bleak house(凄凉的房子)-第6节
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of the place in Lincolnshire still upon her; “whether anything has
been done。”
“Nothing that you would call anything has been done today;”
replies Mr Tulkinghorn。
“Nor ever will be;” says my Lady。
Sir Leicester has no objection to an interminable Chancery suit。
It is a slow; expensive; British; constitutional kind of thing。 To be
sure; he has not a vital interest in the suit in question; her part in
which was the only property my Lady brought him; and he has a
shadowy impression that for his name—the name of Dedlock—to
be in a cause; and not in the title of that cause; is a most ridiculous
accident。 But he regards the Court of Chancery; even if it should
involve an occasional delay of justice and a trifling amount of
confusion; as a something; devised in conjunction with a variety of
other somethings; by the perfection of human wisdom; for the
eternal settlement (humanly speaking) of every thing。 And he is
upon the whole of a fixed opinion; that to give the sanction of his
countenance to any complaints respecting it; would be to
encourage some person in the lower classes to rise up
somewhere—like Wat Tyler。
“As a few fresh affidavits have been put upon the file;” says Mr
Tulkinghorn; “and as they are short; and as I proceed upon the
troublesome principle of begging leave to possess my clients with
any new proceedings in a cause;” cautious man Mr Tulkinghorn;
taking no more responsibility than necessary; “and further; as I
see you are going to Paris; I have brought them in my pocket。”
(Sir Leicester was going to Paris too; by…the…bye; but the delight
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of the fashionable intelligence was in his Lady。) Mr Tulkinghorn
takes out his papers; asks permission to place them on a golden
talisman of a table at my Lady’s elbow; puts on his spectacles; and
begins to read by the light of a shaded lamp。
“‘In Chancery。 Between John Jarndyce—’” My Lady interrupts;
requesting him to miss as many of the formal horrors as he can。
Mr Tulkinghorn glances over his spectacles; and begins again
lower down。 My Lady carelessly and scornfully abstracts her
attention。 Sir Leicester in a great chair looks at the fire; and
appears to have a stately liking for the legal repetitions and
prolixities; as ranging among the national bulwarks。 It happens
that the fire is hot; where my Lady sits; and that the hand…screen
is more beautiful than useful; being priceless but small。 My Lady;
changing her position; sees the papers on the table—looks at them
nearer—looks at them nearer still—asks impulsively:
“Who copied that?”
Mr Tulkinghorn stops short; surprised by my Lady’s animation
and her unusual tone。
“Is it what you people call law…hand?” she asks; looking full at
him in her careless way again; and toying with her screen。
“Not quite。 Probably”—Mr Tulkinghorn examines it as he
speaks—“the legal character it has; was acquired after the original
hand was formed。 Why do you ask?”
“Anything to vary this detestable monotony。 O; go on; do!”
Mr Tulkinghorn reads again。 The heat is greater; my Lady
screens her face。 Sir Leicester dozes; starts up suddenly; and cries
“Eh? what do you say?”
“I say I am afraid;” says Mr Tulkinghorn; who has risen hastily;
“that Lady Dedlock is ill。”
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“Faint;” my Lady murmurs; with white lips; “only that; but it is
like the faintness of death。 Don’t speak to me。 Ring; and take me to
my room!”
Mr Tulkinghorn retires into another chamber; bells ring; feet
shuffle and patter; silence ensues。 Mercury at last begs Mr
Tulkinghorn to return。
“Better now;” quoth Sir Leicester; motioning the lawyer to sit
down and read to him alone。 “I have been quite alarmed。 I never
knew my Lady swoon before。 But the weather is extremely
trying—and she really has been bored to death down at our place
in Lincolnshire。”
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Chapter 3
A Progress
have a great deal of difficulty in beginning to write my
portion of these pages; for I know I am not clever。 I always
knew that。 I can remember; when I was a very little girl
indeed; I used to say to my doll; when we were alone together;
“Now Dolly; I am not clever; you know very well; and you must be
patient with me; like a dear!” And so she used to sit propped up in
a great armchair; with her beautiful complexion and rosy lips;
staring at me—or not so much at me; I think; as at nothing—while
I busily stitched away; and told her every one of my secrets。
My dear old doll! I was such a shy little thing that I seldom
dared to open my lips; and never dared to open my heart; to
anybody else。 It almost makes me cry to think what a relief it used
to be to me; when I cam home from school of a day; to run upstairs
to my room; and say; “O you dear faithful Dolly; I knew you would
be expecting me!” and then to sit down on the floor; leaning on the
elbow of her great chair; and tell her all I had noticed since we
parted。 I had always rather a noticing way—not a quick way; O
no!—a silent way of noticing what passed before me; and thinking
I should like to understand it better。 I have not by any means a
quick understanding。 When I love a person very tenderly indeed;
it seems to brighten。 But even that may be my vanity。
I was brought up; from my earliest remembrance—like some of
the princesses in the fairy stories; only I was not charming—by my
godmother。 At least I only knew her as such。 She was a good; good
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woman! She went to church three times every Sunday; and to
morning prayers on Wednesdays and Fridays; and to lectures
whenever there were lectures; and never missed。 She was
handsome; and if she had ever smiled; would have been (I used to
think) like an angel—but she never smiled。 She was always grave
and strict。 She was so very good herself; I thought; that the
badness of other people made her frown all her life。 I felt so
different from her; even making every allowance for the
differences between a child and a woman; I felt so poor; so trifling;
and so far off; that I never could be unrestrained with her—no;
could never even love her as I wished。 It made me very sorry to
consider how good she was; and how unworthy of her I was; and I
used ardently to hope that I might have a better heart; and I talked
it over very often with the dear old doll; but I never loved my
godmother as I ought to have loved her; and as I felt I must have
loved her if I had been a better girl。
This made me; I dare say; more timid and retiring than I
naturally was; and cast me upon Dolly as the only friend with
whom I felt at ease。 But something happened when I was still
quite a little thing; that helped it very much。
I had never heard my mama spoken of。 I had never heard of my
papa either; but I felt more interested about my mama。 I had
never worn a black frock; that I could recollect。 I had never been
shown my mama’s grave。 I had never been told where it was。 Yet I
had never been taught to pray for any relation but my godm