electricity。 I may
be wrong察but I rather think they are going to be hatched by electricity。
In the new world of our progressionist teachers察it is electricity that is
the real motive´power。 The men and women are only marionettes
worked by electricity。
But it was not to speak of the electricity in them察but of the originality
in them察that I referred to these works of fiction。 There is no originality
in them whatever。 Human thought is incapable of originality。 No man
ever yet imagined a new thingonly some variation or extension of an old
The sailor察 when he was asked what he would do with a fortune察
promptly replied此
;Buy all the rum and 'baccy there is in the world。;
;And what after that拭─they asked him。
;What would you buy after thatafter you had bought up all the rum
and tobacco there was in the worldwhat would you buy then拭─
;After that拭Oh 'um ─。a long pause。 ;Oh ─。with inspiration ;why察
more 'baccy ─
Rum and tobacco he knew something of察and could therefore imagine
about。 He did not know any other luxuries察 therefore he could not
conceive of any others。
So if you ask one of these Utopian´dreaming gentry what察after they
had secured for their world all the electricity there was in the Universe察
and after every mortal thing in their ideal Paradise察was done and said and
thought by electricity察they could imagine as further necessary to human
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happiness察 they would probably muse for awhile察 and then reply察 More
They know electricity。 They have seen the electric light察and heard of
electric boats and omnibuses。 They have possibly had an electric shock
at a railway station for a penny。
Therefore察knowing that electricity does three things察they can go on
and ;imagine; electricity doing three hundred things察 and the very great
ones among them can imagine it doing three thousand things察but for them察
or anybody else察 to imagine a new force察 totally unconnected with and
different from anything yet known in nature察would be utterly impossible。
Human thought is not a firework察 ever shooting off fresh forms and
shapes as it burns察it is a tree察growing very slowlyyou can watch it long
and see no movementvery silently察 unnoticed。 It was planted in the
world many thousand years ago察a tiny察sickly plant。 And men guarded it
and tended it察and gave up life and fame to aid its growth。 In the hot days
of their youth察they came to the gate of the garden and knocked察begging