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tom swift & his submarine boat(汤姆·史威夫特和他的潜水艇)-第33节

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Government; as Tom said they might want to go after more treasure some 


     〃I must first deposit this gold;〃 said Mr。 Swift as the airship landed in 

front   of   the  shed   at   his   home。   〃It   won't   do   to   keep   it   in   the   house   over 

night; even if the Happy Harry gang is in jail。〃 

     Tom helped him take it to the bank。 As they were making perhaps the 

largest single deposit ever put in the institution; Ned Newton came out。 

     〃Well; Tom;〃 he cried to his chum; 〃it seems that you are never going 

to stop doing things。 You've conquered the air; the earth and the water。〃 

     〃What have you been doing while I've been under water; Ned?〃 asked 

the young inventor。 

     〃Oh; the same old thing。 Running errands and doing all sorts of work 

in the bank。〃 

     Tom   had   a   sudden   idea。   He   whispered   to   his   father   and   Mr。   Swift 

nodded。   A   little   later   he   was   closeted   with   Mr。   Prendergast;   the   bank 

president。 It was not long before Ned and Tom were called in。 

     〃I   have   some   good news   for   you;   Ned;〃 said   Mr。   Prendergast;   while 

Tom     smiled。    〃Mr。   Swift    erahemone      of  our   largest   depositors;    has 

spoken to me about you; Ned。 I find that you have been very faithful。 You 

are hereby appointed assistant cashier; and of course you will get a much 

larger salary。〃 


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       TOM SWIFT AND HIS SUBMARINE BOAT (or Under the Ocean for Sunken Treasure) 

     Ned     could   hardly    believe    it;  but  he   knew     then   what    Tom    had 

whispered to Mr。 Swift。 The wishes of a depositor who brings much gold 

bullion to a bank can hardly be ignored。 

     〃Come   on   out   and   have   some   soda;〃   invited   Tom;   and   when   Ned 

looked inquiringly at the president; the latter nodded an assent。 

     As   the   two   lads   were   crossing   the   street   to   a   drug   store;   something 

whizzed past them; nearly running them down。 

     〃What sort of an auto was that?〃 cried Tom。 

     〃That? Oh; that was Andy Foger's new car;〃 answered Ned。 〃He's been 

breaking the speed laws every day lately; but no one seems to bother him。 

It's because his father is rich; I suppose。 Andy says he has the fastest car 

ever built。〃 

     〃He has; eh?〃 remarked Tom; while a curious look came into his eyes。 

〃Well; maybe I can build one that will beat his。〃 

     And whether the young inventor did or not you can learn by reading 

the fifth volume of this series; to be called 〃Tom Swift and His Electric 

Runabout; Or; The Speediest Car on the Road。〃 

     〃Well; Tom; I certainly appreciate what you did for me in getting me a 

better    position;〃    remarked     Ned    as   they   left  the   drug   store。   〃I  was 

beginning to think I'd never get promoted。 Say; have you anything to do 

this evening? If you haven't; I wish you'd come over to my house。 I've got 

a lot of pictures I took while you were away。〃 

     〃Sorry; but I can't;〃 replied Tom。 

     〃Why; are you going to build another airship or submarine?〃 

     〃No;    but   I'm  going    to  see  Oh;   what    do   you   want   to  know     for; 

anyhow?〃 demanded the young inventor with a blush。 〃Can't a fellow go 

see a girl without being cross…questioned?〃 

     〃Oh;   of   course;〃   replied   Ned   with   a   laugh。   〃Give   Miss   Nestor   my 

regards;〃 and at this Tom blushed still more。 But; as he said; that was his 

own affair。 


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