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the black robe-第35节

小说: the black robe 字数: 每页4000字

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says she 'feels like that character in Shakespeare who was cut by

his own daughters。' Read it。〃

He handed her the letter。 In taking it; she contrived to touch

the lamp shade; as if by accident; and tilted it so that the full

flow of the light fell on him。 He started backbut not before

she had seen the ghastly pallor on his face。 She had not only

heard it from Lady Loring; she knew from his own unreserved

confession to her what that startling change really meant。 In an

instant she was on her knees at his feet。 〃Oh; my darling;〃 she

cried; 〃it was cruel to keep _that_ secret from your wife! You

have heard it again!〃

She was too irresistibly beautiful; at that moment; to be

reproved。 He gently raised her from the floorand owned the


〃Yes;〃 he said; 〃I heard it after you left me on the

Belviderejust as I heard it on another moonlight night; when

Major Hynd was here with me。 Our return to this house is perhaps

the cause。 I don't complain; I have had a long release。〃

She threw her arms round his neck。 〃We will leave Vange

to…morrow;〃 she said。

It was firmly spoken。 But her heart sank as the words passed her

lips。 Vange Abbey had been the scene of the most unalloyed

happiness in her life。 What destiny was waiting for her when she

returned to London?



THERE was no obstacle to the speedy departure of Romayne and his

wife from Vange Abbey。 The villa at Highgatecalled Ten Acres

Lodge; in allusion to the measurement of the grounds surrounding

the househad been kept in perfect order by the servants of the

late Lady Berrick; now in the employment of her nephew。

On the morning after their arrival at the villa; Stella sent a

note to her mother。 The same afternoon; Mrs。 Eyrecourt arrived at

Ten Acreson her way to a garden…party。 Finding the house; to

her great relief; a modern building; supplied with all the newest

comforts and luxuries; she at once began to plan a grand party;

in celebration of the return of the bride and bridegroom。

〃I don't wish to praise myself;〃 Mrs。 Eyrecourt said; 〃but if

ever there was a forgiving woman; I am that person。 We will say

no more; Stella; about your truly contemptible weddingfive

people altogether; including ourselves and the Lorings。 A grand

ball will set you right with society; and that is the one thing

needful。 Tea and coffee; my dear Romayne; in your study; Coote's

quadrille band; the supper from Gunter's; the grounds illuminated

with colored lamps; Tyrolese singers among the trees; relieved by

military musicand; if there _are_ any African or other savages

now in London; there is room enough in these charming grounds for

encampments; dances; squaws; scalps; and all the rest of it; to

end in a blaze of fireworks。〃

A sudden fit of coughing seized her; and stopped the further

enumeration of attractions at the contemplated ball。 Stella had

observed that her mother looked unusually worn and haggard;

through the disguises of paint and powder。 This was not an

uncommon result of Mrs。 Eyrecourt's devotion to the demands of

society; but the cough was something new; as a symptom of


〃I am afraid; mamma; you have been overexerting yourself;〃 said

Stella。 〃You go to too many parties。〃

〃Nothing of the sort; my dear; I am as strong as a horse。 The

other night; I was waiting for the carriage in a draught (one of

the most perfect private concerts of the season; ending with a

delightfully naughty little French play)and I caught a slight

cold。 A glass of water is all I want。 Thank you。 Romayne; you are

looking shockingly serious and severe; our ball will cheer you。

If you would only make a bonfire of all those horrid books; you

don't know how it would improve your spirits。 Dearest Stella; I

will come and lunch here to…morrowyou are within such a nice

easy drive from townand I'll bring my visiting…book; and settle

about the invitations and the day。 Oh; dear me; how late it is。 I

have nearly an hour's drive before I get to my garden party。

Good…by; my turtle doves good…by。〃

She was stopped; on the way to her carriage; by another fit of

coughing。 But she still persisted in making light of it。 〃I'm as

strong as a horse;〃 she repeated; as soon as she could speakand

skipped into the carriage like a young girl。

〃Your mother is killing herself;〃 said Romayne。

〃If I could persuade her to stay with us a little while;〃 Stella

suggested; 〃the rest and quiet might do wonders for her。 Would

you object to it; Lewis?〃

〃My darling; I object to nothingexcept giving a ball and

burning my books。 If your mother will yield on these two points;

my house is entirely at her disposal。〃

He spoke playfullyhe looked his best; since he had separated

himself from the painful associations that were now connected

with Vange Abbey。 Had 〃the torment of the Voice〃 been left far

away in Yorkshire? Stella shrank from approaching the subject in

her husband's presence; knowing that it must remind him of the

fatal duel。 To her surprise; Romayne himself referred to the

General's family。

〃I have written to Hynd;〃 he began。 〃Do you mind his dining with

us to…day?〃

〃Of course not!〃

〃I want to hear if he has anything to tell meabout those French

ladies。 He undertook to see them; in your absence; and to

ascertain〃 He was unable to overcome his reluctance to

pronounce the next words。 Stella was quick to understand what he

meant。 She finished the sentence for him。

〃Yes;〃 he said; 〃I wanted to hear how the boy is getting on; and

if there is any hope of curing him。 Is it〃 he trembled as he

put the question〃Is it hereditary madness?〃

Feeling the serious importance of concealing the truth; Stella

only replied that she had hesitated to ask if there was a taint

of madness in the family。 〃I suppose;〃 she added; 〃you would not

like to see the boy; and judge of his chances of recovery for


〃You suppose?〃 he burst out; with sudden anger。 〃You might be

sure。 The bare idea of seeing him turns me cold。 Oh; when shall I

forget! when shall I forget! Who spoke of him first?〃 he said;

with renewed irritability; after a moment of silence。 〃You or I?〃

〃It was my fault; lovehe is so harmless and so gentle; and he

has such a sweet faceI thought it might soothe you to see him。

Forgive me; we will never speak of him again。 Have you any notes

for me to copy? You know; Lewis; I am your secretary now。〃

So she led Romayne away to his study and his books。 When Major

Hynd arrived; she contrived to be the first to see him。 〃Say as

litt le as possible about the General's widow and her son;〃 she


The Major understood her。 〃Don't be uneasy; Mrs。 Romayne;〃 he

answered。 〃I know your husband well enough to know what you mean。

Besides; the news I bring is good news。〃

Romayne came in before he could speak more particularly。 When the

servants had left the room; after dinner; the Major made his


〃I am going to agreeably surprise you;〃 he began。 〃All

responsibility toward the General's family is taken off our

hands。 The ladies are on their way back to France。〃

Stella was instantly reminded of one of the melancholy incidents

associated with her visit to Camp's Hill。 〃Madame Marillac spoke

of a brother of hers who disapproved of the marriage;〃 she said。

〃Has he forgiven her?〃

〃That is exactly what he has done; Mrs。 Romayne。 Naturally

enough; he felt the disgrace of his sister's marriage to such a

man as the General。 Only the other day he heard for the first

time that she was a widowand he at once traveled to England。 I

bade them good…by yesterdaymost happily reunitedon their

journey home again。 Ah; I thought you would be glad; Mrs。

Romayne; to hear that the poor widow's troubles are over。 Her

brother is rich enough to place them all in easy

circumstanceshe is as good a fellow as ever lived。〃

〃Have you seen him?〃 Stella asked; eagerly。

〃I have been with him to the asylum。〃

〃Does the boy go back to France?〃

〃No。 We took the place by surprise; and saw for ourselves how

well conducted it was。 The boy has taken a strong liking to the

proprietora bright; cheerful old man; who is teachin

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