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louisa of prussia and her times-第48节

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done for him。〃

〃Gratefully!〃 exclaimed Bonaparte; sarcastically。 〃There is no
gratitude on earth; and the Duke of Litalba is as ungrateful as the
rest of mankind。 I called him my friend。 Do you know how he has paid
me for it; and what he has said of me behind my back?〃

〃Oh; then; they have told you libels and made you angry again by
repeating to you the gossip of idle tongues?〃

〃They shall tell me every thingI want to know every thing!〃
retorted Bonaparte; violently。 〃I must know my friends and my
enemies。 And I believed Litalba to be my friend; I believed him when
he told me; with tears in his eyes; how much he was afflicted by my
departure; and how devotedly he loved me。 I believed him; and on the
same day he said at a public casino; 'Now at last our city will get
rid of this meteor that is able all alone to set fire to the whole
of Europe; and to spread the sparks of its revolutionary fire to the
most remote corners of the world。' 'Footnote: Ibid。; vol。 I。; p。
362。' He dared to call me a meteor; a shining nothing which after
lighting up the sky for a short while explodes and dissolves itself
into vapor。 I shall prove to him and to the whole world that I am
more than that; and if I kindle a fire in Europe; it shall be large
enough to burn every enemy of mine。〃

〃Your glory is the fire that will consume your enemies;〃 said
Josephine; eagerly。 〃You will not reply to their calumniesyour
deeds will speak for themselves。 Do not heed the voice of slander;
my Italian; listen only to the voice of your glory。 It will march
before you to France like a herald; it will fill all hearts with
enthusiasm; and all hearts will hail your arrival with rapturous
applauseyou; the victorious chieftain; the conqueror of Italy!〃

〃I will show you the herald I am going to send to…day to France; to
be presented there in my name by General Joubert to the Directory;〃
replied Bonaparte。 〃It is a herald whose mute language will be even
more eloquent than all the hymns of victory with which they may
receive me。 Wait here for a moment。 I shall be back directly。〃

He waved his hand to her and hastily left the room。 Josephine's eyes
followed him with an expression of tender admiration。 〃What a bold
mind; what a fiery heart!〃 she said; in a low voice。 〃Who will stem
the bold flight of this mind; who will extinguish the flames of this
heart? Who〃

The door opened; and Bonaparte returned; followed by several footmen
carrying a rolled…up banner。 When they had reached the middle of the
room; he took it from them and told them to withdraw。 As soon as the
door had closed behind them; he rapidly unrolled the banner so that
it floated majestically over his head。

〃Ah; that is the proud victor of the bridge of Arcole!〃 exclaimed
Josephine; enthusiastically。 〃Thus you must have looked when you
headed the column; rushing into the hail of balls and bullets; and
bearing the colors aloft in your right hand! Oh; Bonaparte; how
glorious you look under your glorious banner!〃

〃Do not look at me; but look at the banner;〃 he said。 〃Future
generations may some day take it for a monument from the fabulous
times of antiquity; and yet this monument contains nothing but the
truth。 The Directory shall hang up this banner in its hall; and if
it should try to deny or belittle my deeds; I shall point at the
banner which will tell every one what has been accomplished in Italy
by the French army and its general。〃

Josephine looked in silent admiration at the splendid banner。 It was
made of the heaviest white satin; trimmed with a broad border of
blue and white。 Large eagles; embroidered in gold; and decorated
with precious stones; filled the corners on both sides; warlike
emblems; executed by the most skilful painters; filled the inside of
the colored border; and inscriptions in large gold letters covered
the centre。

〃Read these inscriptions; Josephine;〃 said Bonaparte imperiously;
pointing at them with his uplifted arm。 〃It is a simple and short
history of our campaign in Italy。 Read aloud; Josephine; let me hear
from your lips the triumphal hymn of my army!〃

Josephine seized the gold cord hanging down from the banner and thus
kept it straight。 Bonaparte; proudly leaning against the gilt flag…
staff; which he grasped with both hands; listened smiling and with
flashing eyes to Josephine; who read as follows:

〃One hundred and fifty thousand prisoners; one hundred and seventy
stands of colors; five hundred and fifty siege…guns; six hundred
field…pieces; five pontoon parks; nine line…of…battle ships; of
sixty…four guns; twelve frigates of thirty…two guns; twelve
corvettes; eighteen galleys; armistice with the King of Sardinia;
treaty with Genoa; armistice with the Duke of Parma; armistice with
the King of Naples; armistice with the Pope; preliminaries of
Leoben; treaty of Montebello with the Republic of Genoa; treaty of
peace with the emperor at Campo Formio。〃

〃Liberty restored to the people of Bologna; Ferrara; Modena;
Massacarrara; of the Romagna; of Lombardy; Brescia; Bergamo; Mantua;
Cremona; Chiavenna; Bormio; and the Valtellino; further; to the
people of Genoa; to the vassals of the emperor; to the people of the
department of Corcyra; of the Aegean Sea and Ithaca。〃

〃Sent to Paris all the masterpieces of Michel Angelo; Guercino;
Titian; Paul Veronese; Correggio; Albarro; the two Carracci;
Raphael; and Leonardo da Vinci。〃 'Footnote: This wonderful banner
was hung up in the hall of the Directory while the members of the
latter were occupying the Luxemburg。 It afterward accompanied the
three consuls to the Tuileries; and was preserved there in the large
reception…room。 It is now in the 〃Dome des Invalides〃 in the chapel
containing the emperor's sarcophagus。'

〃Ah; my friend;〃 exclaimed Josephine; enthusiastically; 〃that is a
leaf from history which the storms of centuries will never blow

Bonaparte slowly lowered the banner until it almost covered the
floor and then he muttered gloomily: 〃Men are like leaves in the
wind; the wind blows the leaves to the ground; 'Footnote: Homer'
andbut no;〃 he interrupted himself; 〃I shall write my name on
every rock and every mountain in Europe; and fasten it there with
iron…clasps in such a manner that no winds shall blow it away! Oh;
footmen! come in; roll up the banner again; and put it back into the

The footmen hastened to obey; and took the banner away。 Bonaparte
turned again to his wife with a smile。

〃I promised you a few presents;〃 he said。 〃As yet I have given you
only the medals。 The best gift I have kept back。 Marmont sent me the
statue of the Holy Virgin which he removed from Loretto。〃

〃Then you have not fulfilled my urgent prayers!〃 said Josephine;
reproachfully。 〃Even the property of the Church and of the Holy
Father at Rome have not been safe from the hands of the conquerors!〃

〃That is the law of war;〃 said Bonaparte。 〃Woe to the places which
war touches on its bloody path! But you may reassure yourself;
Josephine。 I have only taken from the Holy Father these superfluous
things which he may easily spare。 I only took his plate; his
jewelry; and diamonds; thus reducing him to the simplicity of the
apostles; and I am sure the good old man will thank me for it。 I
have; moreover; only striven to promote the welfare of his soul by
doing so; and the Roman martyrologist some day will add his name to
the list of saints。 'Footnote: Le Normand; vol。 i。; p。 243。' The
jewels and the gold I sent to Paris; together with the statue of the
Madonna of Loretto; but I retained a few relics for you; Josephine。
See here the most precious one of them all!〃

He handed her a small paper; carefully folded up。 Josephine hastily
opened it and asked; in surprise〃A piece of black woollen cloth!
And that is a relic?〃

〃And a most precious one at that! It is Loretto's most priceless
treasure。 It is a piece of the gown of the Virgin Mary; in which she
was mourning for the Saviour。 'Footnote: Ibid。; vol。 i。; p。 245。'
Preserve this relic carefully; dear Josephine; and may it protect
you from danger and grief!〃 Josephine folded up the piece of cloth;
and opening a large locket hanging on her neck on a heavy gold
chain; she laid the cloth into it; and then closed the locket again。

〃That shall be the sanctuary of my relic;〃 she said。 〃I shall keep
it till I die。〃

〃Why do you speak of dying?〃 he exclaimed; almost indignantly。 〃What
have we to do with grim…death? We; to whom life has to fulfil and
offer so much! We shall return to Paris; and; if it please God; a
great future is awaiting us there!〃

〃If it please God; a happy future!〃 said Josephine; fervently。 〃Oh;
Bonaparte; how gladly I shall reenter our dear little house in the
Rue Chantereine; where we passed the first happy days of our love!〃

〃No; Josephine;〃 he exclaimed; impetuously; 〃that little house will
not be a fitting abode for the conqueror of Italy; I am no longer
the poor general who had nothing but his sword。 I return rich in
glory; and not poor as far as money is concerned。 I might have
easily appropriated the spoils amounting to many millions; but I
disdained the money of spoliation and bribery; and what little money
I have 

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